D2_Design 2

Appreciation Center Lend
Waterfront Architectur

Located on Vienna Street in Graz, directly on the Mühlgang, is the former ticket booth of the municipal Mühlgang swimming pool. The building and a garden across the Mühlgang are utilized by an appreciation center, which serves as a social meeting place for the neighborhood, facilitating access to the urban natural space (green space and water) and providing social jobs.

The area borders the grounds of the "Echo" youth center. While the "Echo" is exclusively for young people, the Lend appreciation center serves to network all age groups and social classes.

E2 aims to develop an overall concept for the area that will achieve the following:

Connect the existing building to the appreciation garden via the Mühlgang
Create a covered outdoor area for seminars and workshops
Construct a new workspace with associated sanitary and infrastructure facilities
The experience of water and green space is a central theme of the task. The existing ticket booth will be preserved and adapted, maintaining its low-threshold and inviting character while facilitating social interactions.

This realistic task combines the sustainable use of historical building stock, the careful treatment of urban natural space, and the topic of social sustainability.

Topic presentation: Thursday, Feb. 29, 9 a.m., HS I
Registration start: Feb. 30, 9 a.m, TUGO

D4 + DST_Design 4 + Design of specialised topics

This Design 4 can only be chosen in combination with Designing specialized topics.
Our work is carried out in two groups:

  • Group Boles-Parmann, collaborating with the Institute of Structural Design, will focus on identifying the most suitable construction material for the proposed structure. 
  • Group Levak-Brugger, in partnership with the Timber Construction Professorship, will explore the integration of wooden elements into the architectural design.


Invisible Spaces
Jakomini's House for All

This semester, our primary focus will be on typologies related to creativity, production, entertainment, and housing. We aim to integrate innovation with tradition, breathing new life into the commercial site located in the southern part of Graz-Jakomini.

Situated close to the Messehalle and the new development quarter, adjacent to the OBI Markt and Gymnasium BORG Monsbergergasse, lies a vacant space within the urban fabric. Our objective is to densify this area and introduce a hybrid communal housing model, filling a void within the urban landscape.

What distinguishes this community is its inclusive nature, welcoming not only individuals from various age groups but also fostering a diverse array of craftsmanship and creative disciplines. This environment offers residents the opportunity to work, live, and leisure within the same space. Additionally, it aims to serve as a venue for cultural events, attracting both locals and tourists, and challenging the boundary between public and private realms.

„Elementary Timber Construction“
(Group Levak-Brugger)

The course "Design of Specialized Topics" extensively deals with the challenges of combining industrialized manufacturing methods with architectural requirements for building components in urban areas. Participants learn how to integrate the economic benefits of serial and industrialized wood system manufacturing with building cultural, functional, and social requirements.

In this year's seminar titled "Elementary Timber Construction," we focus on the development of timber frame systems for multi-story timber construction. In addition to the resource-efficient use of wood as a raw material, the emphasis will be on teaching the use of solid timber cross-sections.

The course is complementary to the course "Design 4" and provides a profound insight into the techniques and methods of contemporary planning for individualized system manufacturing in timber construction.


Topic presentation: Thursday, Feb. 29, 10:30 a.m., HS I
Registration start: Mar. 1st, 9 a.m, TUGO


WS2_Workshop 2

Design of circular and reusable wooden architecture

In the context of the seminar, the future challenges and tasks of building with timber will be examined with regard to resilient and circular economy friendly construction. For this purpose, design, static and constructive solutions will be discussed with regard to re-use and the use of used building materials. The aim is to gain knowledge about design strategies for circular building with wood and to make them applicable to one's own design work. This year's focus is above all on building with used wooden building components and the demands that can be imposed on them.


Construction 4 Lecture

The lecture offers an in-depth examination of construction methods in connection with design. In accordance with the formulated teaching objectives, the content is structured from large to small, so that each detailed piece of information is presented in the structure of the whole. Cross-connections between different constructional contents should, in accordance with architectural reality, present building construction as a complex, technical, functional and aesthetic structure, as well as address the given circumstances of climate change in connection with the building industry and its consumption of resources with regard to sustainability.

Construction 4 Exercise 149.527

After successful submission to the authorities, we are now trying to bring the project to life. Taking into account the legal, building physics and static principles, an implementation plan is now to be drawn up on the basis of the submitted plans. Special attention will be paid to the understanding of the interaction of different trades and the preparation of concrete proposals for detailed constructional solutions at the state of the art.