Nico Nys

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About me

Born in Gmunden (Upper Austria), I decided to join the Austrian armed forces and undergo the “Einjährig Freiwilligen Ausbildung” after my A-Levels in 2013. In 2014 I joined the militia, where I am currently serving as militia officer. After my time at the Austrian armed forces I moved to Linz, where I started my studies at the Johannes Kepler University. I graduated in May 2020 with Diploma/Master in the field of “Chemistry and Chemical Technology “. In summer 2020 I moved to Graz and enrolled as a Ph.D. student to join the research group of Prof. Heidrun Gruber-Wölfler at the Institute of Process and Particle Engineering.

Research interests

The focus of my Ph.D. project is the development of laboratory scale continuous crystallizers. Since processes for inorganic salts with large production volumes have been implemented in industry, downscaling and adapting such processes for applications in the production of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API´s) should be investigated.


For particle characterization tools like QICPIC (particle size distribution), BET (surface area) and HPLC (substance purity) will be used.

The reactors for crystallization will be produced using additive manufacturing (3D-printing) methods. 
