Successful Master's Thesis Defense

Marcel Maderecker successfully defended his Master’s Thesis! 

The Thesis "Implementation of a Radar-based Person Detection System for Access Gates" was carried out in cooperation with Axess AG, an international leading manufacturer of ticketing and access management systems.

Under the supervision of Hannah Brunner and Carlo Alberto Boano, Marcel worked on improving an important building block in one of Axess' gate solutions using the exciting Pulsed Radar technology. 

We congratulate Marcel and wish him success in his future career.

June 2024

Celebrating Embedded Systems Lab Award Winners - Summer 2024

Congratulations to the winners of the Embedded Systems Lab Award in the summer term of 2024!

The Embedded Systems Lab Award is granted for the most innovative and creative project in the "Embedded Systems Laboratory" course. The winners are selected through a voting process during the final pitch presentations, where both students and a jury—comprising course teacher Fikret Basic and tutor Josef Kroell—cast their votes. This semester, the award goes to Jakob Oberpertinger and Fabian Burgmann for their remarkable project, where they integrated elements of face recognition technology and mechatronics into a single system. Their prize includes a certificate and a special goodie bag.

The Embedded Systems Lab is a dynamic course at ITI designed to foster a spirit of innovation and hands-on learning. This year, we witnessed an impressive array of 20 projects, ranging from RC boats to home security systems.

Congratulations to all the participants for their hard work and inspiring projects. Special kudos to our award-winning team and all the best for your future!

June 2024

Lange Nacht der Forschung

As part of the renowned Austria-wide event "Lange Nacht der Forschung," our Institute's team engaged with hundreds of passionate thinkers, from young enthusiasts to seasoned scientists.

Fikret Basic and his colleague Florian Scherr, alongside NXP Semiconductors Austria, presented their innovative demonstrator, exploring "How function wireless and secure Battery Management Systems of the future Electric Automobiles?"

This demonstrator is the result of years of collaboration between Christian Steger's HW/SW Codesign group and NXP Semiconductors, at present part of the ongoing EU KDT OPEVA project.

Reflecting on the event, Fikret and Florian remarked, "It was truly an unforgettable experience."

May 2024

Best Artifact Award at IPSN’24

Hannah Brunner visited the CPS-IoT Week in Hong Kong to present her paper "Simba: A Unified Framework to Explore and Facilitate the Design of Battery-Free Systems" at the International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN).

There, she won the Best Artifact Award for the Simba framework, which is open-source on GitHub. Congratulations Hannah!  

The Simba framework helps with designing battery-free systems: these are small sensing devices that operate on harvested energy (e.g., from the sun or radio-frequency signals) and have a minimal energy budget, which makes their design rather difficult. Simba supports the designers of battery-free systems in exploring different design trade-offs in a fast and easy way based on simulation.

The work was carried out in collaboration with researchers at TU Delft, where Hannah also completed a two-week research stay in June 2023.

May 2024

ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers (CF'24)

Meinhard Kissich and Leo Moser presented their latest research work at the ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers (CF'24) in Ischia, Italy. Congratulations on the excellent presentations!

Meinhard introduced FazyRV, a scalable and minimal-area RISC-V core. The work of Meinhard and Marcel Baunach is summarized in the paper: "FazyRV: Closing the Gap between 32-Bit and Bit-Serial RISC-V Cores with a Scalable Implementation".

Leo demonstrated how FPGA stitching significantly outperforms a Sea-of-Gates approach. This work is titled "Stitching FPGA Fabrics with FABulous and OpenLane 2" and was a collaboration with Meinhard, Tobias Scheipel, and Marcel Baunach.

May 2024

PhD Defense – Jürgen Dobaj

Congratulations to Jürgen Dobaj who successfully defended his PhD thesis on “An Architectural Approach to Zero-Downtime Maintenance of Mission-Critical Cyber-Physical Systems” with us. We wish you all the best for your future!

April 2024

Research exchange at the University of Trento

Markus Gallacher, a PhD student at our institute, recently completed a three-week ERASMUS+ staff mobility training at the Università di Trento, where he joined the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science.

During his time there, he collaborated closely with a research group specialized in ultra-wideband (UWB), a wireless technology typically used for accurate ranging and localization applications. Their joint efforts were dedicated to enhancing UWB distance measurements, aiming to boost accuracy even in challenging environmental settings.

April 2024

ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing

Congratulations to Tanveer Ali-Ahmad, Drona Nagarajan, Tobias Scheipel, and Marcel Baunach on being accepted to present and publish their work at the ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) 2024 in Avila, Spain. Their publications covered some crucial aspects of kernels of real-time automotive Operating Systems while keeping the strict AUTOSAR standards in mind. Both works highlight some fundamental problems prevalent in the design of RTOS kernels.

