Kai Rüdele and Christian Ramsauer
Carbon Intensities as Reference Values for Eco-Efficient Production to Compare Companies in the Automotive Industry
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Kai Rüdele, Matthias Wolf and Christian Ramsauer
Synergies and trade-offs between ecological and productivity-enhancing measures in industrial production – a systematic review
Management of Environmental Quality
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Atacan Ketenci and Matthias Wolf
Advancing energy efficiency in SMEs: A case study-based framework for non-energy-intensive manufacturing companies
Cleaner Environmental Systems
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Marion Unegg, Christian Ramsauer, Hans Peter Schnöll, Patrick Herstätter, Andreas Franz Kohlweiss and Zora Bujan The choice of materials in makerspaces - demonstrating its impact on sustainability7th International Symposium on Academic makerspaces ISAM 2023
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Marion Unegg, Zora Bujan, Hans Peter Schnöll, Patrick Herstätter, Andreas Franz Kohlweiss and Christian Ramsauer
The choice of materials in makerspaces
International Journal of Academic Makerspaces and Making
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Christian Ramsauer, Maria Ursula Hulla, Matthias Wolf and Kai Rüdele Best Practice Example 19: LEAD Factory at IIM, TU Graz, AustriaLearning Factories486-491
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Christian Ramsauer, Kai Rüdele, Matthias Wolf and Markus Hammer Experiences from 10 years LEAD Factory and a Roadmap for the Next DecadeLearning Factories of the Future - Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Learning Factories 20243-12
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Philipp Rouschal, Philipp Schwarzl, Matthias Wolf, Maria Ursula Hulla and Christian Ramsauer Towards a Learning Factory-Based Training for SMEs for Flexible Assembly PlanningLearning Factories of the Future - Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Learning Factories 2024294-301
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Patrick Herstätter, Matthias Wolf, Marvin Rantschl and Christian Ramsauer Complementing Learning Factories with Virtual Reality Technology – Examination and Summary of Practical ApplicationsLearning Factories of the Future55-62
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Kai Rüdele, Markus Hammer and Matthias Wolf Resource Productivity Taught Well: How Learning Factories Can Support Knowledge Transfer on a Multifaceted SubjectLearning Factories of the Future36-44
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Jonas Barth, Nada Ruzicic, Mark Menenga, Vasiliki Panagiotopoulou, Matthias Wolf, Ricardo Vega Ayroa, Massoud Sattari, Gesine Köppe, Astrid Weyand, Stefan Seyfried, Jeff Mangers, Sebastian Thiede, Jan Felix Niemeyer, Zahra Ghazanfarpour, Natalie Petrusch, Joachim Metternich, Matthias Weigold, Christoph Hermann, Vera Hummel, Anja Braun and Panagiotis Stravropoulos Development of an IALF Overarching Learning Module for Circular EconomyLearning Factories of the Future366-373
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Kai Rüdele, Thomas Streßler and Christian Ramsauer Circular Economy in Learning Factories using the Example of Transfer MoldingLearning Factories of the Future - Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Learning Factories 2024349-357
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Daniel Gutmann, Heimo Preising, Kai Rüdele and Matthias Wolf
The Role of Discrete Event Simulation for Assembly Planning
Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb
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Heimo Preising, Daniel Gutmann and Matthias Wolf Application of Logistics Simulations for Scaling Up a Semiconductor Pilot Line: A Case StudyProceedings of the CPSL 2024563-572
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Matthias Wolf, Kai Rüdele and Christian Ramsauer Carbon Footprint Management in Austrian SMEs: Strategies, Mitigation Measures, Challenges, and Case StudiesProceedings of the Conference on Production Systems and Logistics676-686
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Kai Rüdele and Matthias Wolf
Industrial management meets environmental reporting – how a learning factory for engineering education is used to teach accounting of greenhouse gas emissions
International journal of sustainability in higher education
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Kai Rüdele and Matthias Wolf
Identification and Reduction of Product Carbon Footprints: Case Studies from the Austrian Automotive Supplier Industry
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Patrick Herstätter and Maria Hulla
Steigerung digitaler Kompetenzen in Virtual Reality
Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb
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Atacan Ketenci, Maximilan Gotthard and Matthias Wolf
Integration modularer Produktstrukturen in die Fabrikplanung
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Kai Rüdele, Maria Ursula Hulla, Patrick Herstätter and Christian Ramsauer Improving the gamification of an enterprise learning factory to raise awareness for services13th Conference on Learning Factories (CLF 2023)
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Marion Unegg, Mariana Rivera-Aguilar, Karl W. Steininger and Christian Ramsauer
Assessing the environmental impact of waste management: a comparative study of CO2 emissions with a focus on recycling and incineration
Journal of Cleaner Production
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Matthias Wolf, Kai Rüdele, Atacan Ketenci and Christian Ramsauer Design of a teaching module for the determination of carbon footprints at learning factory assembly lines13th Conference on Learning Factories (CLF 2023)
