Senior Researcher


Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Chem. Dr.rer.nat. Torsten Mayr
Phone: +43 (316) 873 - 32504
Office hours: by appointment via e-mail
Business Card

Research interests


Assoc.Prof. kand. Sergey Borisov
Phone: +43 (316) 873 - 32516
Office hours: by appointment via e-mail
Business Card 

Research interests

University Lecturer

Dipl.-Chem. Dr.rer.nat. Ingo Klimant
Phone: +43 (316) 873 - 32500
Office hours: Mo - Fr between 8:00 - 9:30
Business Card

Research interests


Bernhard Müller
Dr.techn. BSc MSc
+43 316 873 - 32518

PhD Students

Lisa Eiber
+43 316 873 - 32514
Iga Malicka
inz. mgr
+43 316 873 - 32518
Andreas Matijevic
Dipl.-Ing. BSc
+43 316 873 - 32514
Theresa Mautz
Dipl.-Ing. BSc
+43 316 873 - 32517
Karl Leonard Sterz
+43 316 873 - 32513

Master Students


Eveline Maier
Amtsdirektorin Ing.
+43 316 873 - 32523
Matthias Schwar
+43 316 873 - 32524


We a grateful for all alumni and graduates, which were a personal and professional enrichment for our group and we wish them all the best in their future lives:

Andreas Russegger Design and Characterization of Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Materials for Optical Temperature Sensing 
Stefanie Fuchs Optical sensor systems for multi-parametric monitoring of Organ-on-chips 
Tobias Burger Porphyrin-based Metal-Organic Frameworks for Optical Oxygen Sensing 
Irene Dalfen Optical Oxygen Sensing with Porous and Non Porous Matrix Materials: Adapting to New Challenges 
Tanja Rappitsch (Aza)-BODIPYs: A Versatile and Flexible Platform for Optical Sensing Materials 
Andreas Steinegger New Indicators for Optical Sensing by Manipulating the Intersystem Crossing in Luminescent Dyes 
Maximilian Maierhofer Optical Ammonia Sensors Based on Fluorescent pH Sensitive Materials for Biotechnological and Life Science Applications 
Lukas Tribuser Synthesis of Fluoroionophores and its Application for Optical Ion Sensors 
Bernhard Müller Optical imaging of concrete materials
David Pfeifer Highly photostable red-emitting pH Indicators for Optical Sensors
Philipp Sulzer Preparation and Characterization of Optical Chemical Sensor Systems for use in Organic Solvents
Silvia Elisabeth Zieger Multiparametric Sensing - from Development to Application in Marine Science

Christoph Staudinger

Optical High Performance Sensor Materials for Oceanography

Peter Zach

New Phosphorescent Benzoporphyrin Complexes with Remarkable Photophysical Properties - From Synthesis to Applications
Eva Fritzsche Optimization and Application of an Optical Carbon Dioxide Sensor for Marine Environments
Shiwen Sun Applications of integrated optical sensors for pH and oxygen monitoring in micro(bio)reactor

Markus Rumpler

A single-port-system for continuous optical glucose monitoring: From separate components to clinical studies
Bernhard J Müller Fluoroionophores for Optical Sensing - From Synthesis to Applications
Martin Strobl Synthesis of NIR-emitting aza-BODIPY Dyes for Application in Optical Sensors
Josef Ehgartner Development of luminescent oxygen and pH sensors for microfluidic applications
Tijana Jokic New pH and CO2 sensitive materials based on BF2-chelated azadipyrromethenes
Susanne Schutting Optical CO2 Sensors for the Investigation of the global Carbon Cycle
Philipp Lehner Ultra Trace Oxygen Sensors
Daniel Aigner Design an Development of New Sensitive Materials in Fluorescence pH Sensors
Tobias Abel Integrated Optical Sensors ans Optical Ammonia Sensors
Klaus Koren Optical Oxygen Sensors-Indicators and Materials Synthesis and Applications
Spela Zajko Comprehensive Study of the Effects of different Sterilization Procedures on the Optical Sensors
Günter Mistlberger Application of Magnetically Controlled Optical Chemical Sensors