ISV/Research/Completed Projects
© TU Graz / ISV + Projektteam
Traffic Management Vienna (VEMA) – feasibility study Keywords: Multi-modal journey planner; GIS and transportation networks, Advanced Traffic Information System (ATIS), ATCC In the context of the project BLIDS a new traffic detection system is being developed. The system detects devices in the traffic flow with activated Bluetooth interfaces such as mobile phones. For that purpose a modified Bluetooth access point is located in the detection area mounted for example on a street light or a traffic light. This access point searches continuously for devices with activated Bluetooth interfaces. Due to the small range of the Bluetooth-technology, the detection area is limited in a way that only devices within vehicles that drive past the access point are detected. If such a device is in range, it replies to the request with a data packet that contains its Bluetooth address. The gathered Bluetooth data represent samples based on which the traffic density in that area can be calculated using statistical models.  Duration: May 2005 – May 2006  

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