Merging Monolith

Lisa-Marie Brandauer, Larissa Kaltenbrunner, Chiara Stepanek

Wafts of mist slowly dissolve in the cold air of northern Iceland, exposing a breathtaking landscape of rugged rock and sparse vegetation. Leaving the parking lot and walking along the wooden path towards the Grkótagjá Caves, one is caught by the magical landscape and the massive crevice that emerges from the  two continental plates. Only one tower stands out from the desert. On the way there you notice that something is hiding directly underneath - almost like a mirage, you want to explore it. It turns out to be a perfectly camouflaged building that can hardly be distinguished from the monotonous landscape. A new monolith has now settled here.

Wintersemester 2020/2021
Workshop 3
Kaden, Brugger

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