Biogas2H2 - On-site use of biogas for decentralised hydrogen production

The transition towards electromobility with hydrogen fuel cells requires innovative solutions to build efficient, nationwide hydrogen supply from renewable resources. The project Biogas2H2 (local biogas utilization for decentralized hydrogen production) develops efficient hydrogen production on site from biogas based on the RESC process (reformer steam iron cycle) and develops the possibilities of commercial implementation. The cooperation enables the consortium to tackle essential research questions in material- and process development.

The impact of certain impurities in the biogas and their reaction products is evaluated in lab-scale to characterize their impact on the long-term stability of the applied metal oxide materials and catalysts. The attainable hydrogen quality is determined in a 10 kW chemical looping research system in the lab and with a real producer gas at the biogas plant to proof the suitability of the product gas towards the rigid restrictions for low-temperature fuel cells in mobility applications. The project outcomes will vitally support the successful commercialization of the On-Site On-Demand technology for decentralized hydrogen generation from biogas by the innovative.


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Involved Organizations

  • Ökostrom Mureck GmbH
  • Rouge H2 Engineering GmbH


Financial support by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) through the 30th Bridge Call is gratefully acknowledged.

Viktor Hacker
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
+43 316 873 - 8780


01/2020 – 12/2021

Link Project Description