RDM/Support & Service/Data Champions/Events

Data Champions Kick-off

On March 11, 2021, the kick-off event of the new "Data Champion" community at TU Graz took place with eleven researchers. TU Graz is establishing this network to promote good research data management practice across all disciplines and to better meet the needs of researchers in this area. The Data Champions acquire know-how on tools and services in the field of Research Data Management (RDM), network at regular meetings and exchange experiences among themselves. Subsequently, they share their discipline-specific RDM knowledge and advise other researchers in their field.

At the kick-off, participants got to know each other, received an overview of the "Data Champion" program, and contributed their own topics for design. Additional monthly meetings are planned through September 2021. The "Data Champion" community at TU Graz is being established as part of the research field of action in the "Digital TU Graz" project.