RDM/Support & Service/Data Champions/Events

Data Champions: Licencing and Outlook

On 17. September 2021, the Data Champions met virtually in Gather.town. Data Champion Jakob Harden provided comprehensive information about different license types and how own work can be licensed. Both Jakob and Data Steward Hermann Schranzhofer answered numerous questions from the participants about licensing. The discussion illuminated various aspects of the licensing topic and contributed to a better understanding of how to deal with licenses. Subsequently, topics for the event in October were collected and also those that play an important role for the future of the Data Champions community. There was a strong focus on practical orientation in this context, in order to bring research data management to life.

The next meeting will be held in presence at in October 2021. The "Data Champions" community at TU Graz is being established as part of the research field of action in the "Digital TU Graz" project.