Dominik Prammer, Alois Vorwagner, Werner Lienhart, Thomas Moser and Vazul Boros Innovative Ansätze für das Bauwerksmonitoring im Netz der ASFINAG
34. Dresdner Brückenbausymposium
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Thomas Moser and Werner Lienhart Berührungslose Erfassung von Brückendeformationen mit geodätischen Messverfahren
23. Internationale Geodätische Woche Obergurgl 2025
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Werner Lienhart, Christoph Monsberger, Johannes Fleckl-Ernst and Bernd Moritz Sensorik und Langzeitmonitoring im TunnelbauBeton-Kalender 2025393-413
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J. Raventós, M. Beth, M. Clegg, H. Garin, J. Golser, Werner Lienhart, G. Pezzetti, A. Ridley, V. Schuurmans, R. Schulze, W. Steiner, L. de Vos and H. Wörsching Development of international standards for geotechnical instrumentation under ISO – an updateNew Challenges in Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 181-186
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Werner Lienhart, Lisa Strasser, M Hagmüller, F Ainhirn, A Bolzer, G Hötzendorfer, G Wischenbarth, A Kainz, K Maier, N Samhaber and C Schicketmüller Development and validation of a third party intrusion detection software based on DAS measurement data
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Caroline Schönberger Zustandsüberwachung
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Slaven Kalenjuk and Werner Lienhart Drive-by infrastructure monitoring
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Peter Bauer, Caroline Schönberger and Werner Lienhart Interactive planning of GNSS monitoring applications with virtual reality
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Jun Yi Guo, Werner Lienhart, Meng Ya Sun, Cheng Cheng Zhang, Chen Zhuo, Hong Tao Jiang and Bin Shi The water vapor distribution profile in dry soil layer during evaporating with high spatial resolution monitored by distributed fibre-optic sensing technology
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Peter Bauer and Helmut Woschitz Laboratory Investigations of the Leica RTC360 Laser Scanner—Distance Measuring Performance
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Mohammad Shamim Miah and Werner Lienhart Measured displacement data analysis and modelling for structural health monitoring
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Mohammad Shamim Miah and Werner Lienhart Performance Comparison of Derivativefree Optimization Methods
Proceedings of International Structural Engineering and Construction, 11(2), 2024
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Mohammad Shamim Miah and Werner Lienhart Performance Comparison of Different Vibration Control Strategies
4th International Conference "Coordinating Engineering for Sustainability and Resilience" and Midterm Conference of CircularB “Implementation of Circular Economy in the Built Environment”
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Vlad-Andrei Dumitru, Matthias Boehm, Martin Hagmüller and Barbara Schuppler Version Control for Speech Corpora
Proceedings of the 20th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2024)
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T. Moser, W. Lienhart and F. Schill Static and dynamic monitoring of bridges with contactless techniques
Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Digitalization and Sustainability
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L. Strasser and W. Lienhart Distributed fiber optic sensing during static and dynamic bridge loading
Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Digitalization and Sustainability
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Vazul Boros, Alois Vorwagner, Dominik Prammer and Werner Lienhart Application of Embedded Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors on a Highway Bridge as a Support for Bridge Inspections
Proceedings of the 14th Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering
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Werner Lienhart, Thomas Moser and Lisa Strasser Large scale monitoring of a highway bridge with remote sensing and distributed fiber optic techniques during load tests
Proceedings of the 10th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM 2024)
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Caroline Schönberger and Werner Lienhart Drive-by Structural Monitoring using GNSS measurements at alpine bridges
Proceedings of 11th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM 2024)
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Werner Lienhart Erfassung von Hangbewegungen und Steinschlägen mit geodätischen und faseroptischen Sensoren
Beiträge zum 2. Steinschlagsymposium 2024 Schladming
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Mohammad Shamim Miah and Werner Lienhart Offline and Online Performance Contrast of Optimal Control
The 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering ECCOMAS CONGRESS 2024
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Stefan Lachinger, Harald Unterweger, Gerald Lackner, Dietmar Maicz, Theresa Reimoser, Werner Lienhart, Thomas Mack and Franz Forstlechner Destructive Testing of the Pinkabach Railway Bridge - Large scale Testing of Sensor Systems for Fatigue Crack Monitoring and System Identification
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Peter Bauer and Helmut Woschitz Anwendung von 3D Laserscanning im Himalaya – Erste Auswertungen
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Markus Krüger, Helmut Pongratz, Werner Lienhart, Thomas Mülleder, Fritz Binder and Jan Willeke Interoperable, platform independent structural health monitoring with long-term availability
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Andreas Wuestefeld, Zack J. Spica, Kasey Aderhold, Hsin‐Hua Huang, Kuo‐Fong Ma, Voon Hui Lai, Meghan Miller, Lena Urmantseva, Daniel Zapf, Daniel C. Bowden, Pascal Edme, Tjeerd Kiers, Antonio P. Rinaldi, Katinka Tuinstra, Camille Jestin, Sergio Diaz‐Meza, Philippe Jousset, Christopher Wollin, Arantza Ugalde, Sandra Ruiz Barajas, Beatriz Gaite, Gilda Currenti, Michele Prestifilippo, Eiichiro Araki, Takashi Tonegawa, Sjoerd de Ridder, Andy Nowacki, Fabian Lindner, Martin Schoenball, Christoph Wetter, Hong‐Hu Zhu, Alan F. Baird, Robin A. Rørstadbotnen, Jonathan Ajo‐ Franklin, Yuanyuan Ma, Robert E. Abbott, Kathleen M. Hodgkinson, Robert W. Porritt, Christian Stanciu, Agatha Podrasky, David Hill, Biondo Biondi, Siyuan Yuan, Bin Luo, Sergei Nikitin, Jan Petter Morten, Vlad-Andrei Dumitru, Werner Lienhart, Erin Cunningham and Herbert Wang The Global DAS Month of February 2023
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Peter Bauer and Werner Lienhart Augmentation approaches for geodetic permanent monitoring systems in dynamic urban environments
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Peter Bauer and Werner Lienhart 3D concept creation of permanent geodetic monitoring installations and the a priori assessment of systematic effects using Virtual Reality
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Slaven Kalenjuk and Werner Lienhart Unlocking the full potential of mobile laser scanning for infrastructure monitoring
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Mohammad Shamim Miah and Werner Lienhart Dynamic response mitigation adopting multi-damping technological strategy
SMART 2023: Smart Structures and Materials
