RDM/Support & Service/Data Champions/Events

Data Champions: Science Brunch

The virtual science brunch of the Data Champions community took place on 23.04.2021 in the interactive video conferencing tool Gather.town. At the 2nd meeting of the Data Champions, Data Steward Hermann Schranzhofer gave an interesting insight into the topics of metadata and the TU Graz Repository (invenioRDM) by sharing valuable information and experiences with the participants. Between the presentations, the Data Champions had the opportunity to exchange ideas with each other and the Data Stewards in "Connect & Talk" sessions, to contribute impulses and to ask questions about RDM tools and services. At the end of the event, the virtual room in Gather.town was handed over to the Data Champions community, providing a meeting point to share knowledge and experiences on RDM topics.

The next network meeting will be held in Gather.town at the end of May 2021. The "Data Champion" community at TU Graz is being established as part of the research field of action in the "Digital TU Graz" project.