Manfred Hannes Ulz and S. Eren Semercigil Passive Control of a Rectangular Plate using Strategic Cut-OutsASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
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Thomas Hochrainer, L. Delonnoy, J. Kotschenreuther, V. Schulze, D. Löhe, P. Gumbsch and J. Fleischer An integrated approach to the modeling of size-effects in machining with geometrically defined cutting edgesProc. of 8th CIRP International Workshop on Modeling of Machining Operations123-130
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J. Kotschenreuther, L. Delonnoy, Thomas Hochrainer, M. Weber, J. Schmidt, J. Fleischer, V. Schulze, D. Löhe and P. Gumbsch Modellierung und experimentelle Untersuchungen von Grösseneffekten beim Stirndrehen von 90MnCrV8 in vergütetem ZustandProceedings, 2. Kolloquium Prozesssaklierung, bias, Strahltechnik219-240
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M. Klemenz, Thomas Hochrainer, L. Delonnoy, V. Schulze, O. Vöhringer and P. Gumbsch Similarity Rules for the Shot Peening Process Based on Finite Element SimulationsProceedings International Conference on Shot Peening 994-99
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