757 - 765
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Stefan Grubinger, Matthias Rebhan, Slaven Kalenjuk, Lukas Gruber, Arnold Kogelnig and Wolfgang Walcher Digitalisierungspotential der Prüfung geotechnischer Bauwerke mittels digitaler Zwillinge, standardisierten Prüfvorschriften und on-site-Erfassungslösungen
Beiträge zum 37. Christian Veder Kolloquium
179 - 198
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Caroline Schönberger, Werner Lienhart and Benjamin Kaden Static and Dynamic Structural Monitoring of Civil Infrastructure Objects with GNSS
SMART 2023: Smart Structures and Materials
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, Philippe Jousset, Andreas Wuestefeld, Charlotte Krawczyk, Alan F. Baird, Gilda Currenti, Martin Landrø, Andy Nowacki, Zack J. Spica, Sandra Ruiz Barajas, Fabian Lindner, Özgün A. Konca, Pascal Edme, Voon Hui Lai, Vladimir Treshchikov, Lena Urmantseva, Jan Peter Morten, Werner Lienhart, Bradley Paul Lipovsky, Martin Schoenball and Kuo‐Fong Ma Global Distributed Fibre Optic Sensing recordings of the February 2023 Turkey earthquake sequence
Proceedings EGU General Assembly 2023
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Slaven Kalenjuk, Werner Lienhart, Christoph Antony and Clemens Klass Zustandsüberwachung im Vorbeifahren: Monitoring von Bestandsbauwerken mithilfe von mobilem Laserscanning
Beiträge zum 37. Christian Veder Kolloquium
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Madeleine Winkler, Helmut Woschitz, Werner Lienhart and Vaclav Racansky Investigations on Practical Aspects of a Long-Term Monitoring System for a Ground Anchor Based on Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing
Proceedings of 28th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors
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Mohammad Shamim Miah and Werner Lienhart Data-Based Prognosis and Monitoring of Civil Infrastructures
European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring. EWSHM 2022
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Mohammad Shamim Miah and Werner Lienhart Structural Performance Monitoring Employing Linear Observer
Structural Health Monitoring 2023: Designing SHM for Sustainability, Maintainability, and Reliability
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Werner Lienhart, Lisa Strasser and Vlad Dumitru Distributed Vibration Monitoring of Bridges with Fiber Optic Sensing Systems
Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures
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Lisa Strasser, Werner Lienhart and Madeleine Winkler Static and dynamic bridge monitoring with distributed fiber optic sensing
Structural Health Monitoring 2023: Designing SHM for Sustainability, Maintainability, and Reliability
1745 - 1752
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Lisa Strasser and Werner Lienhart Detektion von Naturereignissen mit verteilt akustischer Sensorik
22. Internationale Geodätische Woche Obergurgl 2023
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Peter Bauer and Werner Lienhart Experiences from the Creation of a Virtual Tour through a Stalactite Cave with VR Gear
Beiträge. 43. Wissenschaftlich-Technische Jahrestagung der DGPF. 22.-23. März 2023 in München
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Werner Lienhart, Christoph Monsberger and Fabian Buchmayer How to Make a Self-sensing House with Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing.
European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, EWSHM 2022
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Werner Lienhart, Florian Schill and Thomas Moser Dynamic Bridge Monitoring with Remote Sensing Techniques
Structural Health Monitoring 2023
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Madeleine Winkler, Helmut Woschitz and Václav Račanský Distributed fibre optic sensing during different anchor pullout tests
European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors, EWOFS 2023
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Mohammad Shamim Miah and Werner Lienhart Deflection condition monitoring of a steel bridge via remote sensing techniquesCurrent Perspectives and New Directions in Mechanics, Modelling and Design of Structural Systems1825-1831
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Helmut Woschitz Selbstleuchtende Latte vom Typ „LumiScale“ – Systemüberprüfung und Überlegungen zur Genauigkeit.
Qualitätssicherung geodätischer Mess- und Auswerteverfahren 2022
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Caroline Schönberger, Werner Lienhart and Thomas Moser Dynamic monitoring of civil infrastructures with geodetic sensors
Proceedings 5th Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring JISDM 2022
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Peter Bauer, Viktor Kaufmann, Wolfgang Sulzer, Werner Lienhart, Thomas Mikl and Gernot Seier 3D modelling of the castle Neu-Wildon: Applying UAV-based photogrammetry, terrestrial photogrammetry and terrestrial laser scanning – a comparative study
Proceedings of the International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies
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Mohammad Shamim Miah and Werner Lienhart Monitoring of Rail-Tracks Based on Measured Acceleration Data
Structural Health Monitoring 2021
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Slaven Kalenjuk and Werner Lienhart Einsatz kommerzieller, mobiler Laserscanning Systeme für die Überwachung der Verkehrs- infrastruktur: Herausforderungen, Lösungs- ansätze und Praxisbeispiele
MST 2022 – Multisensortechnologie: Von (A)nwendungen bis (Z)ukunftstechnologien"
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Peter Bauer and Werner Lienhart VRsurv: A virtual planning and educational tool for surveying tasks
Proceedings of THE XXVII FIG CONGRESS 2022
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Peter Bauer and Werner Lienhart Visualization and interpretation of structural health monitoring data in a 3D environment using virtual reality
Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure SHMII-11
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Madeleine Winkler, Helmut Woschitz and Werner Lienhart Investigations on practical aspects of distributed temperature sensing based on Raman backscattering using single-mode fibers
Proceeding of 27th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors
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Mohammad Shamim Miah and Werner Lienhart Unscented Kalman filter to deal with exaggerated states and parameters uncertainties
Proceedings of ISMA2022 International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering
3770 - 3780
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Mohammad Shamim Miah and Werner Lienhart Uncertainties of Parameters Quantification in SHM
ECCOMAS 2022 : Proceedings of 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering
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Václav Račanský, Carla Fabris, Helmut Schweiger and Helmut Woschitz Use of Distributed Fibre Optic Sensing on Ground Anchors: Case Studies
Proceedings of 11th International Symposium on Field Monitoring in Geomechanics
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Václav Račanský, Carla Fabris, Helmut Schweiger and Helmut Woschitz Experience Report on the use of Distributed Fibre Optic Sensing on Ground Anchors.
Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
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Christoph Zambanini, Daniel Scott Kieffer, Helmut Woschitz and Werner Lienhart Hybrid InSARTrac for remote geostructure monitoring
Proceedings of the Geo-Congress, March 20-23, 2022, Charlotte, North Carolina
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Slaven Kalenjuk and Werner Lienhart Modeling mobile laser scanning data for deformation monitoring of transportation infrastructure
Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure SHMII-11
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Andreas Wieser, Laura Balangé, Peter Bauer, Tobias Gehrmann, Jan Hartmann, Christoph Holst, Berit Jost, Heiner Kuhlmann, Werner Lienhart, Mehdi Maboudi, Karam Mawas, Tomislav Medić, Jens-André Paffenholz, Florian Pollinger, Eva Rafeld and Florian Schill Erfahrungen aus einem koordinierten Vergleich aktueller Scanner
Terrestrisches Laserscanning 2022 (TLS 2022)
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Christoph Monsberger and Werner Lienhart Long-term structural integrity monitoring of inner tunnel linings using distributed fiber optic sensing.
Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure SHMII-11
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Stefan Grubinger, Simon Jimenez, Wolfgang Walcher, Alexander Huber, Slaven Kalenjuk and Matthias Rebhan Von fehlenden Bestandsunterlagen zu einem belastbaren Bauwerksmodell für die handnahe und visuelle Prüfung von Infrastrukturbauwerken
5. Brückenkolloquium
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Mohammad Shamim Miah and Werner Lienhart Vibration-based monitoring and dynamic properties identification via sensor fusion strategy
Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2022
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Carla Fabris, Helmut Schweiger, Boštjan Pulko, Helmut Woschitz and Vaclav Racansky Numerical Simulation of a Ground Anchor Pullout Test Monitored with Fiber Optic Sensors.
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Fabian Simon Buchmayer, Christoph Monsberger and Werner Lienhart Advantages of tunnel monitoring using distributed fibre optic sensing.
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Bernd Moritz, Roman Heissenberger , Tobias Schachinger and Werner Lienhart Langzeitüberwachung von Eisenbahntunneln
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Urs Grunicke , Werner Lienhart and Alois Vorwagner Langzeitmonitoring von nicht visuell inspizierbaren Tunnelinnenschalen mittels Faseroptik
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Peter Bauer, Werner Lienhart and Samuel Jost Genauigkeitsuntersuchung eines VR-Systems zur 3D-Koordinatenbestimmung
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Peter Bauer, Werner Lienhart and Samuel Jost Accuracy Investigation of the Pose Determination of a VR System
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Slaven Kalenjuk, Werner Lienhart and Matthias Rebhan Processing of mobile laser scanning data for large‐scale deformation monitoring of anchored retaining structures along highways
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Peter Bauer VR in der Ingenieurgeodäsie
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Christoph Monsberger and Werner Lienhart Distributed fiber optic shape sensing along shotcrete tunnel linings: Methodology, field applications, and monitoring results
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Christoph Monsberger and Werner Lienhart Distributed Fiber Optic Shape Sensing of Concrete Structures
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Werner Lienhart, Christoph Monsberger and Fabian Simon Buchmayer Verteilte faseroptische Sensorik zur Detektion, Lokalisation, Identifikation und Quantifikation von Deformationsereignissen
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Fabian Buchmayer, Christoph M. Monsberger and Werner Lienhart Distributed Fibre Optic Sensing for Long-Term Monitoring of Tunnel Inner Linings in Anhydrite
Civil Structural Health Monitoring - Proceedings of CSHM-8 Workshop
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Peter Bauer and Werner Lienhart VR gestützte Planung von geodätischen Netzmessungen
21. Internationale Geodätische Woche Obergurgl 2021
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Alois Vorwagner, Maciej Kwapisz, Werner Lienhart, Madeleine Winkler and Urs Grunicke Rissweitenmessung mittels nachträglich angebrachten, verteilten faseroptischen Messsystemen.
Proceedings 11. Symposium Experimentelle Untersuchungen von Baukonstruktionen
78 - 86
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Caroline Schönberger and Werner Lienhart Long-term monitoring using GNSS: Lessons learned and experiences from 20 years of operation
Civil Structural Health Monitoring - Proceedings of CSHM-8 Workshop
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Christoph Monsberger, Fabian Simon Buchmayer and Werner Lienhart Autonomous Integrity Monitoring of Shotcrete Tunnel Linings using Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, SHMII
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Lukas Wagner, Alexander Kluckner, Christoph Monsberger, Petra Wolf, Karoline Prall, Wulf Schubert and Werner Lienhart Direct and Distributed Strain Measurements Inside a Shotcrete Lining: Concept and Realisation
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Christoph Monsberger, Werner Lienhart and Martin Hayden Distributed fiber optic sensing along driven ductile piles: Design, sensor installation and monitoring benefits
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Gethin Wyn Roberts, Craig Matthew Hancock, Werner Lienhart, Ferdinand Klug, Niko Zuzek and Huib de Ligt Displacement and frequency response measurements of a ship using GPS and fibre optic-based sensors.
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Caroline Schönberger, Werner Lienhart, Erich Lang and Ulrike Stary Erfahrungen aus 20 Jahre GPS Monitoring der Massenbewegung Gradenbach
Tagungsband Geomonitoring 2020
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Peter Bauer, Samuel Jost and Werner Lienhart Beurteilung der Eignung eines VR-Systems als 3D Koordinatenmesssystem
Ingenieurvermessung 20
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Alois Vorwagner, Maciej Kwapisz, Dominik Prammer , Werner Lienhart, Christoph Monsberger, Madeleine Winkler and Urs Grunicke Neue Möglichkeiten zur Rissweitenbestimmung an bestehenden Betonkonstruktionen mittels verteilter optischer Fasermessungen.
Proc. 4. Brückenkolloquium, Technische Akademie Esslingen, Germany
323 - 329
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Roman Marte, Florian Scharinger, Monika Paulus-Grill and Werner Lienhart Geotechnische MessverfahrenHandbuch Geotechnik1015-1057
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Werner Lienhart State-of-the Art of Geotechnical Monitoring with Geodetic Techniques
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Christoph Monsberger and Werner Lienhart Design,Testing, and Realization of a Distributed Fiber Optic Monitoring System to Assess Bending Characteristics Along Grouted Anchors
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Carla Fabris, Helmut Schweiger, Helmut Woschitz and Vaclav Racansky Numerische Simulation eines Ankerherausziehversuches und Vergleich mit in-situ Messungen
Theorie & Praxis des Spezialtiefbaus
235 - 246
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Slaven Kalenjuk, Werner Lienhart, Matthias Rebhan and Roman Marte Large-scale monitoring of retaining structures: new approaches on the safety assessment of retaining structures using mobile mapping
Proceedings SPIE, Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2019
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Werner Lienhart and Matthias Ehrhart Statische und dynamische Überwachung von Infrastrukturbauten mit kommerziellen Videotachymetern
20. Internationale Geodätische Woche Obergurgl 2019
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Werner Lienhart, Fabian Simon Buchmayer, Ferdinand Klug and Christoph Monsberger Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing on a Large Tunnel Construction Site: Increased Safety, More Efficient Construction and Basis for Condition-Based Maintenance
International Conference on Smart Infrastructure and Construction 2019 (ICSIC)
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Christoph Monsberger, Madeleine Winkler, Helmut Woschitz, Werner Lienhart and M. Hayden 5 years' experience using distributed fiber optic sensing along ductile driven piles
9th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure
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Carla Fabris, Helmut Schweiger, Helmut Woschitz and Vaclav Racansky Pull-out behaviour of two post-grouted anchors: fibre-optic strain measurements and numerical simulations.
