Thomas Florian Klatzer
Dipl.-Ing. BSc
+43 316 873 - 7908

Researcher Profiles
Pure: thomas-florian-klatzer
OrcID: 0000-0001-8041-0496
LinkedIn: thomas-klatzer

Thomas Klatzer studied Electrical Engineering and Business at Graz University of Technology. He has been employed as project manager for low- and intermediate-voltage switchgears at Siemens AG Austria. He is an university assistant and PhD candidate with the Institute of Electricity Economics and Energy Innovation (IEE), Graz University of Technology. His research interests include renewable energy technologies, electricity markets, optimization in energy system modelling and hydrogen technologies.

Areas of interest
renewable energies, optimization of energy systems, hydrogen technologies, integrated energy systems


Journal Article
Thomas Florian Klatzer, Udo Bachhiesl, Sonja Wogrin and Asgeir Tomasgard Ramping up the hydrogen sector: An energy system modeling framework Applied Energy 355, 2024
Claudia Kettner, Michael Böheim, Mark Sommer, Robert Gaugl, Udo Bachhiesl, Lia Gruber, Thomas Florian Klatzer, Sonja Wogrin and Kurt Kratena Transformation to a renewable electricity system in Austria: Insights from an integrated model analysis Renewable Energy 223, 2024
David Cardona Vasquez, Thomas Florian Klatzer, Bettina Klinz and Sonja Wogrin Enhancing time series aggregation for power system optimization models: Incorporating network and ramping constraints Electric Power Systems Research 230, 2024
Conference/Workshop Article
Thomas Florian Klatzer, Udo Bachhiesl, Sonja Wogrin and Asgeir Tomasgard Assessing the Impact of Natural Gas and Hydrogen Blending in Integrated Energy System Modeling2023 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, PESGM 2023
Sonja Wogrin, Robert Gaugl and Thomas Florian Klatzer Resource Adequacy in Carbon-Neutral Power SystemsFuture of energy - Innovationen für eine klimaneutrale Zukunft17-18
Thomas Florian Klatzer, Udo Bachhiesl and Sonja Wogrin Power System Analyses with the Low-carbon Expansion Generation Optimization (LEGO) model2022 Open Source Modelling and Simulation of Energy Systems (OSMSES)
Other Article
Robert Gaugl, Mark Sommer, Claudia Kettner, Udo Bachhiesl, Thomas Florian Klatzer, Lia Gruber, Michael Böheim, Kurt Kratena and Sonja Wogrin Towards Renewable Power Systems: Analyzing the Technical and Economic Effects Using a Linked Modeling Framework
Sonja Wogrin, Robert Gaugl, Thomas Florian Klatzer and Alexander Michael Konrad The LEGO Model: A Digital Twin of the Power System
Book Chapter
Thomas Florian Klatzer, Udo Bachhiesl and Sonja Wogrin EXPANSION PLANNING IN INTEGRATED POWER & HYDROGEN SYSTEMSFuture of energy - Innovationen für eine klimaneutrale Zukunft242-243


In the iKlimEt research project, simulation tools (optimization, machine learning and energy analytics methods) are being developed for integral energy system planning taking into account the consequences of climate change and extreme events. The project goal is, among other things, the further development of a sector-coupled energy system optimization model (electricity, gas/hydrogen, heating/cooling, transport, demand-side management), which determines optimal expansion and operating decisions for the energy infrastructure. The validation of the developed tools takes place in a case study in the energy system of the Styrian energy networks in the spirit of climate neutrality in 2040.
Funding sources
  • Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (FFG) , FFG
Start: 31.12.2023
End: 30.12.2026
The medium and long-term variability of renewable energies represents an unprecedented systemic challenge. The exploratory project MILES is investigating the demand assessment, system integration and technology-neutral evaluation of medium- and long-term storage technologies in the context of the EAG targets. For this purpose, regression models of relevant processes are created and evaluated on the basis of systemic investigations within the entire Austrian electricity system. The results serve as a basis for the derivation of concrete market models in order to find Austrian consortia for technology research and to develop technology-specific market models.
Funding sources
  • Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (FFG) , FFG
Start: 30.09.2022
End: 30.03.2024
The general objective of this project is the comprehensive elaboration and evaluation of three expansion scenarios for the energy infrastructure of the energy carriers electricity, gas, and heat to enable a sustainable, climate-neutral economic and energy system in Austria by 2040. We apply a model-based investigation approach in which we establish a soft link between three models (ATLANTIS, HyFlow, ASCANIO), specialized and proven for their respective purpose of investigation. We then develop infrastructure expansion plans for three different scenarios (import/export-orientation, sector coupling, and energy efficiency), which represent the first core outcome of the project. A multi-criteria analysis and -assessment synthesizes technical, techno-economic, macro-economic, and environmental aspects and allows a systematic and comprehensive comparison of the scenarios. The resulting scenariobased transformation pathways represent the second core outcome of the project. A GIS-based and webenabled map for energy infrastructures, potentials of renewable energies and sectoral energy demands, constitute the third key outcome and ensure a clear and user-friendly presentation of the complex interrelationships. Our interdisciplinary project consortium can call on comprehensive expertise and numerous pre-projects relevant for this research proposal. By intensively involving a broad range of stakeholders in a series of five specialized workshops, we integrate additional expertise (e.g. with respect to planned infrastructure projects) and take industry ideas and requirements into account. The project results fully meet the terms-of-reference of the tender and show a depth of detail beyond that. Thereby, they represent a solid basis for decision making, in particular for the preparation of the integrated grid infrastructure plan.
Funding sources
  • Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (FFG) , FFG
  • Klima- und Energiefonds
Start: 30.09.2021
End: 30.03.2023
Together with Oesterreichs Energie, a mathematical model is created to consider possibilities and boundary conditions. Scenario analyzes are to be carried out with this model in order to shed more light on the limits of multiple participation. The following questions will be explored: Can billing be standardized? How complex is the distribution of energy? Is it even possible to allocate all energy units? And is the result understandable for the consumer?
Funding sources
  • Österreichs E-Wirtschaft
Start: 30.09.2022
End: 30.03.2023
The objective of START2030 is to provide comprehensive analysis of the economic incidence and social impacts of a transition to a 100% renewable electricity system by 2030.
Funding sources
  • Klima- und Energiefonds
Start: 31.10.2020
End: 30.10.2022

International Exchange

Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA) Aug - Oct 2024
Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), Amsterdan (Niederlande) Jun - Jul 2023
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim (Norway) Aug - Sep 2022

Institute of Electricity Economics and Energy Innovation
Inffeldgasse 18
8010 Graz

Tel.: +43 316 873 7901