Our focus

Graz University of Technology stands for the innovative use of digital technologies for teaching and learning in such a way that education can be implemented at the highest international level.
Not only is the technical support crucial, but also the consideration of various didactic and pedagogical measures, which aim to improve education for all participants. Our efforts focus on optimal intertwining of educational informatics, media pedagogy and media didactics.
The expansion of online teaching and the seamless integration of digital technologies are promoted in order to enable flexible and target-group-oriented studying at the university beyond today.

Our vision

The vision of TU Graz Educational Technology (OU ET) is, on the one hand, to enrich face-to-face teaching with digital media in order to improve didactic diversity and communication and, on the other hand, to ensure consistency through central servicing and support. Additionally, we are aiminig to expand the target-group focus of online teaching and to strengthen open education in the sense of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG4).
TU Graz strives to be a large, innovative, sustainable and also digital teaching and learning community in the information society of tomorrow, which is supported by the OU ET. This is expressed by the OU's guiding principle "We care about eEducation".


The roadmap of technology anhanced learning at TU Graz is being revised every three years. It mainly consists of the following nine cornerstones:

  1. Operation, maintenance and development of digital teaching and learning environments and applications
    TU Graz TeachCenter, iMooX, TUbe, Learning Analytics, TeachCenter Exam, TELucation website etc.
  2. Design, production and distribution of digital resources for teaching and learning
    videos, interactive learning objects, how-to guides, TELucation articles etc.
  3. Support and coaching for creating and using digital tools or activities within courses
    media-didactic coaching, recording and streaming services etc.
  4. Qualification measures and skills development
    Trainings, coaching, information events, lectures, seminars etc.
  5. Open Access to education and knowledge
    Open Educational Resources (OER), iMooX, Open Access, e-learning law etc.
  6. Organisational anchoring and incentive systems
    anchoring technology-enhanced teaching in curricula, increasing online content, motivating teachers etc.
  7. Inter-university cooperations and promotion of (inter-)national exchange in the field
    fnma, SHK, TELS AG, RFDZI, organisation of conferences and more
  8. Supporting lifelong learning
    cooperation with LLL, postgraduate courses, iMooX, microcredentials etc.
  9. Research and innovation
    theses, innovative developments, research projects, LearningLab etc.

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