Romana Blažević is currently on a four-week research exchange in Porto, Portugal, as a part of OpenInnoTrain project. The project focuses on open innovation and the translation of research results between academia and industry, and aims to enhance the potential of researchers in getting their research outcomes to the market. The core of OpenInnoTrain is to foster better opportunities for the collaboration between universities and industry and the translation of research results into products and services that will benefit society.
Romana is working with UPTEC - Science and Technology Park of University of Porto, which promotes the creation and development of projects in various fields through the exchange of knowledge between the university and the market. You can find an interview with Romana at UPTEC here.
She is continuously working on her research on trustworthy AI there, seeking input from industry partners for her future research and sharing her knowledge on the integration of such systems in environments where human lives are at stake (e.g., in the automotive domain).
März 2024
Nam Cao recently presented his paper “Geometric Data Augmentations to Mitigate Distribution Shifts in Pollen Classification from Microscopic Images” at the ICPADS’23 conference, which was part of the 2023 IEEE Cybermatics Congress in Ocean Flower Island (Hainan, China).
Nam’s work addresses the challenges faced by machine learning models when confronted with distribution shifts in the domain of automatic pollen identification from microscopic images. By introducing two novel geometric image augmentation techniques, he is able to significantly narrow the accuracy gap between the model performance on the train and test datasets. Details can be found in the pre-print version of the paper here.
Dezember 2023
Although the EU has stipulated that electronic devices like mobile phones, tablets, cameras, headphones, and portable game consoles must have a standardized USB-C connector by the end of 2024, there are considerable differences in charging times and data rates between the available USB-C versions. Futurezone, with the support of our colleague Markus Schuss, has therefore published an article on what you should consider when buying a charger and USB-C cable. Here is the full article.
Dezember 2023
We are pleased to announce that our colleague Fikret Bašić has been awarded the Hans List Fonds scholarship by AVL GmbH for the outstanding work on his dissertation on "Enabling Secure and Wireless Battery Management Systems". The work has been conducted as part of the EU KDT OPEVA project at the HW/SW-Codesign group under the guidance of Dr. Christian Steger. Congratulations to this success and all the best for your career as a PostDoc at our institute!
The Hans List Fonds scholarship was established with the goal of encouraging and supporting excellent graduates from all Styrian universities following the memories of the late AVL founder Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans List. Six scholarships are granted each year: two for master’s theses and four for dissertations, funded with 3000€ and 5000€ respectively. To apply for this scholarship, students have to write an essay explaining why their thesis is important in the areas of innovation, benefits to the environment, and usability. More information on the scholarship can be found here.
November 2023
On October 16, the closing ceremony of the Didaktik-Werkstatt – a series of didactic workshops organized by the Science Space Styria in collaboration with all Styrian universities – took place. It was a pleasure to hear that both Hannah Brunner and Fikret Bašić from our institute were among the three candidates from Graz University of Technology who received the certificate for successfully completing this year’s the didactics program. Congratulations!
In order to receive the certificate, it was necessary to successfully complete at least three different workshops and participate in an online discussion phase for three weeks concerning different didactics topics. The workshop topics are dynamic and change each year: in 2023, it was possible to expand the knowledge and skills by learning how to apply blended learning in modern classrooms, how to efficiently prepare exams, which methods are available to improve student engagement, which approaches to use for visualisation in teaching, how to train your voice, and more.
We would like to emphasize the importance of continuous training in university didactics, as tools and methods are constantly evolving and it is our responsibility to strive for the best learning outcomes for our students.
October 2023
The latest research results of ITI's LENS group were in the spotlight at the 20th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN'23) hosted in Rende, Italy.
Eight researchers from the Low-power Embedded Networked Systems (LENS) group have attended the conference and successfully presented several papers, posters, and live demonstrations.
In particular, BLoB and InSight were selected among the three best paper nominees, and BLoB ultimately received the best paper award!
