Reboot BUILD UP Skills Austria aims to re-establish the national processes carried out in the first pillar of national Build Up Skills in Austria (2011-2013) in order to bring together all relevant Austrian stakeholders on training and qualification activities/initiatives in the building sector. The stakeholders will be extended to include new/further institutions, both among the educational institutions and representative of trades in construction sector. All the relevant professions and skills at all levels in the building sector will be identified to achieve and define the role of energy efficiency and renewable energy for 2030. The skills will include the implementing energy efficiency and integration of renewables in the construction of new buildings as well as renovation. In the second step, in cooperation with the relaunched national qualification platform, a current Status Quo Analysis and a National Qualification Roadmap until 2030 will be developed, which will take into account the new realities of the construction sector. The project will not only focus on the further education of the blue-collar workers but also on the further education of professionals working as building planners and manager such as architects, designers, engineers, etc.
  • European Commission - Europäische Kommission, EU
Externe Partner
  • Österreichische Energieagentur - Austrian Energy Agency
  • Donau-Universität Krems
Beginn: 30.09.2022
Ende: 30.03.2024