The first paper addresses the issues associated with empty activations of sequencer tasks in "Avoiding Empty Instances and Offset Drifts of Basic Sequencer Tasks in Automotive Operating System."  The second work addressed a critical issue in multicore synchronization with spinlocks in "Fair and Starvation-Free Spinlock for Real-Time AUTOSAR Systems." Both works were well received, and our colleagues could gather valuable feedback for future work on designing RTOS kernels.

April 2024

FazyRV RISC-V Core is Now Open Source!

We are excited to share that FazyRV, a scalable minimal-area RISC-V core, is now open source under a permissive MIT license. The work will be presented at the Computing Frontiers 2024 conference by Meinhard Kissich and Prof. Marcel Baunach. A research paper on design insights, an in-depth evaluation, and an outlook on future work will be published soon. We invite you to explore FazyRV by checking out the GitHub repository.

April 2024

Doctorate sub auspiciis praesidentis for Dr. Tobias Scheipel

Copyright: HBF/Peter Lechner

Our esteemed colleague Dr. Tobias Scheipel has been awarded with the Promotio sub auspiciis Praesidentis rei publicae, a truly special honor! He received this extremely rare promotion for his outstanding achievements at school, during his university studies, and during his PhD on “Advances in Dynamic and Reconfigurable Embedded Systems Design”. Congratulations on this remarkable success!

After his PhD, Tobias continued his research on flexible, modular and runtime reconfigurable processor architectures for embedded systems as a PostDoc at our institute. The Institute of Technical Informatics is proud to have such an excellent researcher in its ranks and wishes him all the best and continued success in his career!

Statement from TU Graz

Statement from the Federal President

March 2024

PhD Award from the Expert’s Group on Operating Systems

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Leandro Batista Ribeiro, who completed his PhD at our institute last year, has been granted the PhD award from the Expert's Group on Operating Systems (“Fachgruppe Betriebssysteme”) of the German Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI e.V.) for his dissertation “Advances in Dynamic Software Composition of Resource-Constrained Embedded Systems”.

The award certificate states: 

“The award-winning thesis impressed the reviewers with its scope, practical relevance and technical quality. The thesis deals with concepts for partial updating and formal verification of compositional software for OS-based embedded systems. The results presented are of great importance for technology and science.”

Congratulations to Leandro for this outstanding work!

March 2024

ITI Award Winners – March 2024

We are happy to announce that this semester’s ITI Student Excellence Award was given to Karl Heinz Pilz and Machael Kammerer for their excellent study results.
The prize comprises a certificate, a goodie bag, and the invitation to ITI events.
Congratulations and all the best for your future!

The next ITI Award will be presented in October 2024 and you can self-nominate until 15 September 2024. Details are provided here.

March 2024

Bachelor/Master Thesis Topics - SS 24

On March 12, we had the BSc/MSc thesis topics presentation for the summer term 2024 at our institute.
Thanks for coming, we hope you enjoyed it and found some interesting topics for your projects and theses!

If you missed the event, you can find a list of open topics here.
You can also bring your own ideas and discuss them with us to figure out how they can be translated into a thesis/project.

March 2024

OpenInnoTrain Research Exchange at UPTEC

Romana Blažević is currently on a four-week research exchange in Porto, Portugal, as a part of OpenInnoTrain project. The project focuses on open innovation and the translation of research results between academia and industry, and aims to enhance the potential of researchers in getting their research outcomes to the market. The core of OpenInnoTrain is to foster better opportunities for the collaboration between universities and industry and the translation of research results into products and services that will benefit society.

Romana is working with UPTEC - Science and Technology Park of University of Porto, which promotes the creation and development of projects in various fields through the exchange of knowledge between the university and the market. You can find an interview with Romana at UPTEC here.

She is continuously working on her research on trustworthy AI there, seeking input from industry partners for her future research and sharing her knowledge on the integration of such systems in environments where human lives are at stake (e.g., in the automotive domain).

March 2024

ECU Award and RTBS Award WS 2023/24

ECU Award
RTBS Award

Congratulations to all winners of the ECU Award and RTBS Award in the winter term 2023/24!

The ECU Award is granted for the best implementation of an Electronic Control Unit (ECU) in the course “Embedded Automotive Software”.
This semester, Martin Lukas Mastnak and Clemens Georg Lechner received the award for their cruise control simulation using ERIKA OS.

The RTBS Award went to Christoph Hermann, Johannes Mayerhofer, and Maximilian Ogris for their implementation of the fastest bus protocol communication in the course “Real-Time Bus Systems” (RTBS).

