I. Galan, C. Baumann, M. Sakoparnig, C. Grengg and M. Dietzel Growth of brucite (Mg(OH)2) on portlandite (Ca(OH)2)
Joachim Juhart, Augusto Cezar Maciel Soares, Maximilian Eckart, Andreas Saxer, Rudolf Röck and Florian Mittermayr CO2-reduzierter Faserspritzbeton für permanente Tunnelinnenschalen (Teil 1): Konzept und erste Testergebnisse Spritzbeton-Tagung 2025 18-24
Iris Zoegl, Ognjen Rudić, Bettina Ratz, Amr Hassan, Stefanie Radinger, Florian Steindl, Cyrill Valazza-Grengg, Martin Dietzel and Sara Raič On the Prediction of Strength and Optimum Mix-Designs of Mineral-Waste-Based Alkali-Activated MaterialsProceedings of the RILEM Spring Convention and Conference 2024. RSCC 202480-88
Ognjen Rudić, Seyrek Yunus, Bernhard Freytag, Joachim Juhart, Cyrill Grengg and Florian Mittermayr Development of Shrinkage/Crack-Controlled Alkali-Activated-Oil-Fibre Repair Mortars for Composite ApplicationsProceedings of the RILEM Spring Convention and Conference 2024. RSCC 2024165-173
Marjorie Pons Pineyro, Isabel Galan, Florian R. Steindl, Marlene Sakoparnig and Florian Mittermayr Reactivity of Siderite (FeCO<sub>3</sub>) in Cementitious Systems and Its Potential Use as a Future SCMProceedings of the RILEM Spring Convention and Conference 2024. RSCC 2024225-232
Marlene Sakoparnig, Bernhard Müller, Karl L. Sterz and Isabel Galan Influence of Carbonation on the Chloride Ingress Analyzed via Optical SensorsProceedings of the RILEM Spring Convention and Conference 2024. RSCC 2024. 416-425