Technical Tour 1: Tunnel Research Center (Full day)

The tunnel research center Zentrum am Berg (ZAB) is a unique research for all aspects in tunnelling from construction to operation and maintenance. The whole day field trip concentrates on the structural health monitoring of new and exisiting tunnels. We will visit the four tunnel tubes of the research center and make a ride in an old mining truck.

Technical Tour 2: Testing and Calibration Facilities of TU Graz (Half day)

This technical tour leads to the geodetic measurment lab where monitoring instruments like total stations, laser scanner, fiber optic sensors etc. are tested and calibrated. In the second part of the tour we will visit the construction lab with its loading test facilities and non destructive testing methods.

Technical Tour 3: Active Monitoring Site (Full day)

Depending on the status of construction activities this tour will lead to monitoring sites of the subway lines in Vienna or to the tunnel construction site of the Semmering Base Tunnel. More detailed information will be available at the time of conference registration.

Further Technical Tours

Further technical tours are currently in preparation.