February 2024

Conference talk at ICPADS’23

Nam Cao recently presented his paper “Geometric Data Augmentations to Mitigate Distribution Shifts in Pollen Classification from Microscopic Images” at the ICPADS’23 conference, which was part of the 2023 IEEE Cybermatics Congress in Ocean Flower Island (Hainan, China).

Nam’s work addresses the challenges faced by machine learning models when confronted with distribution shifts in the domain of automatic pollen identification from microscopic images. By introducing two novel geometric image augmentation techniques, he is able to significantly narrow the accuracy gap between the model performance on the train and test datasets. Details can be found in the pre-print version of the paper here.

December 2023

Buying the right charger and USB-C cable

Image by Mateus Andre on Freepik

Although the EU has stipulated that electronic devices like mobile phones, tablets, cameras, headphones, and portable game consoles must have a standardized USB-C connector by the end of 2024, there are considerable differences in charging times and data rates between the available USB-C versions. Futurezone, with the support of our colleague Markus Schuss, has therefore published an article on what you should consider when buying a charger and USB-C cable. Here is the full article.

December 2023

Goodbye Silvia!

After an incredible 36.5 years of dedicated work at our institute, our secretary Silvia Reiter is retiring. A farewell party is, of course, a must on this occasion. Silvia has been working at the ITI since it was founded in 1987. We therefore looked back together on this long period of time in which she has helped to make the ITI what it is today. A big thank you for all your hard work, and best wishes for a well-deserved retirement!

December 2023

ITI Christmas Party

Wrapping up the year, a big THANK YOU to all ITI members for their hard work in 2023! We had a great time celebrating at the annual ITI Christmas party, this time at the Grand Hotel Wiesler. It was a blast, filled with laughter, good company, and a festive atmosphere. Here's to a great 2024!

December 2023

Hans List Fonds Winner

We are pleased to announce that our colleague Fikret Bašić has been awarded the Hans List Fonds scholarship by AVL GmbH for the outstanding work on his dissertation on "Enabling Secure and Wireless Battery Management Systems". The work has been conducted as part of the EU KDT OPEVA project at the HW/SW-Codesign group under the guidance of Dr. Christian Steger. Congratulations to this success and all the best for your career as a PostDoc at our institute!

The Hans List Fonds scholarship was established with the goal of encouraging and supporting excellent graduates from all Styrian universities following the memories of the late AVL founder Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans List. Six scholarships are granted each year: two for master’s theses and four for dissertations, funded with 3000€ and 5000€ respectively. To apply for this scholarship, students have to write an essay explaining why their thesis is important in the areas of innovation, benefits to the environment, and usability. More information on the scholarship can be found here.

November 2023

Didaktik-Werkstatt 2023

ZertifikatUeberreichung 16.10.2023
© Foto Fischer

On October 16, the closing ceremony of the Didaktik-Werkstatt – a series of didactic workshops organized by the Science Space Styria in collaboration with all Styrian universities – took place. It was a pleasure to hear that both Hannah Brunner and Fikret Bašić from our institute were among the three candidates from Graz University of Technology who received the certificate for successfully completing this year’s the didactics program. Congratulations!

In order to receive the certificate, it was necessary to successfully complete at least three different workshops and participate in an online discussion phase for three weeks concerning different didactics topics.  The workshop topics are dynamic and change each year: in 2023, it was possible to expand the knowledge and skills by learning how to apply blended learning in modern classrooms, how to efficiently prepare exams, which methods are available to improve student engagement, which approaches to use for visualisation in teaching, how to train your voice, and more.

We would like to emphasize the importance of continuous training in university didactics, as tools and methods are constantly evolving and it is our responsibility to strive for the best learning outcomes for our students.

October 2023

ITI Award Winners - October 2023

The first ever ITI Student Excellence Award was granted during the BSc/MSc theses topics presentation in October.
Congratulations to the winners: Ahmed Ahmed, David Beikircher, and Maximilian Ogris! 
We wish you all the best for the future and continued success with your studies. 

The next ITI Award will be presented in March 2024 and you can nominate yourself until 15 February 2024. You can find more details here.

October 2023

Bachelor/Master Theses Topics - WS 23/24

Here are a few impressions from the presentation of our BSc/MSc theses topics on 10 October.
Thank you all for coming! We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did, and if you have any suggestions for improvement, please let us know.

Are you interested in doing a thesis/project with us but could not attend this event? Check out the list of open topics here.
If you already have your own idea for a thesis or project, do not hesitate to contact us! We will be happy to discuss your ideas and the possibilities of turning them into a thesis/project.

