Policy of the Institute of Technical Informatics Regarding the Usage of AI Tools by Students

As a university, we are required to assess and evaluate the competences of all students. Therefore, we have to make sure that artefacts (text, images, code, etc.) that were submitted for evaluation in the context of various courses (lectures, exercises, labs) have actually been created by the respective student by using his or her own skills and competences. Given the rapid proliferation and availability of AI-powered tools, the Institute of Technical Informatics therefore applies the following general policy for its courses:

Usage of AI-powered Tools and Large Language Models (LLMs)
Not Allowed
  • Spell-checking
  • Translations (e.g., DeepL)
  • Stylistic or grammatical revision of their own, i.e., self-written text
  • Generate code
  • Produce images
  • Generate text (sentences, paragraphs, sections)
  • To rephrase or paraphrase some else’s material

Please note that:

  • Students are responsible for the correctness and originality of the generated content, and must ensure compliance with the principles of good scientific practice as described in the following document: Safeguarding_Good_Scientific_Practice_Guidelines.pdf
  • The generation of code/text/images by such tools/models is treated as plagiarism and leads to the same consequences. See the following document for a more detailed explanation. The TU Graz Policy regarding plagiarism can be found in the following document: Statute_part_Plagiarism_-_Satzungsteil_Plagiat.pdf
  • Course instructors may decide to deviate from the above rules. If the use of AI-powered tools and LLMs is explicitly permitted by course instructors (e.g., as part of an assignment or task), the use of such tools must still be thoroughly documented in written form by the students by explicitly disclosing the utilized tools and how they were used to generate text/code/images/etc.
Please also refer to the FAQs and further information on ki.tugraz.at and TU4U