RDM/Networks and Events

DMP Workshop @ CSBME - data management plans & data repositories

The RDM team of TU Graz invites members and interested colleagues of the Faculty of Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering to a workshop on data management plans (DMP) and the use of our institutional data repository. DMPs are guidelines intended to help researchers to deal with data adequately enabling a subsequent use and preventing possible data loss while they are required for newly funded projects from FWF, EC and other funding agencies. Recommendations for public funded projects also include the use of data repositories. We will show how to use the TU Graz repository providing persistent identifiers to publish data related to project results in addition to scientific publications. We also give the opportunity, especially to PhD students to train and to create their own DMPs for their thesis, and will guide and give feedback to experienced researchers to their DMPs for future projects.

When? 2023-08-03 at 2-4pm
Where? Infeldgasse 16b/1 (IC01074) 

Since the number of places are limited it is recommended to register! 
For registration please contact: c.jean-quartiernoSpam@tugraz.at