Advanced ceramic supported oxygen carriers – ACCEPTOR

Efficient energy supply and storage from renewable resources are essential cornerstones for achieving climate goals. The use of hydrogen as a secondary energy carrier is a suitable candidate in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in industry, energy and mobility. Since hydrogen today is produced almost exclusively from fossil fuels, new and innovative low-emission processes have to be developed. Chemical looping (CL) is a promising process alternative for producing green hydrogen from biomass. The biggest challenge for the widespread application of the process is to increase the lifetime of the oxygen carrier (OC). Especially sintering phenomena lead to a reduction in productivity over time, which is associated with increased costs and lower hydrogen production efficiency. The FWF-funded research project ACCEPTOR aims to develop new structured support materials to increase the lifetime performance of the iron-based oxygen carrier over a large number of production cycles. The focus is on the investigation of mixed ion-electron conductors (MIECs) to maintain reactivity over long periods of time. At the same time, the synthesis and characterization of new cost-efficient, non-toxic and economically favorable redox materials in combination with the support structure are also an important part of the project. Hence, the ACCEPTOR project will be a major step for chemical looping technologies, but may also have applications in similar high-temperature processes and catalytic materials.

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Involved Organizations

  • Institut für Chemische Verfahrenstechnik und Umwelttechnik


Financial support by the FWF Austrian Science Fund is gratefully acknowledged.

Fabio Blaschke
Dipl.-Ing. BSc
Magdalena Pauritsch
Dipl.-Ing. BSc


09/2021 – 08/2024

Link Project Description