International Partners

SHK - Sty­rian Hig­her Edu­ca­tion Conference

The Styrian Higher Education Conference is an integral part of the "Science Space Styria", the Styrian Higher Education Area:

"Nine universities join forces in Styria and strengthen a common higher education area based on excellent regional cooperation. Together they offer a broad range of studies with cross-university training and further education programmes and create future-oriented research focal points with an international orientation. The creation of a joint higher education space is intended to increase the visibility of science in general and of Styria as a science location in particular." (taken from the website of Science Space Styria)

One outcome of SHK's activities is the creation of the university didactics training programme "eDidactics". The programme is offered jointly by the Styrian University Conference and thus by all nine Styrian universities - staff members of the OU Educational Technology are teaching individual modules.

Website of the "Science Space Styria"


TELS - Technology Enhanced Learning Styria

TELS is a community of interest of the styrian higher education area, represented by the four Graz universities, FH JOANNEUM, FH CAMPUS 02, Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark, Private Pädagogische Hochschule Augustinum as well as Montanuniversität Leoben. Motivated by the activities of Graz University of Technology and Uni Graz in the focus area of podcasting, the initiative "iUNIg" was launched in autumn 2006, from which the TELS Group emerged in 2016.

The primary goal of the initiative is to strengthen regional cooperation in the field of teaching with new media. Exchange of experience, active help and support in didactic but also technical matters, organisation and implementation of regular meetings as well as conferences and symposia are the main tasks of this community, in addition to establishment and maintenance of international contacts and connections. This group is working on projects commissioned by the SHK (Sty­rian Hig­her Edu­ca­tion Conference).

<fnm> - Forum New Media in Teaching Austria

"The association "Forum neue Medien in der Lehre Austria (fnma)" (Forum for New Media in Teaching Austria), as an established interest group, offers a lively network as well as the development and dissemination of cross-institutional measures and models in the field of technology-enhanced education.

Founded in 2000, fnma is the only nationwide and inter-university e-learning network in the German-speaking region. Its members maintain a lively and interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and experience as well as the tradition of efficient project cooperation. At the same time, fnma is the only association in Austria that promotes the use of new media in teaching as a cross-university lobby.

Dr. Martin Ebner served on the executive committee from 2010-2022 and as president of the fnma from 2014. Furthermore, Graz University of Technology is represented in the association with 4 delegates and 4 substitute delegates. The activities of this group of delegates consist of active, organising and executive participation in association meetings, conferences and working groups.

Further information on fnma can be found on their website: (German only)


"The Austria-Forum is a general knowledge and discussion platform with a focus on Austria, designed by independent scholars and journalists and made available to the general public. The Austria-Forum is a knowledge base searchable by region and chronology, and allows for different views on the same topic. The Austria-Forum encourages co-creation by its users, who are interested in local history. The publishers and editors are politically independent and are committed to parliamentary democracy, the rule of law and human rights." (taken from the website of the Austria-Forum, September 2015)

The OU LLT supports the Austria Forum.

Further information can be found on the website of the Austria Forum (German only).

The BIMS e.V. - Bildung Innnovation Migration Soziale Exzellenz e.V.

"BIMS e.V. is a platform for the non-profit engagement of scientists and practitioners ("think-and-do-tank") from the field of education.
BIMS launches various initiatives on how education and educational offers can become accessible and free for all: Development and testing of and research on free educational materials (OER) and open learning opportunities (MOOC), the use of technologies in the workplace and for learning, as well as creative use, especially in children's and youth work, e.g. in the context of the maker movement, are currently the focus. In addition, BIMS aims to create awareness for open education and free access to education among political decision-makers and the general population with their own political commitment in various initiatives." (taken from the website of the association, July 2017)

BIMS means "Bildung Innnovation Migration Soziale Exzellenz e.V.". The cooperation between BIMS e.V. (registered association), which is dedicated to the motto "Making education accessible", and the OU Educational Technology, has been going on for years and consists of the implementation of joint projects.

For more information on BIMS e.V., please visit the website of BIMS e.V.

AACE - ED-MEDIA Steering Comitee

AACE - the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education - is the organiser of three of the world's largest conferences in the fields of e-learning and technology enhanced learning.

  • ED-MEDIA World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications
  • E-LEARN World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare & Higher Education
  • SITE Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education
  • Global Learn: Global Conference on Learning and Technology

Dr. Martin Ebner has been a member of the ED-MEDIA Steering Committee since autumn 2008. One of his main concerns is the implementation of Web2.0 technologies in the planning, realisation and continuation of conferences in general and ED-MEDIA in particular.
For information on current conferences, please visit the AACE website.