Thomas Hochrainer Evolving systems of curved dislocation: mathematical foundations of a statistical theroy 3832261656, 978-3832261658 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Christian Celigoj Thermomechanical homogenization analysis of axisymmetric inelastic solids at finite strains based on an incremental minimization principle International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 71, 102-126, 2007
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M. Weber, T. Hochrainer, P. Gumbsch, H. Autenrieth, L. Delonnoy, V. Schulze, D. Löhe, J. Kotschenreuther and J. Fleischer Investigation of size-effects in machining with geometrically defined cutting edges Machining Science and Technology 11, 447-473, 2007
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T. Hochrainer, M. Zaiser and P. Gumbsch A three-dimensional continuum theory of dislocation systems The Philosophical Magazine 87, 1261-1282, 2007
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M. Zaiser, N. Nikitas, T. Hochrainer and E. C. Aifantis Modelling size effects using 3D density-based dislocation dynamics The Philosophical Magazine 87, 1283-1306, 2007
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Christian Celigoj and Peter Außerlechner A total ALE FE formulation for axisymmetric and torsional problems (including viscoplasticity, thermodynamic coupling and dynamics) International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 70, 1324-1345, 2007
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A. Prakash, Thomas Hochrainer, H. Riedel, D. Helm and Eduard Reisacher Twinning models in selfconsistent simulations of TWIP SteelsProceedings of the 2nd SteelSim Conference355-361 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Ferenc F. Csikor, István Groma, Thomas Hochrainer, D. Weygand and Michael Zaiser On the range of 3D dislocations pair correlationsProceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Continuum Models and Discrete Systems271-276 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Hammer h-adaptives Verfahren für ebene finite Elemente basierend auf dem Fehlerschätzer nach Zienkiewicz und Zhu Publikation in PURE anzeigen