Sebastian Soritz

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About me

After finishing high school in 2013, I started my studies in chemistry at TU/KFU Graz and finished with a BSc in 2017, while also doing civilian service. I then continued with the joint study programme „chemical and pharmaceutical engineering“ at TU/KFU Graz, where I graduated with Diploma/Master in 2020. For my Master’s Thesis I joined the research group „continuous processes“ at the Institute of Process and Particle Engineering (IPPE), where I worked as a study assistant for one semester. After graduation I got employed at the IPPE as a university assistant and started my PhD studies.

Research interests

As part of my research I’m working on the automation of reaction steps in continuous processes and computer-aided optimization of reactions. This is done via the use of microcontrollers, in-line analysis tools and lab equipment, which are combined and remotely controlled.


For my tasks I use standard lab equipment (e.g. pumps, heating baths and reactors), microcontrollers (e.g. Arduinos) and software (mostly Python- and Matlab-based).
