ADAS – Automated Driving, Driver Assistance Systems

Research interests:

  • Development methods and processes for vehicle integration of automated driving functions and development of innovative automated driving functions
  • Human-machine interaction, driver behavior studies, and objectification of subjective evaluation of automated driving functions
  • Integration of sensors of the driving environment detection, and environment modeling, sensor data fusion


Modeling and simulation of automated driving functions focusing on the entire vehicle using commercial and in-house software packages. Experimental testing with test vehicles on test tracks and public roads as well as an overall vehicle simulator. Observation and measurement of driving behavior with various physiological sensors (heart rate, eye tracking, etc.).
Contact person
Arno Eichberger
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
+43 316 873 - 35210
+43 (316) 873 - 35202