Joachim Juhart, Gheorghe Alexandru David and Elke Krischey-Stoiser Leitfaden Öko²Beton - Ressourcen-optimierter Beton für Fertigteile
Andre Baldermann, Martin Dietzel, Vasileios Mavromatis, Florian Mittermayr, Laurence N. Warr and Klaus Wemmer The role of Fe on the formation and diagenesis of interstratified glauconite-smectite and illite-smectite
Ronny Boch, Xianfeng Wang, Tobias Kluge, Walter Kurz, Albrecht Leis, Ke Lin, Hannes Pluch, Florian Mittermayr and Martin Dietzel Aragonite-calcite precipitation in vertical fractures of the “Erzberg” siderite deposit (Austria): Hydrogeochemical and neotectonic implications
Helmuth Kreiner, Alexander Passer and Bernd Markus Zunk Increasing Efficiency and Sustainability of Real Estate Portfolios: A Methodological Approach based on State-of-the-Art Building Certification Systems
Proceedings of the 22nd EBES Conference - Rome
Florian Mittermayr, Andre Baldermann, Claudia Baldermann, G.H. Grathoff, Dietmar Klammer, Stephan Jürgen Köhler, Albrecht Leis, Laurence Warr and Martin Dietzel Environmental controls and reaction pathways of coupled de-dolomitization and thaumasite formation
Mathias Maes, Florian Mittermayr and Nele De Belie The influence of sodium and magnesium sulphate on the penetration of chlorides in mortar
Ronny Boch, Albrecht Leis, Edith Haslinger, Johann Emmerich Goldbrunner, Florian Mittermayr, Heinz Fröschl, Dorothee Hippler and Martin Dietzel Scale‑fragment formation impairing geothermal energy production: interacting H2S corrosion and CaCO3 crystal growth
Ronny Boch, Martin Dietzel, Edith Haslinger, Johann Emmerich Goldbrunner, Florian Mittermayr, Heinz Fröschl, Dorothee Hippler and Albrecht Leis Scale-fragment accumulations blocking geothermal energy extraction - Interacting steel sulfide corrosion and calcite crystallization
Marlene Sakoparnig, Ronny Boch, Xianfeng Wang, Ke Lin, Christoph Spötl, Albrecht Leis, Florian Mittermayr and Martin Dietzel Seasonal meteoric and calcite precipitation recorded in two active stalagmites and cave monitoring data from Katerloch, Austria
C. Grengg, F. Mittermayr, G. Koraimann, F. Konrad, M. Szabó, A. Demeny and M. Dietzel The decisive role of acidophilic bacteria in concrete sewer networks
Jessica Alexandra Stammeier, Dorothee Hippler, Oliver Nebel, Florian Mittermayr, Cyrill Grengg, Albrecht Leis and Martin Dietzel Unlocking isotopic and elemental archives in marine phosphorites: a case study from the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary
Cyrill Grengg, Florian Mittermayr, Guenther Koraimann, Mate Szabo, Attila Demeny and Martin Dietzel The decisive role of acidophilic bacteria on microbial induced concrete corrosion in sewers
Construction materials for sustainable future
Cyrill Grengg, Florian Mittermayr, Guenther Koraimann, Florian Konrad, Mate Szabo, Attila Demény and Martin Dietzel THE DECISIVE ROLE OF ACIDOPHILIC BACTERIA ON BIOGENIC ACID CORROSION IN SEWERS: A NOVEL MODEL APPROACH
Advances in construction Materials and Systemy
Robert Scot McLeod and Michael Swainson Chronic overheating in low carbon urban developments in a temperate climate.
Cyrill Grengg, Florian Mittermayr and Martin Dietzel Biogen induzierter Schwefelsäureangriff in Abwasseranlagen: Ursachen-Prozessmechanismen-Reduzierungsstrategien
Tagungsband DWA-Landesverbandstagung Baden-Wüttenberg
Alexander Passer, Gernot Fischer, Richard Deutsch, Petra Sölkner and Sebastian Spaun Innovative Building Technologies and Technical Equipment Towards Sustainable Construction: A Comparative LCA and LCC Assessment
Innovative Building Technologies and Technical Equipment Towards Sustainable Construction: A Comparative LCA and LCC Assessment (2017)
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