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Marvin Rantschl, Martina Miskovic, Kai Rüdele, Maria Ursula Hulla and Christian Ramsauer Extension of the LEAD Factory to address Industry 5.013th Conference on Learning Factories (CLF 2023)
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Maria Ursula Hulla, Patrick Herstätter, Michael Holly, Sandra Brettschuh, Johanna Pirker, Matthias Wolf and Christian Ramsauer Interdisciplinary communication training in a learning factory environment to enforce the digital transformation in producing SMEsProceedings of the 13th Conference on Learning Factories1-6
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Patrick Herstätter, Andreas Franz Kohlweiss, Marion Unegg, Hans Peter Schnöll and Christian Ramsauer SpInnovation: Fostering Entrepreneurship in Makerspaces by connecting students with unexploited university patents
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Lukas Mitterlehner, Yasmin Li and Matthias Wolf
Objective and subjective evaluation of a passive low-back exoskeleton during simulated logistics tasks
Wearable Technologies
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Heimo Preising, Matthias Wolf and Christian Ramsauer
Effektive Planung einer Kapazitätserweiterung ind der Halbleiterindustrie
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Marion Unegg, Hans Peter Schnöll, Christian Ramsauer, Patrick Herstätter and Andreas Franz Kohlweiss Leveraging the principles of open innovation: an approach towards sustainability in companies20th Open and User Innovation Conference. Book of Abstracts105
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Kai Rüdele, Markus Hammer, Matthias Wolf and Christian Ramsauer
Ressourcenproduktivität und Industrie 4.0 in der LEAD Factory
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Matthias Wolf, Lukas Mitterlehner and Christian Ramsauer Training module on the implementation and human-centered evaluation of industrial exoskeletonsProceedings of the 13th Conference on Learning Factories (CLF 2023)
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Matthias Wolf, Matthias Dilena, Michael Spitzhirn and Christian Ramsauer Development of a Training Module for Virtual Workplace Design and Evaluation in the LEAD FactoryProceedings of the 13th Conference on Learning Factories (CLF 2023)
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Matthias Wolf, Marvin Rantschl, Elias Franziskus Detlef Auberger, Heimo Preising, Andrea Sbaragli, Francesco Pilati and Christian Ramsauer Real Time Locating Systems for Human Centered Production Planning and Monitoring14th IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems IMS 2022366-371
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Patrick Herstätter, Maria Ursula Hulla and Christian Ramsauer DigiCompGlass
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Maria Ursula Hulla, Patrick Herstätter and Christian Ramsauer Voladigital - Endbericht
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Atacan Ketenci, Matthias Wolf, Kai Rüdele and Christian Ramsauer Impact analysis of a teaching module in a learning factory environment regarding energy efficiency potentialsProceedings of the Conference on Learning Factories (CLF) 20221-6
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Astrid Weyand, Sebastian Thiede, Jeff Mangers, Peter Plapper, Atacan Ketenci, Matthias Wolf, Vasiliki Panagiotopoulou, Panagiotis Stavropoulos, Gesine Köppe, Thomas Gries and Matthias Weigold Sustainability and Circular Economy in Learning Factories – Case StudiesProceedings of the 12th International Conference on Learning Factories (2022)
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Maria Ursula Hulla, Kai Rüdele, Patrick Herstätter and Christian Ramsauer How to implement IoT in an assembly line – A training module to support the digital transformation in SMEsProceedings of the 12th Conference on Learning Factories (CLF 2022)1-6
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Maria Ursula Hulla, Patrick Herstätter, Elma Alexandra Sadaj and Christian Ramsauer Procedure Model for the Configuration of Learning Factory-Based Training Modules to Promote the Digital Transformation in SMEsProceedings of the 12th Conference on Learning Factories (CLF 2022)1-6
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Oliver Moerth-Teo, Gernot Schlögl, Muaaz Abdul-Hadi, Markus Brillinger, Martin Weinzerl and Christian Ramsauer
Production Resource Flexibility Assessment
Management and Production Engineering Review
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Marion Unegg, Hans Peter Schnöll, Patrick Herstätter, Andreas Franz Kohlweiss and Christian Ramsauer Awareness building regarding sustainability in a student-driven product development project
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Sandra Brettschuh, Michael Holly, Maria Hulla, Patrick Herstätter and Johanna Pirker Virtual Reality in Small and Medium-Sized EnterprisesProceedings - 2022 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops, VRW 2022502-507
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Matthias Wolf, Atacan Ketenci, Christian Ramsauer and Markus Haidenbauer
Anwendung von Energieflussanalysen zur Reduktion der produktionsbedingten CO2 Emissionen
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Andreas Franz Kohlweiss, Christian Ramsauer, Hans Peter Schnöll, Marion Unegg and Patrick Herstätter Identifying Effects of Integrating Academic Makerspaces into Open Innovation CooperationsProceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Academic Makerspaces
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Kai Rüdele, Atacan Ketenci, Matthias Wolf and Christian Ramsauer
Lehrmodul Energieeffizienz in der LEAD Factory am Institut für Innovation und Industrie Management
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Patrick Herstätter, Christian Ramsauer, Hans Peter Schnöll, Andreas Franz Kohlweiss and Marion Unegg Extended reality to support product development in makerspaces
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Matthias Wolf, Atacan Ketenci, Astrid Weyand, Matthias Weigold and Christian Ramsauer
