
Study award 2019 of the "International Society of Pharmaceutical Engineering" goes to Peter Neugebauer


For outstanding achievements and work in the field of pharmaceutical technologies, the ISPE Germany / Austria / Switzerland (D / A / CH) awards annual student awards to students and doctoral students. The doctoral thesis of Dr. med. Peter Neugebauer was honored for her special practical relevance…

Take a look at our latest paper published in the Journal of Flow Chemistry


„Multistep synthesis of a valsartan precursor in continuous flow"

Obituary: o.Univ. Prof. Dipl. Ing. Dr. Franz Moser


Die akademische Ausbildung und Forschung in Österreich ist untrennbar mit der Person von Prof. Franz Moser verbunden. 1966 wurde er auf den ersten reinen Verfahrenstechnik-Lehrstuhl in Österreich an die TU Graz berufen, aus dem unter anderem auch das Institut für Prozess- und Partikeltechnik…



The OpenFOAM(R) Austrian User Meeting "PFAU18_graz" is scheduled for Wednesday, July 3, 2019 (10 a.m. - 4 p.m.) The program is AVAILABLE HERE, the abstracts can be ACCESED VIA THIS LINK. Details related to the place can be found HERE.

foto ©aupa/foto-frankl

Jakob wins Heinzel-Mondi-Sappi Award 2019


...our former PhD student is awarded for his doctoral thesis.



IPPE is proud to announce that it will host three early stage researchers (PhD students) during the CALIPER project.

The MatheGRAM consortium during the Kick-Off Event in Camberley (Surrey, UK; photo copyright University of Surrey)

Project "MATHEGRAM" has started!


MatheGRAM stands for "Multiscale Analysis of Thermomechanical Behaviour of Granular Materials"

IPPT contributes to CFD Summer School in Italy


Date: September 3 to 7, 2018

Illustration of the filtering approach followed by Radl and Municchi.

Book Chapter in "Advances in Chemical Engineering"


IPPT published a contribution in the renowed book series "Advances in Chemical Engineering". The book series dates back to the year 1956, and is one with a long tradition in the field. Contributors to this series include Andreas Acrivos, Howard Brenner, Rodney Fox, Hans Kuipers, Octave Levenspiel,…

Outstanding reviewer


We are delighted to announce that the Journal Reaction Chemistry & Engineering recognized Heidrun Gruber-Wölfler (leader of the group for continuous processes and synthesis) as an Outstanding Reviewer. Heidrun was selected for her significant contribution to the journal in 2017, based on the number,…