Proceedings of the XVII European Conference on Soil Meachanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ECSMGE-2019)
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Christoph Monsberger, Werner Lienhart, Alexander Kluckner and Wulf Schubert In-situ assessment of distributed strain and curvature characteristics in shotcrete tunnel linings based on fiber optic strain sensing
Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure Development
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Christoph Monsberger and Werner Lienhart In-situ Assessment of Curvature and Bending Characteristics Along Geotechnical Structures Using Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors
Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring 2019: Enabling Intelligent Life-cycle Health Management for Industry Internet of Things (IIOT)
p. 1715-1723
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Madeleine Winkler, Christoph Monsberger, Werner Lienhart, Alois Vorwagner and Maciej Kwapisz Assessment of crack patterns along plain concrete tunnel linings using distributed fiber optic sensing
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures 2019
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Gethin Wyn Roberts, Craig Matthew Hancock, Ferdinand Klug, Werner Lienhart, Niko Zuzek and Huib de ligt Deflection Monitoring and frequency response of a Ship using GPS and Fibre Optic based sensors
4th Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring
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Fabian Simon Buchmayer, Christoph Monsberger and Werner Lienhart Benefits of strain and temperature monitoring of conventional tunnel cross sections using distributed fibre optic sensors
Proceedings of 4th Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring (JISDM)
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Werner Lienhart, Fabian Simon Buchmayer, Ferdinand Klug and Christoph Monsberger Distributed fibre-optic sensing applications at the Semmering Base Tunnel, Austria.
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers
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Michael Rudolf Henzinger, Tobias Schachinger, Werner Lienhart, Fabian Simon Buchmayer, Walter Weilinger, Raimund Stefaner, Michaela Haberler-Weber, Eva-Maria Haller, Michael Steiner and Wulf Schubert Fibre-optic supported measurement methods for Monitoring rock pressure
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Zan Gojcic, Slaven Kalenjuk and Werner Lienhart A Routine for Time-Synchronization of Robotic Total Stations
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Christoph Monsberger, Werner Lienhart and Bernd Moritz In-situ assessment of strain behaviour inside tunnel linings using distributed fibre optic sensors
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Slaven Kalenjuk, Matthias Rebhan, Werner Lienhart and Roman Marte Neue Ansätze zur Zustandsbewertung bestehender Stützbauwerke basierend auf 3D-Modellen aus dynamischem Laserscanning
Messen in der Geotechnik 2018
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Werner Lienhart Aktueller Status Forschungsprojekt Pipe Sense: Statische und dynamische Überwachung von Gasleitungen mittels faseroptischer Sensoren
Tagungsband Kongress und Fachmesse Gas Wasser
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Christoph Monsberger, Werner Lienhart, Sebastian Hirschmüller and Roman Marte Monitoring of soil nailed slope stabilizations using distributed fiber optic sensing
Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2018
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Christoph Thomas Betschoga and Christoph Monsberger Bestimmung des Kraftflusses anhand verfeinerter Messmethoden bei Querkraftversuchen an Stahlbetonbalken
Beton Graz '18: 4. Grazer Betonkolloquium 20./21. September 2018
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Christoph Monsberger, Werner Lienhart and Paolo Caporossi Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing along Grouted Anchors to Assess Curvature and Bending Characteristics
Proc. 26th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors (OFS), 24.-28.09.2018, Lausanne
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Christoph Monsberger, Werner Lienhart, Alexander Kluckner, Lukas Wagner and Wulf Schubert Continuous strain measurements in a shotcrete tunnel lining using distributed fibre optic sensing
Proc. 9th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring
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Book of Extended Abstracts, Symposium Hydro Engineering, 2 - 3 July 2018 Vienna, Austria - 26th World Congress ICOLD 2018, 86th Annual Meeting
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Werner Lienhart Zustandsbeurteilung von Ingenieurbauwerken mittels statischem und kinematischem Laserscanning
Proc. Fachtagung Bauwerksdiagnose 2018, DGZfP-Berichtsband BB 165
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Christoph Betoschga and Christoph Monsberger Bestimmung des Kraftflusses anhand verfeinerter Messmethoden bei Querkraftversuchen an Stahlbetonbalken
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Christoph Monsberger, Werner Lienhart and Paolo Caporossi Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing along Grouted Anchors to Assess Curvature and Bending Characteristics
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Christoph Monsberger and Werner Lienhart Monitoring of Curvature and Bending Characteristics along Grouted Anchors using Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing
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Werner Lienhart, Christoph Monsberger, Slaven Kalenjuk and Helmut Woschitz High Resolution Monitoring of Retaining Walls with Distributed Fibre Optic Sensors and Mobile Mapping Systems.