Learning factories and sustainable engineering: Competencies for students and industrial workforce
IEEE Engineering Management Review
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Maria Ursula Hulla, Patrick Herstätter, Daniela Moser, Harald Burgsteiner and Christian Ramsauer
Design von Trainings in Lernfabriken und Makerspaces für KMUs in der digitalen Transformation
didacticum, Zeitschrift für (Fach)Didaktik in Forschung und Unterricht
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Simon Röhrenbacher, Oliver Mörth-Teo, Lukas Schwarz, Hans Peter Schnöll and Christian Ramsauer Product Cost Estimation in the early Development Phases – The Case of Powertrain Systems and Battery Packs
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Maria Ursula Hulla, Patrick Herstätter, Daniela Moser, Harald Burgsteiner and Christian Ramsauer Competency Models for the Digital Transformation and Digitalization in European SMEs and Implications for Vocational Training in Learning Factories and MakerspacesTrends in vocational education and training research98-107
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Oliver Mörth-Teo, Felix Weger and Christian Ramsauer
Design for Agile Manufacturing: Product Design Principles that Enhance Agile Manufacturing of Powertrain Systems
Journal of Industrial and Intelligent Information
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Matthias Wolf, Christian Ramsauer and Markus Haidenbauer
Methodik zur Erstellung einer CO2-Bilanz der Orasis Industries Holding GmbH
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Matthias Josef Eder, Maria Ursula Hulla, Felix Auer and Christian Ramsauer Interactive Teaching Concept for a Data Analytics Workshop in Learning FactoriesProceedings of the Conference on Learning Factories (CLF) 2021
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Atacan Ketenci, Matthias Josef Eder, Markus Ritter and Christian Ramsauer Scenario-based Simulation for Energy Optimization in Learning Factory EnvironmentsProceedings of the Conference on Learning Factories (CLF) 20211-6
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Matthias Josef Eder, Michael Spitzer, Matthias Hebenstreit and Christian Ramsauer Development and Evaluation of a Mixed Reality Assistance System in the Context of Manual AssemblyProceedings of the Conference on Learning Factories (CLF) 2021
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Andreas Lukas, Oliver Moerth-Teo, Lukas Schwarz, Hans Peter Schnöll, Matthias Wolf and Christian Ramsauer
Agile Powertrain Development: Considerations to Incorporate Agile Principles
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Christoph Kirschner, Oliver Moerth-Teo and Christian Ramsauer
Zukunftsperspektive von Lithium-Ionen-Batteriepacks
Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb
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Christian Ramsauer
Im Trainingslabor zur digitalen Transformation
Der Spiegel. Sonderheft
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Elma Alexandra Sadaj, Maria Ursula Hulla, Patrick Herstätter and Christian Ramsauer Corporate Learning Factories – Benefits, Challenges, and Success Factors of Learning Factories in IndustryProceedings of the Conference on Learning Factories (CLF) 20211-6
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Christian Ramsauer and Maria Ursula Hulla
Digitalisierungs-Kompetenz durch Lernfabriken
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Sandra Maria Siedl, Matthias Wolf and Martina Mara Exoskeletons in the supermarketHRI 2021 - Companion of the 2021 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction397-401
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Maria Ursula Hulla and Christian Ramsauer
Competencies in Production in SMEs in Assembly Industries in a Digital, Volatile Business Environment
Tehnički Glasnik
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Maria Ursula Hulla, Patrick Herstätter, Daniela Moser, Harald Burgsteiner and Christian Ramsauer Konzeption eines Trainings in einer Lernfabrikumgebung für KMUs in einer digitalen, volatilen Geschäftswelt
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Matthias Hebenstreit, Michael Spitzer, Matthias Josef Eder and Christian Ramsauer An Industry 4.0 Production Workplace Enhanced by Using Mixed Reality Assembly Instructions with Microsoft HoloLens
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Oliver Mörth-Teo, Lukas Schwarz and Christian Ramsauer Design for Lifecycle-Flexibility: Design objectives that enhance coping with uncertainties throughout product lifecyclesProceedings of the 9th International Conference on Through-life Engineering Services1-8
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Maria Ursula Hulla
International Conference on Learning Factories 2020
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Matthias Wolf and Sandra Siedl
Exoskelette und Demographie
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Matthias Wolf Counteracting demographic challenges in industrial blue-collar work
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Oliver Mörth, Christos Emmanouilidis, Norbert Hafner and Michael Schadler
Cyber-Physical Systems for Performance Monitoring in Production Intralogistics
Computers & Industrial Engineering
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Andreas Franz Kohlweiss, Elias Franziskus Detlef Auberger, Atacan Ketenci and Christian Ramsauer Integration of a teardown approach at Graz University of Technology´s LEAD Factory
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Patrick Herstätter, Thomas Wildbolz, Maria Ursula Hulla and Christian Ramsauer Data acquisition to enable Research, Education and Training in Learning Factories and Makerspaces10th Conference on Learning Factories, CLF2020289-294
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Oliver Mörth, Maria Ursula Hulla and Christian Ramsauer
