Stefan Leitner, Nejat Saed and Annette Muetze Analysis of Claw Deflections and Radial Magnetic Forces in Low-Cost Sub-Fractional Horsepower BLDC Claw-Pole Motors
ECCE 2021 - IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition
Stefan Leitner, Nejat Saed and Annette Muetze Novel Bent Steel Sheet Strip Based Two-Pole Single-Phase BLDC Motor Topology for Low-Cost Fan Applications
ECCE 2021 - IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition
Nejat Saed, Stefan Leitner and Annette Muetze Effect of the Interaction of Different Manufacturing Imperfections on the Unbalanced Radial Forces in a Sub-Fractional HP Single-Phase BLDC Motor
ECCE 2021 - IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition
Stefan Leitner, Hannes Grübler and Annette Muetze Effect of Manufacturing Influences on Magnetic Performance Parameters of Sub-Fractional Horsepower Motors
Sandra Schön, Clarissa Braun, Katharina Hohla, Annette Muetze and Martin Ebner Technologiegestützte Lehre an der TU Graz in der COVID-19-PandemieWie Corona die Hochschullehre verändert243-258
Benedikt Riegler and Annette Muetze Volume Comparison of Passive Components for Hard-Switching Current- and Voltage-Source-Inverters
Thomas Rainer Langbauer, Alexander Connaughton, Franz Vollmaier, Milan Pajnic and Klaus Krischan Closed-Loop Control of a Three-Port Series Resonant Converter
Konstantinos Patmanidis, Michael Glavanovics and Annette Muetze Scalable Multitasking Dynamic Pulse Based Reliability Stress Test for High Voltage Discrete Semiconductors
2021 23rd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2021 ECCE Europe
Heinrich T. Eickhoff, Roland Seebacher and Annette Muetze Space Harmonics and Saturation Interaction in Fault-Tolerant Induction Machine Drives Due to a Zero-Sequence Stator Current
Konstantinos Patmanidis, Tobias Kist, Michael Glavanovics and Annette Muetze Configurable gate driver for a stress test bench of newly developed discrete silicon power devices
Hannes Grübler System Design of Fractional Horsepower Electric Drives
Felix Krall Electromagnetic Emissions of Sub-Fractional HP BLDC Drives
Felix Krall, Hannes Grübler and Annette Muetze Analysis of the Angle Modulated Switching Strategy for use With Fractional Horse Power BLDC Motors