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Matthias Ehrhart and Werner Lienhart Object tracking with robotic total stations: Current Technologies and improvements based on Image data
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Werner Lienhart Geotechnical monitoring using total stations and laser scanners: critical aspects and solutions
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Helmut Woschitz and Michael Schauer Untersuchung einfacher Nivellierlatten vom Typ Leica GKN4L4M
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Frank Klais, Petra Wolf and Werner Lienhart The Grautschenhof contract - Construction of an intermediate access under complex local conditions
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Slaven Kalenjuk and Werner Lienhart Automated Surface Documentation of Large Water Dams Using Image and Scan Data of Modern Total Stations
Proc. FIG Working Week 2017 Surveying the world of tomorrow - From digitalisation to augmented reality, Helsinki, Finland
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Christoph Monsberger, Helmut Woschitz, Werner Lienhart, Vaclav Racansky, D. Gächter and R. Kulmer Faseroptische Überwachung von Ankerausziehversuchen im Rahmen der Hangsicherung für den Neubau einer Raffinerie
Beiträge zum 32. Christian Veder Kolloquium
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Christoph Monsberger, Helmut Woschitz, Werner Lienhart, Vaclav Racansky and Martin Hayden Performance assessment of geotechnical structural elements using distributed fiber optic sensing
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
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Christoph Monsberger, Ferdinand Klug and Werner Lienhart Performance assessment of a fiber Bragg grating sensor network inside a hydro power dam using optical backscatter reflectometry
Proceedings of Spie
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Slaven Kalenjuk, Werner Lienhart and Harald Wackenreuther Automatisierte Oberflächendokumentation von Talsperren mittels bildunterstützter Totalstationen
19. Internationale Geodätische Woche Obergurgl 2017
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Werner Lienhart, Christoph Monsberger and Slaven Kalenjuk Linien- und flächenhaftes Strukturmonitoring mit geodätischen und geotechnischen Sensoren
Messen im Bauwesen
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Christoph Monsberger and Werner Lienhart In-situ Deformation Monitoring of Tunnel Segments using High-resolution Distributed Fibre Optic Sensing
Proc. of the 8th International Conference on SHMII-8
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Werner Lienhart, Slaven Kalenjuk and Christoph Monsberger New approaches to monitor geotechnical structures using mobile mapping systems, fiber optic sensors and image based techniques
The 6th International Forum on Optoelectronic Sensor-based Monitoring in Geo-engineering
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Zan Gojcic, Slaven Kalenjuk and Werner Lienhart Synchronization routine for real-time synchronization of robotic total stations
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Engineering Surveying, INGEO 2017
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Werner Lienhart, Slaven Kalenjuk and Christina Ehrhart Efficient and Large Scale Monitoring of Retaining Walls along Highways using a Mobile Mapping System.
Proc. of the 8th International Conference on SHMII-8
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Matthias Ehrhart, Werner Lienhart and Slaven Kalenjuk Monitoring of Bridge vibrations with image-assisted total stations.
Proc. of the 4th Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of civil Structures (SMAR)
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Werner Lienhart and Slaven Kalenjuk Combined Laser Scanning and Image Based Monitoring of Large Infrastructure Objects
Proc. Int. Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM), Stanford, USA
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Christoph Monsberger and Werner Lienhart Distributed Insitu Deformation Measurements of Precast Tunnel Lining Segments
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Florian Moser, Werner Lienhart and Helmut Woschitz Deformation Monitoring of Reinforced Earth Structures using Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing
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Christoph Monsberger, Helmut Woschitz, M. Hayden and Werner Lienhart Distributed strain measurements on a driven pile using optial backscatter reflectometry
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Helmut Woschitz and Hansbert Heister Überprüfung und Kalibrierung der Messmittel in der GeodäsieHandbuch der Geodäsie1-59
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Heinz Döring, Wolfgang Habel, Werner Lienhart and Willfried Schwarz Faseroptische MessverfahrenHandbuch der Geodäsie1-48
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Stefan Lackner, Werner Lienhart, Gregor Supp and Roman Marte Geodetic and fibre optic measurements of a full-scale bi-axial compressional test
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Paul Gehwolf, Christoph Monsberger, Stefan Barwart, Robert Wenighofer, Robert Galler, Werner Lienhart, Michaela Haberler-Weber, Bernd Moritz, Christian Barwart and Andreas Lange Deformation measurements of tunnel segments at a newly developed test rig
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Florian Moser, Werner Lienhart, Helmut Woschitz and Hartmut Schuller Long-term monitoring of reinforced earth structures using distributed fiber optic sensing
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Matthias Ehrhart and Werner Lienhart Accurate Measurements with Image-Assisted Total Stations and Their Prerequisites
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Christoph Monsberger, Helmut Woschitz and M. Hayden Deformation Measurement of a Driven Pile Using Distributed Fiber-Optic Sensing
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Werner Lienhart Critical Aspects when using Total Stations and Laser Scanners for Geotechnical Monitoring
Proc. Civil Structural Health Monitoring Workshop (CSHM-6)
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Werner Lienhart Überwachung von geotechnischen Objekten und Infrastrukturbauten mit faseroptischen Sensoren
Geomonitoring 2016
55 - 68
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Werner Lienhart, Christoph Wiesmeyr, Richard Wagner, Ferdinand Klug, Martin Litzenberger and Dietmar Maicz Condition monitoring of railway tracks and vehicles using fibre optic sensing techniques
Transforming the Future of Infrastructure through Smarter Information - Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Infrastructure and Construction, ICSIC 2016
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Helmut Woschitz, Christoph Monsberger and M. Hayden Distributed fibre optic strain measurements on a driven pile
Proc. Sixth European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors
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Werner Lienhart and Ferdinand Klug Continuous monitoring of a large concrete arch dam using Fibre Bragg Grating sensors
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII)
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Ferdinand Klug and Helmut Woschitz Test and calibration of 20 FBG based strain transducers
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII)
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Ferdinand Klug, Stefan Lackner and Werner Lienhart Monitoring of Railway Deformations using Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors
Proc. Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring (JISDM)
8 p.
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Stefan Lackner and Werner Lienhart Impact of Prism Type and Prism Orientation on the Accuracy of Automated Total Station Measurements
Proc. Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring (JISDM)
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Christoph Monsberger, Helmut Woschitz, M. Hayden and Werner Lienhart Faseroptische Instrumentierung und Deformationsmessung eines duktilen Rammpfahls
Messen in der Geotechnik 2016
195 - 216
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Christoph Monsberger, Helmut Woschitz and M. Hayden Deformation Measurement of a Driven Pile Using Distributed Fiber-Optic Sensing
Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring (JISDM)
9 p.
