Office of IEE.

We are hiring!

The team of the IEE sitting around a table and discussing things. In the background is a TV displaying the Austrian power system.
© Lunghammer, TU Graz


The IEE is looking for committed employees for vacant positions in the scientific field. At the IEE you can work on innovative research projects and contribute to the success of the IEE with your know-how and commitment.

The IEE is significantly involved in groundbreaking projects to optimize energy systems (e.g. the ERC-Project NetZero-Opt) and strives to expand its existing team of around 15 committed members, including around seven researchers, to include highly qualified scientific project staff. Detailed information about our current staffing levels is available on our team page.

Would you like to contribute your expertise to the IEE and take part in these pioneering research projects? Then don't hesitate and apply for one of the open positions now!

We are really looking forward to your applications!


Institute of Electricity Economics and Energy Innovation
Inffeldgasse 18
8010 Graz

Tel.: +43 316 873 7901
Fax: +43 316 873 7910