The "Woman in Ultrafast Science Global Award" is an initiative of the Ultrafast Science journal, a partner of the journal Science. The awards intention is to give greater visibility to the contributions of female scientists in the field of ultrafast physics and to help strengthen research by women in science in general.
In a two-stage process, Birgitta Schultze-Bernhardt was able to prevail in the worldwide competition and was awarded first place with her contribution "Dual comb spectroscopy in the visible spectral region with enhanced temporal coherence".
Announcement: The Ultrafast Science Journal announces the recipients of the 2nd Women in Ultrafast Science Global Award
Hana Hampel, doctoral student in Prof. Schultze´s Ultrafast Coherent Magnetism research group, shows us the laboratory for ultrafast laser physics. Pulses in the attosecond range are generated there, for the basics of which the Nobel Prize in Physics was recently awarded to Ferenc Krausz.
Reel: We have the shortest light pulse in Graz!
Lukas Fürst, doctoral student in Prof. Schultze-Bernhardt's Coherent Sensing research group, explains dual comb spectroscopy.
Reel: Measure faster with two lasers than with one?
The ultimate limits of optoelectronic processing speed
Together with colleagues from MPQ/ Garching & TU Vienna we have explored how fast (opto-)electronic information technology can possibly get. Good news, there is still a few orders of magnitude processing speed we can make use of in the future.
Nature Communications 13, 1620 (2022) .pdf .pdf .pdf
Professor Gernot Pottlacher, bekannt für seine legendären Weihnachts-Vorlesungen für Experimentalphysik an der TU Graz, zeigt am Donnerstag, 08.07.2021, 15:55 - 17:05 Uhr,
online wieder 20 Experimente.
Nature communications 12, 3120 (2021). Behind the paper Physics world LiveScience EurekAlert! NatureAltmetric
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