Erfolgsfaktor Agilität in der digitalen Transformation
Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb
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Matthias Josef Eder, Maria Ursula Hulla, Felizian Mast and Christian Ramsauer On the application of Augmented Reality in a learning factory working environment Learning Factories across the value chain – from innovation to service – 10th Conference on Learning Factories 20207-12
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Matthias Josef Eder, Atacan Ketenci, Elias Franziskus Detlef Auberger, Maximilian Gotthard and Christian Ramsauer Integration of low-cost digital energy meters in learning factory assembly linesLearning Factories across the value chain – from innovation to service – The 10th Conference on Learning Factories 2020202-207
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Oliver Mörth, Matthias Josef Eder, Lukas Holzegger and Christian Ramsauer IoT-based monitoring of environmental conditions to improve the production performance Learning Factories across the value chain – from innovation to service – 10th Conference on Learning Factories 2020283-288
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Learning Factories across the value chain – from innovation to service – The 10th Conference on Learning Factories 2020
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Maria Ursula Hulla, Hugo Daniel Karre, Markus Hammer and Christian Ramsauer A Teaching Concept Towards Digitalization at the LEAD Factory of Graz University of TechnologyThe Challenges of the Digital Transformation in Education - Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning ICL2018 - Volume 2393-402
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Sascha Josef Gotthardt, Maria Ursula Hulla, Matthias Josef Eder, Hugo Daniel Karre and Christian Ramsauer Digitalized milk-run system for a learning factory assembly lineResearch. Experience. Education. 9th Conference on Learning Factories 2019 (CLF 2019), Braunschweig, Germany175-179
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Maria Ursula Hulla, Markus Hammer, Hugo Daniel Karre and Christian Ramsauer A Case Study based Digitalization Training for Learning FactoriesResearch. Experience. Education. 9th Conference on Learning Factories 2019 169-174
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Matthias Josef Eder, Maria Ursula Hulla, Sascha Josef Gotthardt, Hugo Daniel Karre and Christian Ramsauer Digitalisierung eines Milkruns
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Oliver Mörth, Christos Emmanouilidis, Norbert Hafner and Michael Schadler Implementierung eines Cyber-physischen Systems in der Intralogistik
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Hugo Daniel Karre, Markus Hammer and Christian Ramsauer Building capabilities for agility in a learning factory settingProcedia Manufacturing
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Elias Franziskus Detlef Auberger, Hugo Daniel Karre and Christian Ramsauer Introduction of a new product in an operating assembly process at Graz University of Technology´s LEAD FactoryResearch. Experience. Education. 9th Conference on Learning Factories 2019 (CLF 2019), Braunschweig, Germany103-108
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Matthias Josef Eder, Michael Reip and Gerald Steinbauer Using Particle Filter and Machine Learning for Accuracy Estimation of Robot LocalizationAdvances and Trends in Artificial Intelligence. From Theory to Practice700-713
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Finn Rieken, Thomas Böhm, Mareike Heinzen and Mirko Meboildt
Corporate makerspaces as innovation driver in companies: a literature review-based framework
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
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Patrick Herstätter, Hans Peter Schnöll and Christian Ramsauer Product Innovation Project: Experiences and Learnings from 13 Years of Making at Academic Makerspaces
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Christian Ramsauer PHABLABS 4.0 – Motivating young students to choose a STEM career via hands-on workshop experiences
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Andreas Franz Kohlweiss, Hans Peter Schnöll and Christian Ramsauer Barriers and Need for Action to Enforce Cooperation of Maker, Industry and Research @ Academic Makerspaces
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Andreas Franz Kohlweiss, Stefan Seidel and Michael Rotpart
Herausforderungen für Additive Fertigung in High-Performance Märkten
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Alexander Pointner Synchronizing Production Capacity with Market Demand Upswings in a Lean Production System
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Hugo Daniel Karre, Markus Hammer and Christian Ramsauer Learn how to cope with volatility in operations at Graz University of Technology’s LEAD FactoryProcedia Manufacturing15-20
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Maria Ursula Hulla, Mario Kleindienst and Christian Ramsauer
Digitalisierung in der Luftfahrtindustrie
Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb
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Patrick Herstätter Assisted Process Assurance and Documentation in a Small Batch Assembly of Racing Parts
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Hans Peter Schnöll, Thomas Wildbolz and Christian Ramsauer Enforcing Innovation across Maker, Industry and Research Using Capabilities of (Academic) Makerspaces
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Andreas Franz Kohlweiss Kostenanalyse und Funktionsoptimierung einer industriellen Schredderanlage
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Lukas Hofstätter, Norbert Enzinger, Matthias Helmut Friessnig and Christopher Alois Wiednig
Wirtschaftlicher Vergleich des Elektronenstrahlschweißprozesses mit Metallaktivgas Schweißen und mögliche Betreibermodelle
Schweiss- & Prüftechnik
