Currently, two research projects supported by Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (FFG) are currently carried at the IIM institute. "EnableMe50"+ and "P2-Opti" deal with socially and economically relevant topics and develop solutions for current challenges in the industry. In this issue of the IIM Newsletter insights into the P2-Opti research project are given.
P2-Opti represents a product and production optimization project under consideration of the entire powertrain life cycle.
Due to the strong trend towards global production networks, more and more activities of the value chain have been relocated to non-European countries. With P2-Opti, the attractiveness of Europe as a production location should be increased through applications of Industry 4.0 in the automotive industry. The approach of digitizing the entire life cycle ranges from the development through the production to the operating phase. The goal of P2-Opti is the reduction of time-to-market and life cycle costs through refined interfaces between development, production and other operations. At the same time, the mutual requirements of the legislator, the manufacturer and the end customer are to be taken into account.
The main contribution of the IIM Institute lies in the research focus "Agility".
Based on decreased product life cycles, customized products, an increasing number of product variants and other causes, the automotive industry is currently experiencing a phase of extreme uncertainty.
Success factor Agility
In such an environment, agility describes the ability of companies to prepare proactively and thus react quickly to changes. Considering the entire value chain, this approach makes it possible to both, exploit economic opportunities and avoid risks in order to improve the economic situation of the whole company. A corporate agility system enables a significantly improved business performance in an uncertain environment. To adapt to fluctuations in market demand, agility levers are used in various areas of the company. P2-Opti is primarily concerned with those of product design, that are in turn part of operations. For more information about agility we refer to the book "Erfolgsfaktor Agilität – Chancen für Unternehmen in einem volatilen Marktumfeld" by Prof. Dr. Ramsauer, Dr. Detlef Kayser and Dr. Christoph Schmitz.