Bookchapter in new SoS volume
Dec. 16th, 2016: These days new Science of Synthesis volumes on “N-Heterocyclic Carbenes in Catalytic Organic Synthesis” edited by Steven Nolan and Catherine Cazin were published. One of the chapters was written by C. Slugovc.
Distinguished research papers
Dec. 14
th, 2016: the journal Monatshefte für Chemie (Springer) selected 5 papers published in 2015 as editor's choice and provides free access of these "key articles" until Jan 31
th, 2017. Out of this 5 papers, one was written and one was co-authored by scientists of ICTM. At same time Monatshefte für Chemie selected 5 publications for the Best Paper Award 2016. Again one of these papers was written by scientists of ICTM.
Paper on Li-ion conducting garnets
Dec. 13
th, 2016: Garnet-based electrolytes are expected to play an important role for next-generation Li batteries. A new variant is Bi-stabilized Li
12. The incorporation of Bi leads to an increase in the unit-cell parameters. Via Li(7) NMR spectroscopy it has been shown that fast translational Li ion dynamics is only observed for samples with high Bi contents. The paper reports on a joint project of the Universities of Salzburg and TU Graz. Wagner et al.
Inorg. Chem., 2016, 55 (23), pp 12211–12219.
DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.6b01825
Four in a row!
On Dec. 12
th, 2016 a
quadruple celebration took place at ICTM. Sandra Grumm and Mathias Hobisch did their diploma exams and Klaus Luef and Zucong Zhang earned PhDs today. Congratulations!

Paper on the room temperature synthesis of CuInS2 nanocrystals
Dec. 11
th, 2016: A consortiom of researchers led by Thomas Rath published a
room temperature synthesis of CuInS2 nanocrystals in RSC Advances.
Biredox-ionic liquids for high-energy supercapacitors
Nov. 30
th, 2016:
researchers from the universities of Montpellier, Bordeaux and the ICTM show that bulk like redox density and liquid like fast kinetics can be achieved with biredox ionic liquids in a paper in Nature Materials. See also the press-release of TU Graz.

Paper on an electrolyte for reversible cycling of Na batteries
Nov. 29
th, 2016: ICTM disclosed results on
achieving non-dendritic Na metal cycling with ~98 % coulombic efficiency for up to 300 cycles in ChemSusChem.
Guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Karin Kleinschek, University of Maribor
Nov. 10
th 2016: on
Dec. 5th, 2016; 2 pm (s.t.); lecture hall M,
InvitationTitle: Phenomena and Interactions of Polysaccharides Based Materials
New communication on Click Chemistry
Nov. 7
th, 2016: researchers from ICTM communicated their
results on performing three orthogonal click reactions in one pot in Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry.
Mini-Symposium on Polymer Science
On Nov. 3
rd, 2016 a mini-symposium organized by
Prof. C. Slugovc, on the topic "Polymer Science at the National Institute of Chemistry, Ljublijana" with Dr. E. Zagar, Dr. D. Pahovnik and Dr. S. Kovacic as the speakers took place at ICTM (