Georgi Kovachev, Hartmuth Schröttner, Gregor Gstrein, Luigi Aiello, Ilie Hanzu, H. Martin R. Wilkening, Alexander Foitzik, Michael Wellm, Wolfgang Sinz and Christian EllersdorferAnalytical dissection of an automotive Li-ion pouch cellPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Luigi Aiello, Georgi Kovachev, Bernhard Brunnsteiner, Martin Schwab, Gregor Gstrein, Wolfgang Sinz and Christian EllersdorferIn Situ Measurement of Orthotropic Thermal Conductivity on Commercial Pouch Lithium-Ion Batteries with Thermoelectric DevicePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Georgi Kovachev, Christian Ellersdorfer, Gregor Gstrein, Ilie Hanzu, H. Martin R. Wilkening, Tobias Werling, Florian Schauwecker and Wolfgang SinzSafety assessment of electrically cycled cells at high temperatures under mechanical crush loadsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Tobias Werling, Peter Geuting, Patrick Höschele, Christian Ellersdorfer and Wolfgang SinzInvestigation of the electro-mechanical behavior of automotive high voltage busbars under combined electrical load with varying indenter geometry and environmental conditionsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Georgi Kovachev, Andrea Astner, Gregor Gstrein, Luigi Aiello, Johann Hemmer, Wolfgang Sinz and Christian EllersdorferThermal Conductivity in Aged Li-Ion Cells under Various Compression Conditions and State-of-ChargePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Institut für Fahrzeugsicherheit
Inffeldgasse 13/VI
8010 Graz
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