As part of the lecture "Practical Aspects of Renewable Energies" there will be a field trip on November 5th 2019.
As part of the lecture "Practical Aspects of Renewable Energies" there will be an excursion in the winter semester 2019. During the excursion the now completed Murkraftwerk Graz will be visited. In addition to the technical and energy economic conditions and challenges, related topics such as operation, planning, approval, environmental issues or public relations are also discussed.
For safety reasons we request all participants to wear sturdy shoes regardless of the weather and an appropriate outfit in case of rainy weather.
Announcement of the excursion [German]
Picture Gallery
Further Information
Webseite des Verbund - Laufkraftwerk Puntigam
Webseite der Energie Steiermark - Wasserkraft
Webseite der Energie Steiermark - Murkraftwerk Puntigam
Energie Steiermark - Unsere Mur, Grüner Strom [German]
Energie Steiermark - Maßnahmenkatalog Murkraftwerk Graz [German]