Teaching at the faculty

Teaching as a cornerstone of the faculty’s duties comprises teaching as a service as well as teaching for the specialty studies of the faculty and multi-department professional studies.

Almost nothing will get done without mathematics and physics:

Teaching as a service comprises in particular the basic courses of mathematics and physics for nearly all courses of study at Graz University of Technology. In the academic year 2017/18, teaching as a service accounted for nearly 2/3 of all exams taken.

An attractive portfolio of professional studies:

The faculty offers bachelor studies and research-oriented master studies in their core competences of Mathematics, Physics and Geodesy. The faculty is also in charge of teacher training in Descriptive Geometry and makes key contributions to comprehensive, multi-faculty and university, study programs, such as, Advanced Materials Science, Environmental Systems Sciences  / Climate and Environmental Monitoring, Geospatial technology as well as Space Science and Earth from Space.

High Quality and a broad rangy of studies by means of the NAWI-Graz Cooperation:

The bachelor and master study courses are jointly offered with the University of Graz in the framework of the NAWI Graz cooperation. The corresponding three master courses (Mathematics, Physics, Technical Physics) are taught in English in the context of internationalisation.

Geodesy – increasingly important for addressing the challenges of sustainability:

In the core area of geodesy, all curricula were reorganised in a future-orientated concept.

Environmental Systems Sciences / Climate and Environmental Monitoring

The faculty is involved in the Environmental Systems Sciences / Climate and Environmental Monitoring Master's program, which deals with current issues of climate and environmental monitoring of high scientific and social relevance.

Advanced Materials Science – a popular study course at the interface between natural sciences and engineering

In the meantime, around 200 graduates have successfully completed the master studies of Advanced Materials Science. Introduced in 2008 as part of the NAWI Graz cooperation, this course is now taught in English.

The faculty: much in demand as a co-operation partner for technology-based businesses:

A significant number of master and doctoral theses supervised by the faculty are made in co-operation with industry.

Promoting young researchers is regarded as a particular strength of this faculty:

All three departments of the faculty conduct their doctoral studies in the framework of NAWI Graz and three doctoral schools: Mathematics and Scientific Computing, Physics and Geo Sciences, Class of Geodesy. The department of mathematics participates at two doctoral colleges, one in co-operation with TU München.

Excellence in Teaching is shown by our award winners:

  • Marc Technau for his lecture Introduction to Algebra (Academic year 2022/23)
  • Martin Schultze and Roland Lammegger for the lecture Experimental physics 1 & 2 (Academic year 2021/22)
  • Melina Amor for her lecture Molecular Diagnostics (Academic year 2019/20)
  • Werner Lienhart for his lecture Advanced Engineering Geodesy (Academic year 2017/18)
  • Gernot Pottlacher for his Christmas lectures
  • Jussi Berndt for his lecture Vector Analysis (Academic year 2013/14)
  • Wolfgang Sprengel for his course Physics for Chemists (Academic year 2013/14)
  • Gerhard Unger for his course Numerical Mathematics 3 (Academic year 2013/14)
  • Winfrid Kernbichler for his course Application Software and Programming (Summer 2011)

Prize for Excellence in Teaching

Bachelor's Degree Programmes
Teacher Education Programme

Dean's Office of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Geodesy
Petersgasse 16
8010 Graz

Contact for study and exam related questions