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Helmut Woschitz FOS Anwendungsberichte: Überwachung geotechnischer Objekte und Infrastrukturbauten
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Werner Lienhart Überwachung von geotechnischen Objekten und Infrastrukturbauten mit faseroptischen Sensoren
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Christoph Monsberger Faseroptische Instrumentierung und Deformationsmessung eines duktilen Rammpfahls
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Christoph Monsberger Deformation Measurement of a Driven Pile Using Distributed Fiber-Optic Sensing
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Werner Lienhart Critical Aspects when using Total Stations and Laser Scanners for Geotechnical Monitoring
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Werner Lienhart Condition monitoring of railway tracks and vehicles using fibre optic sensing techniques
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Helmut Woschitz, Christoph Monsberger and M. Hayden Distributed fibre optic strain measurements on a driven pile
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Werner Lienhart Zufällige und systematische Fehler bei geodätischen Überwachungsmessungen
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Werner Lienhart Rissdetektion und Langzeitüberwachung von Bauteilen, Brücken und Staumauern mit faseroptischen Sensoren
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Vaclav Racansky, Weidacher Roman, Werner Lienhart, Christoph Monsberger, Helmut Woschitz and Helmut Schweiger Überwachung eines Ankerausziehversuches mittels Glasfasersensoren
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Christoph Monsberger and Vaclav Racansky Überwachung eines Ankerausziehversuches mittels Glasfasersensoren
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Matthias Ehrhart Statische und dynamische Brückenüberwachung mit Video-Totalstationen
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Helmut Woschitz, Ferdinand Klug and Werner Lienhart Fiber Optic Monitoring System inside a Hydro Power Dam
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Helmut Woschitz, Christoph Monsberger and Martin Hayden High resolution fiber-optic strain measurements on a driven pile
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Ferdinand Klug Monitoring of Railway Deformations using Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors
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Werner Lienhart High Frequent Total Station Measurements for the Monitoring of Bridge Vibrations
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Stefan Lackner Impact of Prism Type and Prism Orientation on the Accuracy of Automated Total Station Measurements
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Matthias Ehrhart Dynamisches Bauwerksmonitoring mit Video-Totalstationen
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Matthias Ehrhart Dynamisches Bauwerksmonitoring mit Video-Totalstationen
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Matthias Ehrhart Dynamisches Bauwerksmonitoring mit Video-Totalstationen
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Matthias Ehrhart Video-Totalstationen im praktischen Einsatz
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Vaclav Racansky, Werner Lienhart, Christoph Monsberger, Helmut Woschitz and J. Chalmovsky Ground Anchor Monitoring with Fiber Optic Sensing
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Werner Lienhart Case studies of high-sensitivity monitoring of natural end engineered slopes
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Werner Lienhart Totalstationen für Deformationsmessungen
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Werner Lienhart Accurate and frequent deformation monitoring using Fibre-Optic cables: Micrometre-level Deformation Monitoring of a Concrete Dam
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Matthias Ehrhart and Werner Lienhart Monitoring of civil engineering structures using a state-of-the-art image assisted total station
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Helmut Woschitz, Ferdinand Klug and Werner Lienhart Design and Calibration of a Fiber-Optic Monitoring System for the Determination of Segment Joint Movements Inside a Hydro Power Dam
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Florian Moser, Werner Lienhart, Helmut Woschitz and Hartmut Schuller Long-term monitoring of reinforced earth structures using distributed fiber optic sensing
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII)
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Werner Lienhart and Matthias Ehrhart State of the Art of Geodetic Bridge Monitoring
Int. Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring - IWSHM
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Matthias Ehrhart and Werner Lienhart Image-based dynamic deformation monitoring of civil engineering structures from long ranges
Image Processing: Machine Vision Applications VIII, SPIE Vol. 9405
CD-14 p.
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Werner Lienhart and Ferdinand Klug New concepts for the monitoring of concrete joints movements of water dams in pump-storage operation
ICOLD Annual Meeting and Congress
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Werner Lienhart and Ferdinand Klug Erfassung und Analyse der Blockfugenbewegungen einer Staumauer im Pumpspeicherbetrieb
18. Internationale Geodätische Woche Obergurgl 2015
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Matthias Ehrhart and Werner Lienhart Development and evaluation of a long range image-based monitoring system for civil engineering structures
Smart Structures/NDE, SPIE Vol. 9437
CD-13 p.
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Friedrich Brunner and Maria Hennes Refraktion - Rückschau auf Publikationen der letzten 25 Jahre in der avn
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W. W. Weiss, S. M. Rucinski, A. F.J. Moffat, A. Schwarzenberg-Czerny, O. F. Koudelka, C. Grant, R. E. Zee, R. Kuschnig, St Mochnacki, J. M. Matthews, P. Orleanski, A. Pamyatnykh, A. Pigulski, J. Alves, M. Guedel, G. Handler, G. A. Wade, K. Zwintz, M. Chaumont, S. Choi, C. Grant, T. Kallinger, J. Lifshits, B. Pablo, A. Popowicz, T. Ramiaramanantsoa, M. Rataj, P. Romano, J. Rowe, M. Unterberger, R. Wawrzaszek, G. Whittaker, T. Zawistowski and E. Zocłońska BRITE-constellation
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Miriam Zámečníková, Andreas Wieser, Helmut Woschitz and Camillo Ressl Influence of surface reflectivity on reflectorless electronic distance measurement and terrestrial laser scanning
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Fritz K. Brunner Diskussion der Modellierung der Vertikalrefraktion mit dimensionslosen atmosphärischen Parametern
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Hartmut Schuller, Ilona Schwingshackl, Tobias Schachinger, Florian Moser and Werner Lienhart Semmering-Basistunnel neu, Bewehrte-Erde-Konstruktion - Ausführung und Monitoring mit faseroptischen Messsystemen
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Werner Lienhart, Florian Moser, Hartmut Schuller and Tobias Schachinger Reinforced Earth Structures at Semmering Base Tunnel - Construction and Monitoring using Fiber Optic Strain Measurements
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Geosynthetics (10ICG)
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Werner Lienhart, Helmut Woschitz and Ferdinand Klug Faseroptische Überwachung von Blockfugenbewegungen einer Talsperre
Proc. 17. Internationaler Ingenieurvermessungskurs
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Roman Marte, Gregor Supp and Werner Lienhart Böschungsbruch Großversuche - begleitet durch ein intensives Messprogramm
Messen in der Geotechnik
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Ferdinand Klug, Werner Lienhart and Helmut Woschitz High resolution monitoring of expansion joints of a concrete arch dam using fiber optic sensors
Proceedings of the 6th edition of the World Conference of the International Association for Structural Control and Monitoring (IASCM)
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Gregor Supp, Roman Marte, Stefan Lackner and Werner Lienhart Großmaßstäbliche Böschungsbruchversuche mit und ohne Sicherungsmassnahmen
