The aim of the research project is the scientific monitoring of the construction project "Graz Center of Physics" from the perspective of sustainable and climate-friendly construction. In order to ensure the ambitious sustainability goals of the project, a continuous scientific evaluation of the project is planned. One focus of the project will be on the topics of climate change and biodiversity. Already in the early planning phases, the ecological quality of the project is to be promoted through ambitious targets and evaluated and subsequently optimized in the further course of the project through close-meshed monitoring. The results of this process will be scientifically evaluated and processed and will serve as a basis for future university construction projects. The results of the scientific sustainability project support will also be incorporated into ongoing research and teaching at the research focus area of Sustainable Construction and disseminated in scientific journals and at conferences.
  • Universität Graz, Direktion für Ressourcen und Planung
Beginn: 31.12.2021
Ende: 30.12.2029