1. Preis

Sebastian Stubenrauch
Grazer Wände


Grazer Wände shows the joy of designing as an architect, as it looks for a surprising theme in a surprising location. It seeks interstices, spaces that normally wouldn’t be used for building, and successfully opposes a shallow plot by creating a very large ensemble with a referential façade.”
— Philippe Viérin



Xhylferije Kryeziu
Who Are We Building for?
Short Journal and Journey through Time and Space in Kosovo


“This is a thorough project that involves not only architecture but also the reasons behind the question why we build. It offers an extensive investigation of the Kosovar society, more specifically the contrast between the shrinking population in the villages due to migration and the simultaneous developing of construction. Photography is used as a vital tool of research to provide context while negotiating questions of representation.”
— Anna Positano



Stefanie Obermayer
Potential: Umbau.
Zirkuläres Bauen und die Frage nach der Weiterentwicklung des Gebäudebestands der Nachkriegszeit.


“This work is impressive as it deals with an anonymous structure from the 1960s in a straightforward manner. Minor interventions are incorporated to transform an existing building into a new hybrid program, taking into account the importance of both affordability and sustainability in social housing.”
— Julia Fröhlich



Carola Hilgert
Die Flut als Chance.
Entwicklung eines neuen Mobilitäts- und Freiraumkonzepts für die Stolberger Innenstadt.


“Beginning with a theoretical approach, the project deals with current challenges and provides a pragmatic answer to the climate crisis in a feasible way, making it a possible paradigm for other cities in the world.”
— Anna Positano



Felix Dokonal
Revitalisierung der Postgarage als Zentrum für Gries


“In a progressive way the thesis works around mushrooms as a building material through comprehensive research. A vibrant collection of different interventions transforms an existent structure into a new ensemble, enhancing the approach to production in a specific neighborhood.”
— Philippe Viérin