

Authors of presented papers are invited to submit a six-page full paper (IGTE digest template) via Conftool (Your Submissions -> Final Upload). A selected number of papers will be published in COMPEL, the International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Issue 6, Vol. 44, 2025, after a peer reviewing procedure. 
Papers having been selected for the reviewing process must be uploaded in the correct form via the ManuscriptCentral version of COMPEL in accordance with the COMPEL rules (structured abstract, anonymous file, separate files for figures, etc. ). Please note that the length of the contribution here is limited by a certain number of words, see www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/compel  --> Author guidelines.

IET Science, Measurement & Technology (SMT) offers the opportunity to publish Open Access (OA) papers. The submission to this journal must be made by authors directly through the journal's submission system and the respective publication charge has to be paid be the authors. Please refer to the IGTE Symposium in the cover letter to the editor of SMT and inform us when you submit your paper to IET by e-mail to igtesympnoSpam@tugraz.at

All other papers will be published in the IGTE’24 Conference Proceedings.




Graz University of Technology
Institute of Fundamentals and Theory in Electrical Engineering

Head of the institute:
Univ.-Prof. Manfred Kaltenbacher  

Conference chair: 
Ass.-Prof. Alice Reinbacher-Köstinger

Inffeldgasse 18
8010 Graz, Austria

+43(0)316 873 7259