October 2023

Best Paper Award at EWSN'23

The latest research results of ITI's LENS group were in the spotlight at the 20th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN'23) hosted in Rende, Italy.

Eight researchers from the Low-power Embedded Networked Systems (LENS) group have attended the conference and successfully presented several papers, posters, and live demonstrations.
In particular, BLoB and InSight were selected among the three best paper nominees, and BLoB ultimately received the best paper award!

September 2023

Highlights from the Mobile Computing Lab

Olga Saukh‘s Mobile Computing Lab is one example of courses at ITI where students can really get creative: while working on their own programming project, students learn the basics required for developing innovative smartphone applications. This includes knowledge about signals and data that smartphones can gather, as well as the mathematical tools necessary to process the data, such as signal processing and machine learning.

A highlight of this year’s student demos is COFFECTLY by Theo Gasteiger: coffee enthusiasts will understand the importance of shot timing in the extraction of a perfect Espresso. COFFECTLY is a novel iOS application that enables automatic shot timing as well as coffee brand classification, based on acceleration measurements. You can find the videos of Theo’s and other student demos here.

July 2023

New job advertisement

The research group on Intelligent & Networked Embedded Systems at the Institute of Technical Informatics of Graz University of Technology (Austria) is looking for a highly qualified Postdoc (university assistant with doctorate) to reinforce its research and teaching activities. More information here

May 2023

ITI Student Excellence Award

Have you completed 10 or more courses at ITI and earned a “Very Good (1)” in at least 4 of them? - Apply for the ITI Student Excellence Award and win!

Twice a year we will honor top students in their BSc and MSc studies at a special award ceremony. Information on the application process and deadlines can be found here.  

April 2023

Best Poster Award at the Second Otto Nußbaumer Workshop

This year, numerous ITI PhD students again attended the Otto Nußbaumer Workshop on Information and Communication Technology at Retzhof Castle to present their work, and we are happy to announce that, also this year, an award was given to a PhD student from our institute: Congratulations to Elisabeth Salomon for winning the Best Poster Award!

April 2023

Bachelor / Master Theses Topics Presentation

On Tuesday, March 7, we presented our Bachelor / Master Theses topics for the summer semester 2023. You will find open thesis topics and additional information here.
We are always looking for highly motivated students, so feel free to contact us with your own idea as well.

March 2023

Best Paper Award at the International Workshop on Energy Harvesting & Energy-Neutral Sensing Systems

Congrats to Hannah Brunner and her colleagues for receiving the Best Paper Award at the International Workshop on Energy Harvesting & Energy-Neutral Sensing Systems (ENSsys'22) in Boston, USA. Link to the paper.

November 2022

Mobile Computing Lab

Showcasing a selection of successfully completed projects in the course "Mobile Computing Lab" in SS'22 at TU Graz. The students used a wide range of smartphone’s sensor signals, trained and optimized machine learning models, designed a compelling UI, and finally develop useful and powerful Android apps. More often than not the app idea belongs to a student! Congratulation on the fantastic outcome!

July 2022

Best Presentation Award

This semester's PhD student seminar and the "First Otto Nußbaumer Workshop on Information and Communications Engineering" at Retzhof Castle (Bildungshaus Retzhof) ends with a great achievement: Leandro Ribeiro wins the best presentation award. Congratulations!

Thanks also to Prof. Gernot Kubin presenting the award.

You can download his presentation here.

April 2022

New Doctoral Training Program

For a new doctoral training program on Dependable Electronic-Based System we are recruiting five new PhD Students. Link

November 2021

Double success at the SciPix competition

The Institute of Technical Informatics not only conducts research at the highest international level, but also recently attracted attention at the TU Graz internal photo competition "SciPix" by bringing research closer to a broad audience. In the category "Audience Winner" the photos of Philipp Stelzer (1st prize) and the Embedded Automotive Systems Group (2nd prize) were voted 1st and 2nd by a broad audience. SciPix

1. Price: This is a platform equipped with various sensors for environment perception. With the help of the flash LiDAR sensors, safety concepts were tested and analysed in the event of malfunctions or system failures. Hardware/Software Codesign

2. Preis: The Spinning Wheel is based on a rotating row of LEDs. The EAS Group developed both the processor and the operating system. The research focus is on reconfigurable hardware and modular software, which can both be updated during operation. Embedded Automotive Systems

Ocotber 2021

Two best paper awards at IEEE DCOSS'21

Great success of ITI at IEEE DCOSS'21, as NES researchers received the best paper award in the main conference and in the UrbCom'21 workshop.

Link to  conference
Link to workshop

July 2021