Office of IEE.

Creativity and technology are not a contradiction

A magazine spread on a billboard in a subway station features a Sonja Wogrin in a white shirt with glasses. Text in German reads: "Kreativität und Technik sind kein Widerspruch". Bottom text: "Sonja Wogrin, Advantage Magazin.
[Translate to Englisch:] © TU Graz


Sonja Wogrin was interviewed by advantage magazine to talk about the role of women in technology, the challenges of the energy transition and her research into the optimization of energy systems.

Sonja Wogrin was recently interviewed by advantage magazine to talk about the role of women in engineering, the challenges of the energy transition and her research on optimizing energy systems.

The interview first highlighted the importance of women in the engineering industry and the diverse perspectives they can bring. Wogrin emphasized the need to encourage and support women to be successful in energy engineering.

She also discussed the challenges and opportunities of the energy transition. She emphasized the importance of a holistic and integrative approach that takes into account both technical and social aspects to shape a sustainable energy future.

Another focus of the interview was Wogrin's research on optimizing energy systems. She explained her work and how it helps to develop more efficient and environmentally friendly energy infrastructures that meet the challenges of climate change.

The interview with Sonja Wogrin in advantage magazine offers an insight into the significant role of women in engineering and highlights the need for a holistic approach to tackling the challenges in the energy sector.


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