September 2023
Olga Saukh‘s Mobile Computing Lab is one example of courses at ITI where students can really get creative: while working on their own programming project, students learn the basics required for developing innovative smartphone applications. This includes knowledge about signals and data that smartphones can gather, as well as the mathematical tools necessary to process the data, such as signal processing and machine learning.
A highlight of this year’s student demos is COFFECTLY by Theo Gasteiger: coffee enthusiasts will understand the importance of shot timing in the extraction of a perfect Espresso. COFFECTLY is a novel iOS application that enables automatic shot timing as well as coffee brand classification, based on acceleration measurements. You can find the videos of Theo’s and other student demos here.
Juli 2023
Auch in diesem Jahr nahmen zahlreiche ITI-Doktoranden am Otto-Nußbaumer-Workshop für Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie auf Schloss Retzhof teil, um ihre Arbeiten zu präsentieren, und wir freuen uns, dass auch in diesem Jahr wieder ein Doktorand unseres Instituts ausgezeichnet wurde: Herzlichen Glückwunsch an Elisabeth Salomon zum Gewinn des Best Poster Award!
April 2023
Congrats to Hannah Brunner and her colleagues for receiving the Best Paper Award at the International Workshop on Energy Harvesting & Energy-Neutral Sensing Systems (ENSsys'22) in Boston, USA. Link to the paper.
November 2022
Wir zeigen eine Auswahl erfolgreich abgeschlossener Projekte aus der Lehrveranstaltung "Mobile Computing Lab" im SS'22 an der TU Graz. Die Studierenden nutzten eine breite Palette von Smartphone-Sensorsignalen, trainierten und optimierten maschinelle Lernmodelle, entwarfen eine ansprechende Benutzeroberfläche und entwickelten schließlich nützliche und leistungsstarke Android-Apps. Meistens stammt die App-Idee von einem Studenten! Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu diesem fantastischen Ergebnis!
Juli 2022
This semester's PhD student seminar and the "First Otto Nußbaumer Workshop on Information and Communications Engineering" at Retzhof Castle (Bildungshaus Retzhof) ends with a great achievement: Leandro Ribeiro wins the best presentation award. Congratulations!
Thanks also to Prof. Gernot Kubin presenting the award.
You can download his presentation here.
April 2022
Für ein neues Doktoratsprogramm zu Verlässlichen Elektronik-basierten Systemen suchen wir fünf DissertantInnen. Link
November 2021
Am Institut für technische Informatik wird nicht nur auf international höchstem Niveau geforscht, sondern wartete zuletzt auch, beim TU Graz internen Fotowettbewerb „SciPix“, durch die Näherbringung der Forschung an ein breites Publikum auf. In der Kategorie „Publikums-Sieger*innen“ wurden die Fotos von Philipp Stelzer (1. Preis) und der Embedded Automotive Systems Group (2. Preis) von einem breiten Publikum zu den Plätzen 1 und 2 gestimmt. SciPix
1. Preis: Fail-Operational Umgebungswahrnehmungs-Plattform Es handelt sich hierbei um eine Plattform, die mit verschiedenen Sensoren zur Umgebungswahrnehmung ausgestattet ist. Mithilfe der Flash-LiDAR-Sensoren wurden Sicherheitskonzepte im Falle von auftretenden Störungen oder Systemausfällen geprüft und analysiert. Hardware/Software Codesign
2. Preis: Das "Metamorphic Spinning Wheel" zeichnet ein Bild Das "Spinning Wheel" basiert auf einer rotierenden Reihe von LEDs. Die EAS-Gruppe hat sowohl den Prozessor als auch das Betriebssystem entwickelt. Der Forschungsschwerpunkt liegt auf rekonfigurierbarer Hardware und modularer Software, die beide während des Betriebs aktualisiert werden können. Embedded Automotive Systems
October 2021
Großer Erfolg des ITI bei IEEE DCOSS'21. NES-ForscherInnen wurden mit den Best Paper Award bei der Hauptkonferenz und beim UrbCom'21 Worskhop ausgezeichnet.
Link zur Konferenz
Link zum Workshop
July 2021