Faculty News

© Danijel Zorec

Danijel Zorec’s project "The Living Bridges of Vienna" wins the first prize of this year’s GAD Awards


Supervised by Roger Riewe (Institute of Architecture Technology), Danijel Zorec's diploma thesis develops an urban cluster in the form of multiple inhabitable bridges over the Danube Island thus linking two urban areas of Vienna.

© Jakob Vinzenz Zöbl

Jakob Zöbls „PALIMPSEST“ wins one of the two 1st Prizes of the GAD Awards


This project, which was supervised by Andreas Lechner (Institute of Design and Building Typology), focuses on the architectural potential of infrastructural buildings in the border region of the Hohe Tauern National Park.

© GAM.Lab, TU Graz

GAD Awards 20 - virtually!


On October 15, 2020 the Faculty of Architecture at Graz University of Technology presented the Graz Architecture Diploma awards for the eighteenth time. This year the award ceremony took place virtually.

[Translate to Englisch:]
© ITE, TU Graz

3D Welding


Since January 2020 the team from the Institute for Structural Design, including Christoph Holzinger, Stefan Peters, Jana Rieth and Andreas Trummer, have been working on the Collective Research Project "3D Welding: Additive Fabrication of Structural Steel Elements" to investigate the possibilities…

© GAM.Lab, TU Graz

Stage and Costumes.


The Schauspielhaus Theatre in Graz as an Example for Design in Consisting Structure

© GAM.Lab, TU Graz

Call for Faculty News


In April 2021 the next issue of GAM – Graz Architecture Magazine: "GAM.17 –Wood. Rethinking Material" will be published. As usual, GAM will devote one of its sections to the “Faculty News”, presenting an overview of the faculty’s most important events and activities spanning from November 2019 to…

© Jamilla Balint

"Humming Room".


As part of the Graz Cultural Year 2020, the architect Milena Stavrić (Institute for Architecture and Media), together with the artist Elisabeth Harnik and the acoustician Jamilla Balint, created the sound art installation "Humming Room."

© ALS_O (Artgineering/LAMA/Sweco)

Artgineering-LAMA-Sweco (ALS_O)’s "The Green Market" Project Wins Competition for the biggest square in Belgium


Artgineering (Aglaée Degros, Institute of Urbanism), in cooperation with LAMA and Sweco, has been chosen winner in the open competition Open Oproep for the refurbishment of Belgium's largest square, the Grote Markt.

© KOEN, TU Graz

Marc Benjamin Drewes at "Am KOEN zu Gast".


An Online Excursion by the Institute of Construction and Design Principles

© Milica Tomić | Photo: Srdjan Veljovic

On Love Afterwards: A Public Montage by Milica Tomić


Renowned performance and media artist Milica Tomić from the Institute of Contemporary Art is currently exhibiting at Kunsthalle Wien.