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Christian Rabitsch Strategisch - Das richtige Maß an AgilitätErfolgsfaktor Agilität127-160
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Martin Kremsmayr Unsicher - Auswirkungen einer veränderten WeltErfolgsfaktor Agilität33-76
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Alexander Pointner Vorbereitet - Anwendung der AgilitätsstellhebelErfolgsfaktor Agilität201-238
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Matthias Wolf, Mario Kleindienst, Christian Ramsauer, Clemens Zierler and Ernst Winter Current and future industrial challenges: Demographic change and measures for elderly workers in industry 4.0 Management of Technology Step to Sustainable Production: Conference Proceedings
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Thomas Böhm Corporate Makerspaces - Roles, Effects and Success Factors
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Tomaz Berlec, Mario Kleindienst, Christian Rabitsch and Christian Ramsauer
Methodology to Facilitate Successful Lean Implementation
Strojniški Vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering
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Hugo Daniel Karre, Markus Hammer, Mario Kleindienst and Christian Ramsauer Transition towards an Industry 4.0 state of the LeanLab at Graz University of TechnologyProcedia Manufacturing206-213
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Markus Hammer, Ken Somers, Hugo Daniel Karre and Christian Ramsauer Profit Per Hour as a Target Process Control Parameter for Manufacturing Systems Enabled by Big Data Analytics and Industry 4.0 InfrastructureProcedia CIRP715-720
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Markus Hammer, Hugo Daniel Karre and Christian Ramsauer RESOURCE-PRODUCTIVE OPERATIONS – HOW LEAN, GREEN AND CONSTRAINT MANAGEMENT APPROACHES BLEND TOGETHERManagement of Technology Step to Sustainable Production
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Alexander Pointner, Nils-Christian Böhnke and Christian Ramsauer
Produktgestaltung als Stellhebel in der agilen Produktion
Industrie 4.0 Management
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Nils-Christian Böhnke, Alexander Pointner and Christian Ramsauer
Supply-Chain-Strategien im Zeitalter von VUCA
Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb
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Thomas Böhm, Christian Ramsauer and Matthias Helmut Friessnig The role of academic Makerspaces in product creation
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Dominik Wiltsche, Matthias Schurig, Christian Rabitsch and Christian Ramsauer Key characteristics of agility in manufacturingMOTSP 2016 - Book of Abstracts19
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Wiltsche Dominik, Matthias Schurig, Christian Rabitsch and Christian Ramsauer Key characteristics of agility in manufacturingProceedings International Conference Management of Technology – Step to Sustainable Production1-10
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Thomas Böhm, Hugo Daniel Karre, Matthias Helmut Friessnig and Christian Ramsauer Expectations of Established Companies on Digital Fabrication LaboratoriesManagement of Technology Step to Sustainable Production27
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Thomas Böhm, Hugo Daniel Karre, Matthias Helmut Friessnig and Christian Ramsauer Expectations of Established Companies on Digital Fabrication LaboratoriesManagement of Technology Step to Sustainable Production
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Thomas Böhm Expectations of Established Companies on Digital Fabrication Laboratories
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Matthias Helmut Friessnig “product innovation project” and FabLab Graz as elements of a hardware accelerator to boost innovation in startups
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Mario Kleindienst, Matthias Wolf, Christian Ramsauer, Ernst Winter and Clemens Zierler Demographic Change and its Implications for Ergonomic StandardizationBook of Proceedings of the 6th International Ergonomics Conference179-188
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Hugo Daniel Karre, Thomas Böhm, Matthias Helmut Friessnig and Christian Ramsauer Academic teaching at digital fabrication laboratories in the field of mechanical engineeringEDULEARN16 Proceedings8844 - 8853
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Christian Ramsauer and Christian Rabitsch Agile Produktion - Ein Produktionskonzept für gesteigerten Unternehmenserfolg in volatilen ZeitenIndustrial Engineering und Management64-81
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Hugo Daniel Karre Academic teaching at digital fabrication laboratories in the field of mechanical engineering
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Alexander Pointner, Farouq Halawa and Christian Ramsauer Reinforcing Lean Production through Agility AspectsMOTSP 2016 - Book of Abstracts
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Alexander Pointner, Farouq Halawa and Christian Ramsauer Reinforcing Lean Production through Agility AspectsProceedings International Conference Management of Technology – Step to Sustainable Production
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Mario Kleindienst and Matthias Wolf
Produktion der Zukunft im Umbruch
TU Graz Research
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Christian Ramsauer and Matthias Helmut Friessnig Einfluss der Maker Movement auf die Forschung und EntwicklungIndustrial Engineering und Management43-62
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Mario Kleindienst, Matthias Wolf, Christian Ramsauer and Viktoria Pammer-Schindler Industry 4.0: What workers need and what ICT can give - an analysis
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Thomas Böhm and Matthias Helmut Friessnig A new makerspace in Graz to boost innovation in startups