9. Kolloquium Bauen in Boden und Fels
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Helmut Woschitz Laboruntersuchung von Digitalnivellieren
Proc. 17. Internationaler Ingenieurvermessungskurs
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Helmut Woschitz, Werner Lienhart and Ferdinand Klug Fibre optic monitoring system for the determination of segment joint movements inside a hydro power dam
SPIE Proceedings Vol. 9157
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Hartmut Schuller, Ilona Schwingshackl, Tobias Schachinger, Florian Moser and Werner Lienhart Semmering Basistunnel neu - geotechnisches Monitoring mit faseroptischen Messsystemen beim Bau von Bewehrte-Erde-Stützkonstruktionen in der Deponie Longsgraben
29. Christian Veder Kolloquium ´Stützmaßnahmen in der Geotechnik - Bemessung/Ausführung/Langzeitverhalten`
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Hartmut Schuller, Ilona Schwingshackl, Tobias Schachinger, Florian Moser and Werner Lienhart Semmering Basistunnel neu - faseroptische Messsysteme zur Erfassung der Dehnungen beim Bau von Bewehrte-Erde-Stützkonstruktionen in der Deponie Longsgraben
"Messen in der Geotechnik 2014", Mitteilung des Instituts für Grundbau und Bodenmechanik, Technische Universität Braunschweig
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Werner Lienhart, Helmut Woschitz and Florian Moser High Sensitive Monitoring of Natural and Engineered Slopes
Proceedings of the 5th International Forum on Opto-electronic Sensor-based Monitoring in Geo-engineering (5th OSMG)
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Werner Lienhart and Hartmut Schuller Semmering-Basistunnel neu - geotechnisches Monitoring mit faseroptischen Messsystemen beim Bau von Bewehrte-Erde-Stützkonstruktionen in der Deponie Longsgraben
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Werner Lienhart and Hartmut Schuller Semmering-Basistunnel neu, Bewehrte-Erde-Konstruktionen - Ausführung und Monitoring mit faseroptischen Messsystemen
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Werner Lienhart, Matthias Ehrhart and Stefan Lackner Richtig Arbeiten mit modernen TPS
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Roman Marte, Gregor Supp and Werner Lienhart Böschungsbruch Großversuche - begleitet durch ein intensives Messprogramm
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Helmut Woschitz, Ferdinand Klug and Werner Lienhart Fibre optic monitoring system for the determination of segment joint movements inside a hydro power dam
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Gregor Supp, Roman Marte, Stefan Lackner and Werner Lienhart Großmaßstäbliche Böschungsbruchversuche mit und ohne Sicherungsmassnahmen
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Stefan Lackner, Werner Lienhart and Florian Moser Geodetic and Fibre Optic Measurements of a Full-Scale Bi-Axial Compressional Test
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Florian Moser and Werner Lienhart Monitoring Reinforced Earth Structures Using Fiber Optic Measurements at the New Semmering Base Tunnel
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Helmut Woschitz, Ferdinand Klug and Werner Lienhart Fibre optic monitoring system for the determination of segment joint movements inside a hydro power dam
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Werner Lienhart, Martin Müller, Johannes Peter Wöllner and Friedrich Brunner Acceleration and Deceleration of Large Landslides: TUG - "Monitoring and Predicting Acceleration of Large Landslides"International Strategy for Disaster Reduction55-p.
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Werner Lienhart and Friedrich Brunner Geodätische Überwachung von gravitativen Massenbewegungen am Beispiel des Gradenbach-Observatoriums
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Ewald Brückl, Friedrich Brunner, Erich Lang, Stefan Mertl, Martin Müller and U. Stary The Gradenbach Observatory - monitoring deep-seated gravitational slope deformation by geodetic, hydrological, and seismological methods
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Werner Lienhart Challenges in the analysis of inhomogeneous structural monitoring data
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Werner Lienhart Integrated Analysis of Inhomogeneous Structural Monitoring Data from Internal and External Sensors
2nd Conference on Smart Monitoring Assessment and Rehabilitation of Cilvil Structures (SMAR)
8 p.-CD
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Werner Lienhart, Florian Moser, Gregor Supp and Roman Marte Verification of the Slope Stability of Flood Prevention Dams with Fiber Optic Sensors
Structural Health Monitoring 2013
9 p. -DVD
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Werner Lienhart Die Bedeutung von faseroptischen Messsystemen für ingenieurgeodätische Überwachungsmessungen
Ingenieurkongress - Bau und Umwelt
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Vivien Schukar, Nadine Kusche, Daniel Hofmann, Frank Basedau, Wolfgang Habel, Helmut Woschitz and Werner Lienhart Field examples for optical fibre sensor condition diagnostics based on distributed fibre-optic strain sensing
5th European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors (EWOFS)
4 p.-CD
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Werner Lienhart, Stefan Lackner, Gregor Supp and Roman Marte Evaluation of State of the Art Methods for Surface Monitoring of Earth Filled Dams
2nd Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring (JISDM)
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Werner Lienhart Deformationsmessungen eines Erddammes mit faseroptischen Sensoren
3.Tagung Innovation Messtechnik
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Werner Lienhart, Stefan Lackner, Florian Moser, Helmut Woschitz and Gregor Supp Deformation Monitoring of Flood Prevention Dams Using Geodetic and Fibre Optic Measurement Techniques
The 6th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-6)
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Vivien Schukar, Nadine Kusche, Hofmann Daniel, Frank Basedau, Wolfgang Habel, Helmut Woschitz and Werner Lienhart Field examples for optical fibre sensor condition diagnostics based on distributed fibre-optic strain sensing
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Werner Lienhart, Friedrich Brunner and Martin Müller Countinous Monitoring of the Gradenbach Landslide using GPS
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Werner Lienhart, Erich Lang, Stefan Mertl, Ulrike Stary and Ewald Brückl Early Warning at the Gradenbach Mass Movement
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Helmut Woschitz Faseroptische Erweiterung des geodätischen Messlabors der TU Graz
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Friedrich Brunner Univ.Prof. Dr. Karl Rinner und die Ingenieurgeodäsie
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Walter Hausleitner, Florian Moser, J.-D. Desjonqueres, F. Boy, N. Picot, Jörg Weingrill, S. Mertikas and A. Daskalakis A New Method of Precise Jason-2 Altimeter Calibration Using a Microwave Transponder
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Friedrich Brunner and Werner Lienhart Anwendung der Lokalen-Maßstab-Parameter Methode (LSPM) bei der Vermessung einer Kalibrierbasis
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Walter Hausleitner and Florian Moser Präzise Absolutkalibration des Jason-2 Altimeters mit Hilfe eines Mikrowellentransponders
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Werner Lienhart Analyse von Deformationsmessungen mit kausalen Auswertemodellen
115. DVW-Seminar "Interdisziplinäre Messaufgaben im Bauwesen - Weimar 2012", Band 68
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Helmut Woschitz Systematic wavelength shifts of the MOI si425 sensing interrogator at low signal intensities
Civil Structural Health Monitoring Workshop-CSHM-4
CD- 9p.
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Werner Lienhart Challenges in the Analysis of Inhomogeneous Structural Monitoring Data
Proc. Civil Structural Health Monitoring Workshop (CSHM-4): SHM Systems Supporting Extension of the Structures´s Service Life
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Helmut Woschitz, K. Macheiner and Friedrich Brunner Static and kinematic testing of tiltmeters.
