ISV/Research/Completed Projects
© Cik - TU Graz / ISV
RA2MSES– Rail Acoustic Annoyance Monitoring Sensor System Keywords: rail traffic noise, index of annoyance, psychoacoustics The project RA2MSES enhances the railway noise measuring system acramos® to be a novel basis for emission based track access charge. Frequency dependent psychoacoustic factors are considered in the estimation of the noise's annoyance. The automatic prototype will be installed at a demonstration track site. Finally the monetary impact of the noise is calculated for a defined investigation area.   Duration: October 2013 – December 2015  Persons involved at Graz University of Technology:External cooperation partners:
  • mobimera Fairkehrstechnologien KG (Projektleitung)
  • psiacoustic, Umweltforschung und Engineering GmbH

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