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Christian Ramsauer
Im Handumdrehen ein Prototyp
Business Monat - das Magazin für Wirtschaft, Nachhaltigkeit & Genuss
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Alexander Pointner Reinforcing Lean Production
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Matthias Helmut Friessnig Development of an Educational Program Using Capabilities of (Academic) Makerspaces
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Matthias Helmut Friessnig, Hugo Daniel Karre, Hans Peter Schnöll and Christian Ramsauer Development of an educational program using capabilities of (academic) makerspacesProceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Academic Makerspaces53 - 57
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Matthias Helmut Friessnig Development of a context specific workshop-based education concept grounded on a study of commonalities and differences between Fab Labs in Europe and the USA
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Mario Hirz, Helmut Brunner, Andreas Wurzer and Hans Peter Schnöll The Influence of Product Life Cycle Evaluation on Lightweight DesignFISITA World Automotive Congress 2016 - Congress Proceedings
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Mario Hirz, Alexander Pointner and Anne Deketele The FSI –an Example for Successful University –Industry CollaborationINTED Conference 2016
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Thomas Böhm How maker spaces boost the innovative capability of established companies
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Martin Kremsmayr and Christian Ramsauer
On the application of agility principles in ramp-up management: Approaching the challenges in the high-end powder metallurgy industry
Procedia CIRP
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Mario Kleindienst and Christian Ramsauer
SMEs and Industry 4.0
Athens Journal of Business & Economics
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Martin Kranawetter, Alexander Pointner and Christian Fellner
Optimierung von Zweitanläufen beim Auftragsfertiger in der Automobilindustrie
Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb
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Christian Rabitsch and Christian Ramsauer Towards a management approach for implementing agility in the manufacturing industryMOTSP 2015 - Book of Abstracts22-22
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Thomas Böhm, Matthias Helmut Friessnig and Christian Ramsauer A FABLAB AS PART OF A NEW KIND OF BUSINESS INCUBATOR FOR HARDWARE STARTUPSProceedings FAB 1115-23
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Mario Kleindienst and Christian Ramsauer SMEs and Industry 4.0 – Introducing a KPI based Procedure Model to identify Focus Areas in Manufacturing IndustryATINER'S Conference Paper Series3-17
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Thomas Böhm
Österreichweit erster Harvard Case Study Room für zukunftsweisende Managementausbildung an der TU Graz eröffnet
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Stefan Heldmann, Christian Rabitsch and Christian Ramsauer
Big Data-basiertes Monitoring
Industrie 4.0 Management
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Matthias Helmut Friessnig and Thomas Böhm A FabLab as part of a new kind of business incubator for Hardware Startups
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Matthias Helmut Friessnig, Mario Kleindienst, Christian Ramsauer and Thomas Urch
Laserschmelzverfahren in der automobilen Zulieferindustrie
Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb
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Matthias Helmut Friessnig and Thomas Böhm FabLab Graz - A open high-tech prototyping laboratory at Graz University of Technology
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Matthias Helmut Friessnig and Thomas Böhm Making FabLabs smart through sensors and Big Data analysis
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Thomas Böhm and Matthias Helmut Friessnig FSI Extension 4th Floor - Establishment of a new Makerspace at TU Graz
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Matthias Helmut Friessnig and Thomas Böhm Making FabLabs smart through sensors and Big Data analysis
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Thomas Böhm
Schüler entwickeln leuchtenden Scooter
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Thomas Böhm LeanLab - Hands-on training in the learning factory
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Thomas Böhm and Matthias Helmut Friessnig Sensorintegration und Big Data Analysen bei Rapid Prototyping Maschinen
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Matthias Helmut Friessnig and Thomas Böhm How to set up a FabLab as a business incubator for Hardware Startups
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Thomas Böhm and Matthias Helmut Friessnig Innovation at FabLab Graz
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Thomas Böhm and Matthias Helmut Friessnig How to Make (Almost) Anything - A Concept to Enhance the Maker Movement at Graz University of Technology
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Thomas Böhm and Klaus Fronius
Energieverfügbarkeit für Jedermann
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Thomas Böhm Sparkling Scooter
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Mario Kleindienst, Markus Pröll and Hannes Zeininger
Assistenzsysteme als Problemlöser der Produktion - Innovative Technologien zur Optimierung zukünftiger Produktionssysteme
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Christian Rabitsch, Matthias Schurig and Christian Ramsauer
Operationalisierung der Agilität - Agilitätsdimensionen und Stellgrößen
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Thomas Böhm
Viktor Mayer-Schönberger von der University of Oxford als Gastprofessor an der TU Graz
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Mario Kleindienst and Christian Ramsauer
