To characterize the interaction and behaviour of the Cr with the ultracold droplets, photoionization experiments are carried out (see our publications). A tuneable pulsed dye laser with 20 ns pulse duration is used to facilitate a two step resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) where both photons have the same colour. With an amazing relaxation mechanism occurring, intermediate states are populated and a subsequent ionization into the continuum produces detectable ions. As a special feature, also transitions to autoionizing states can be observed. It has been already predicted in 1983 [1] that such ionization paths are more efficient than the simple ionization into continuum states which can be shown by these experiments. Furthermore, asymmetric line shapes give hints about Fano resonances which occur when a discrete state interacts with continuum states [2].
[1] M. Pellin, D. Gruen, T. Fisher, and T. Foosnaes,J. Chem. Phys. 79, 5871 (1983).
[2] U. Fano,Phys. Rev.124, 1866 (1961).