The research group of sensor systems and environmental sensing mainly focuses on research in the field of air pollution and climate forcers. Therefore, we develop sensor systems to detect gases as well as particulate matter with emphasis on high temporal and spatial resolution (4D sensing). This we either achieve by remote sensing approaches or distributed sensor networks. For the latter we utilize state-of-the-art
IoT developments such as energy harvesting. For optimization and validation of our sensor systems we can rely on the capabilities of our reference aerosol laboratory.
We cover a broad range of physical and chemical sensor effects, such as
- photoacoustics
- photonics
- diffusion charging
- ultrasonics
- luminescence
- and spectroscopy
Starting from these basics of the measurement principles, keeping relevant material properties in mind, and accompanied by multiphysical simulations and experiments conducted in our reference aerosol laboratory, we provide the expertise to design novel sensors from scratch. For the technical implementation we rely on our sensor electronics research group which incorporates the expertise to develop robust and autonomous sensor systems.