EU - TRIREME - Digital and Green Skills Towards Future of the Mobility Ecosystem

The Mobility-Transport-Automotive Ecosystem will belong to the most visible ones to demonstrate the transition of the European economy towards a green and digital economy. Automotive-Mobility is one of the major industries in Europe. The twin transformation the European society and economy is facing will change the landscape of key actors. This will be further strengthened by strong interlinkages between different players in the ecosystem – from automotive value chain, IT sector and different applications, new energy carriers in the transportation as well as to new applications around services, logistics, interconnectivity or connected and automated vehicles.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Georg Macher
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. BSc MBA
  • European Commission - Europäische Kommission, EU
Externe Partner
  • Mobinov – Associação do Cluster Automóvel
  • Asociación HETEL
  • Automotive Skills Alliance, ASA
  • Vysoká škola NEWTON, a.s.
  • Vysoká škola báňská - Technická univerzita Ostrava, VŠB
  • Univerza v Mariboru
  • National Antarctic Scientific Center of Ukraine, UAC
  • Chalmers Tekniska Högskola, CTH
  • Budapesti Muszaki es Gazdasagtudomanyi Egyetem, International and Scientific Section, BME
  • CLEPA - Association Européenne des Fournisseurs Automobiles
  • CECRA aisbl - European Council for Motor Trades and Repairs
  • CEEMET - Council of European Employers of the Metal, Engineering and Technology-based Industries
  • ATEC – Associação de Formação para a Indústria
  • Asociatia Transilvania IT
  • Asociatia pentru Promovarea Tehnologiei Electronice, APTE
  • Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini SRL SB
  • UCRS - UddannelsesCenter Ringkøbing Skjern
  • SERNAUTO - Asociación Española de Proveedores de Automoción
  • European Tyre & Rubber Manufacturers’ Association, ETRMA
Beginn: 29.02.2024