Der Beitrag von Lernfabriken zu Industrie 4.0 - Ein Baustein zur vierten industriellen Revolution bei kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen
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Thomas Böhm Industry 4.0 - The future of production
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Christian Ramsauer and Matthias Schurig
Messung der Agilität von Produktionsnetzwerken
Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb
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Thomas Böhm FabLab - A movement in the making
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Peter Oswald, Matthias Helmut Friessnig, Philipp Reischl and Christian Rabitsch
Production Technology Requirements with Respect to Agile Manufacturing - A survey on how the metal forming industry can adapt to volatile times
TEM Journal
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Matthias Helmut Friessnig Making FabLabs smart through sensors and Big Data analysis
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Matthias Helmut Friessnig and Alexander Pointner
FabLab, ein Maker Space an der TU Graz
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Hans Peter Schnöll, Thomas Böhm and Christian Ramsauer
Transdisziplinarität im Produktentstehungsprozess von Komponenten aus Faserverbundkunststoffen
Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb
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Christian Ramsauer and Matthias Helmut Friessnig
Maker Movement - Neue Chancen für Start-Ups und die Industrie von morgen
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Thomas Böhm
Grazer Schüler entwickeln "Sparkling Scooter" an der TU Graz
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Christian Ramsauer
Produkte, die sich selber schneidern
Kleine Zeitung / Stadtausgabe
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Christian Ramsauer
Mit Glühwürmchen die Stromeffizienz steigern
Die Presse
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Christian Ramsauer and Thomas Böhm
Flotte Roller
Kronen-Zeitung / Steirerkrone
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Christian Ramsauer
Der Doktor und das liebe Datenvieh
Kleine Zeitung / Stadtausgabe
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Christian Ramsauer
TU Graz: Management im Geist Harvards
Die Presse
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Christian Ramsauer
Ein Blick in die Zukunft
Kleine Zeitung / Stadtausgabe
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Hans Peter Schnöll, Helmut Brunner, Michael Zottler, Mario Hirz and Christian Ramsauer CO2 Reduction Potential of CFRP-Bodywork Concepts Considering Production and In-Use PhaseProceedings International Conference Management of Technology - Step to Sustainable Production1-8
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Christian Rabitsch and Christian Ramsauer Towards a management approach for implementing agility in the manufacturing industryProceedings International Conference Management of Technology – Step to Sustainable Production1-8
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Hans Peter Schnöll, Helmut Brunner, Michael Zottler, Mario Hirz and Christian Ramsauer CO2 Reduction Potential of CFRP-Bodywork Concepts Considering Production and In-Use PhaseBook of Abstracts - International Conference Management of Technology - Step to Sustainable Production39-39
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Mario Kleindienst and Christian Ramsauer Industry 4.0 and SMEs – A Procedure Model to Identify the Need for Action in Production Environments12th Annual International Conference on SΜΕs, Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Management – Marketing – Economic - Social Aspects, 3rd Annual International Colloquium on Branding & 2nd Annual International Conference on Small Societies-Smal25-25
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Thomas Böhm, Matthias Helmut Friessnig and Christian Ramsauer Making Fablabs smart through sensors and Big Data AnalysisProceedings FAB 1110-15
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Matthias Helmut Friessnig and Alexander Pointner Maker space as teaching method -- Connection between an interdisciplinary product development course and a maker spacePROCEEDINGS OF THE FAB 10 ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH COLLOQUIUM11-12
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Mario Kleindienst and Markus Brillinger Additive manufacturing in small series production - Technologies, constraints and opportunities of 3D printing in industrial companies
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Matthias Helmut Friessnig and Peter Oswald Production technology requirements with respect to agile manufacturing
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Matthias Helmut Friessnig and Michael Stock World Class Logistics in Operations
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Mario Kleindienst
Produktionstechnologie-Innovationen bei KMU - Ein Modell zur Identifikation des Investitionsbedarfs im Bereich der Produktion
Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb
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Wolfgang Unzeitig, Jelena Rubesa-Zrim, Christian Ramsauer, Marlene Schafler, Alexander Stocker, Christian Ramsauer and Markus Flasch
Eine Methode zur Berücksichtigung von Unsicherheit im Zuge der frühen Fabrikplanung in der Auftragsfertigung von Gesamtfahrzeugen
Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
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Mario Kleindienst and Hans-Jörg Micheu
Lernfabrik zur praxisorientierten Wissensvermittlung - Moderne Ausbildung im Bereich Maschinenbau und Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb
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Matthias Schurig, Christian Rabitsch and Christian Ramsauer
Agile Produktion
Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb
