
Novel Approaches in Pharmaceutical Hot Melt Extrusion

Subject area
Fundamentals of Reactive Mass Transfer Keywords
reactive mass transport; direct numerical simulation, fluidized beds Staff
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Stefan Radl
Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Forgber Duration
01. January 2014 - 31. December 2017

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Fluid velocity distribution in a dense particle bed


The objective of the NanoSim project is to create an efficient and cost effective multi-scale simulation platform based on free and open-source codes. This platform will connect models spanning a wide range of scales from the atomic scale through the particle and cluster scales, the industrial equipment scale and the full system scale. The NanoSim project will develop an open and integrated framework for numerical design, as well as a core co-simulation platform based. The final NanoSim platform will be sufficiently generic for application in a wide range of gas-particle contacting processes. The NanoSim project will demonstrate the capabilities of this multi-scale software platform to custom design an industrial scale reactor/process.  Project Partners
Stiftelsen SINTEF (Norway)
DCS Computing GmbH (Linz, Austria)
Andritz E&E (Graz, Austria)
NTNU (Norway)
INP Toulouse (France)
University College London (United Kingdom)
University of Coimbra (Portugal)
  Sponsored By
Project Leader
Stefan Radl
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
+43 316 873 - 30412
Key Papers
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