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Mario Kleindienst LeanLab - Hands-on training in the Learning Factory
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Mario Kleindienst
Erste Lehrveranstaltung in der neu errichteten IBL Lernfabrik
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Matthias Helmut Friessnig FabLab - A Movement in the Making
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Alexander Pointner, Matthias Helmut Friessnig, Hans Peter Schnöll and Philipp Heinzle
Rapid Prototyping - Definitions of Terms and how to apply during a Student Project
Machines, Technologies, Materials
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Thomas Böhm Cost Assessment and Optimization in the Front-End of the Design and Development Process of a Motorcycle Engine
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Christian Ramsauer
Die Maker Economy - Neue Chancen für Business Innovation
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Mario Kleindienst and Hannes Zeininger Assistance systems in manufacturing - Another step towards industry 4.0
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Thomas Böhm Sparkling Scooter
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Mario Kleindienst IBL Lernfabrik - Vorstellung des Konzepts
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Wolfgang Unzeitig, Jelena Rubesa, Marlene Schafler, Alexander Stocker, Christian Ramsauer and Markus Flasch
Eine Methode zur Berücksichtigung von Unsicherheit im Zuge der frühen Fabriksplanung in der Auftragsfertigung von Gesamtfahrzeugen
Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
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Mario Kleindienst Teaching energy efficiency hands on in the learning factory
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Christian Ramsauer
Hightech-Geräte für die eigenen Design-Ideen
Kurier / Bundesländer-Kurier
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Matthias Helmut Friessnig
FabLab, ein Maker Space am FSI der Technischen Universität Graz
Mb aktuell
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Mario Kleindienst Teaching energy efficiency hands on in the learning factoryEnergy Infrastructure Development0902-0902
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Mario Kleindienst and Markus Hirschvogel Auswirkungen der globalen Energiepreisentwicklungen auf ausgewählte Produktionsprozesse eines AutomobilzulieferersInnehalten und Ausblick: Effektivität und Effizienz für die Energiewende
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Thomas Böhm, Hans Peter Schnöll and Alexander Pointner Cost Assessment and Optimization in the Front-End of the Design and Development Process of a Motorcycle EngineWertanalyse Praxis 2014123-133
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Mario Kleindienst and Dominik Straubinger Energieeffizienzpotentiale bei klein- und mittelständischen Unternehmen anhand des Beispiels eines BäckereibetriebsInnehalten und Ausblick: Effektivität und Effizienz für die Energiewende
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Sonja Embst and Nikolaus Peter Anton Mitterer Creativity Techniques inclusive Value Analysis
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Martin Jakob Mitterer and Georg Premm Development of Guidelines for a “Greener” Product with bio-based Materials for a B2C Electronic Company
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Georg Premm Energy-Oriented Production Strategy
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Mario Kleindienst Konzeption und Wirtschaftlichkeitsbetrachtung eines innovativen Instandhaltungssystems für Schienenfahrzeugfahrwerke
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Alexander Pointner Setup of a Data Acquisition System for the Evaluation of Sound Absorbing Measures in TEC´s of High-Bypass-Ratio Aero Engines
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Georg Premm Energie als Gestaltungselement in der ProduktionsstrategieEnInnov2012 -12. Symposium Energieinnovation: Alternativen für die Energiezukunft Europas301-302
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Elisabeth Plankenauer Zur Überwindung von Innovationsbarrieren in der ElektromobilitätEnInnov2012 -12. Symposium Energieinnovation: Alternativen für die Energiezukunft Europas283-284
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Sonja Embst Komplexitätsmanagement im Front End of Innovation
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Georg Premm and Nikolaus Peter Anton Mitterer Wertanalyse Projekte im interuniversitären Rahmen- Erfahrungsberichte zum Arbeiten in virtuellen Teams
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Sonja Embst Komplexitätsmanagement im Front End of Innovation978-3-85125-143-2
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Sonja Embst, Nikolaus Peter Anton Mitterer, Stefan Vorbach, Andreas Flanschger and Mario Fallast Selected Methods of Creativity Techniques
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Georg Premm Zur Integration des betrieblichen Energiemanagements in die ProduktionsstrategieIndustriebetriebslehre 2011139-151
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Sonja Embst Product Innovation ProjectWissensbilanz 201019-19
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Elisabeth Plankenauer Management of Barriers to Innovation in E-MobilityIndustriebetriebslehre 2011126-138
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Sonja Embst DoktorenfabrikWissensbilanz 201014-14
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Josef Wohinz and Elisabeth Plankenauer
…bevor der Wind der Zeit sie verweht! Zur Entwicklung des WING von 1964 bis heute
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Georg Premm and Nikolaus Peter Anton Mitterer Wertanalyse Projekte im interuniversitären Rahmen- Erfahrungsberichte zum Arbeiten in virtuellen TeamsMit Wertanalyse den Aufschwung sichern- Wertsteigerung Zug um Zug133-144
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