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Werner Lienhart, Friedrich Brunner and Martin Müller Continuous Monitoring of the Gradenbach Landslide using GPS
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M Zamecnikova, A. Wieser, Helmut Woschitz and C. Ressl Zusammenhang zwischen empfangener Signalstärke und Distanzabweichungen des terrestrischen Laserscanners IMAGER 5006i
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Helmut Woschitz Systematic wavelength shifts of the MOI si425 sensing interrogator at low signal intensities.
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Johannes Peter Wöllner, Helmut Woschitz and Friedrich Brunner Testing a large fiber optic strain-rosette, embedded in a landslide
8th International Symposium on Field Measurements in GeoMechanics
CD-18 p.
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Martin Müller, Friedrich Brunner and Erich Lang Long term Measurement and Analysis of a deep Mass Movement
8th International Symposium on Field Measurements in GeoMechanics
CD-18 p.
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Werner Lienhart and Daniel Nindl Bildunterstützte Vermessung und Dokumentation
Internationale Geodätische Woche Obergurgl
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Werner Lienhart The impact of image assisted surveying and image based documentation on traditional surveying workflows
Proc. AfricaGEO – Developing Geomatics for Africa
11 p.-
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Helmut Woschitz Development of a rail-strain-pad using FBG sensors
5th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-5)
CD-9 p.
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Friedrich Brunner and Alexander Kukuvec Utility of geodetic refraction
5th International Conference on Engineering Surveying - INGEO 2011
CD-12 p.
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Helmut Woschitz Entwicklung einer langarmigen faseroptischen Strain-Rosette zum Monitoring eines Rutschhanges
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Klaus Macheiner and Friedrich Brunner Verwendung von unterschiedlich abgestimmten faseroptischen Sensorelementen zur Neigungsbestimmung
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Klaus Macheiner Eine Glasfaser als Sensorelement: Entwicklung eines faseroptischen Zweiachs-Neigungssensors
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Helmut Woschitz Entwicklung eines Rail Strain Pads unter Verwendung von Faser-Bragg-Gitter-Sensoren
Ingenieurvermessung 2010
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Werner Lienhart and Gebhard Merk “Vom Feld ins Internet” – ein Beispiel zur Nutzung internetfähiger Mobilkommunikation bei der Messwerterfassung und Visualisierung von Deformationsmessungen
Proc. 16. Internationaler Ingenieurvermessungskurs
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Klaus Macheiner and Friedrich Brunner Entwicklung eines faseroptischen Zweiachs-Neigungssensors für statische und kinematische Anwendungen
Ingenieurvermessung 10
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Klaus Macheiner, Helmut Woschitz and Friedrich Brunner Test dynamischer Eigenschaften ausgewählter Neigungssensoren
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Werner Lienhart, H.-M. Zogg and D. Nindl Innovative Lösungen zur Erreichung höchster Genauigkeit und Geschwindigkeit am Beispiel der TS30 Totalstation von Leica Geosystems
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Friedrich Brunner Faseroptische Sensorik: Ein Thema für die Ingenieurgeodäsie?
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Helmut Woschitz Test statischer Eigenschaften ausgewählter Neigungssensoren
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D. Nindl, Werner Lienhart and H.-M. Zogg Neueste Entwicklungen und Technologien für modernste Totalstationen mit höchster Messgenauigkeit
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Werner Lienhart Interoperability of GLONASS Observations for RTK Positioning Applications
Proc. 15. Internationale Geodätische Woche Obergurgel
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Friedrich Brunner and Helmut Woschitz Langarmige eingebettete Strain-Rosette zum Monitoring eines Rutschhanges
"Stabilisierung von Rutschhängen, Böschungen und Einschnitten"
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Klaus Macheiner and Friedrich Brunner A fiber optic cantilever sensor for static and kinematic tilt determination in two axes
4th Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-4)
10 p.-
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H.-M. Zogg, Werner Lienhart and D. Nindl Advances in total station design for highest accuracy and performance
9th Conference on Optical 3-D Measurement Techniques
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Dudy Wijaya and Friedrich Brunner Unified theory for atmospheric propagation effects of geodetic space techniques
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Friedrich Brunner Gefahrenbewergung von tiefreichenden Massenbewegungen: Projektteil TUG - Monitoring der Verformungen (Endbericht 4. Jahr)
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Werner Lienhart Geodätische Deformationsanalyse und Structural Health Monitoring: Chancen und Herausforderungen für die GeodäsieFestschrift Universalgeodäsie in Graz128-139
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Werner Lienhart New approaches to improve rover positions using standardized RTCM network information based on the Master Auxiliary Concept
Proc. EUPOS-GNSS Symposium
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Frank Takac and Werner Lienhart A Novel Method of Processing Standardized RTCM Network RTK Information for High-Precision Positioning
Proc. ENC-GNSS 2008
9 p.-
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Dudy Wijaya and Friedrich Brunner Accurate atmospheric correction of two-frequency SLR observations
Proc. 16th Int. Workshop on Laser Ranging
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Friedrich Brunner and Helmut Woschitz Eingebetteter faseroptischer Verformungssensor: Statische und dynamische Messungen
"Messen in der Geotechnik 2008", Mitt. Inst. f. Grundbau und Bodenmechanik, TU Braunschweig
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Helmut Woschitz and Friedrich Brunner Monitoring a deep-seated mass movement using a large strain rosette
Proc. 13th FIG Int. Symp. on Deformation Measurements and Analysis
10 p.-
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Helmut Woschitz and Friedrich Brunner Large strain rosette using fibre optic sensors
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Helmut Woschitz and Friedrich Brunner Monitoring a deep-seated mass movement using a large strain rosette
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Friedrich Brunner and Helmut Woschitz Eingebetteter faseroptischer Verformungssensor: Statische und dynamische Messungen
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Stefan Mertl, Ewald Brückl and Friedrich Brunner Characteristics of mircro-earthquakes caused by deept-seated mass movements
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Steffen Schön and Friedrich Brunner Refractivity fluctuations in space geodetic measurements: Case study GPS carrier phase observations
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Friedrich Brunner, Friedrich Zobl and Andreas Wieser Development of a digital geological compass
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Werner Lienhart and Friedrich Karl Brunner Integrierte Auswertung von inhomogenen Überwachungsdaten am Beispiel einer monolithischen Brücke
Ingenieurvermessung 07
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Steffen Schön and Friedrich Karl Brunner Treatment of refractive fluctuations by fully populated variance-covariance matrices
Proc. 1st Colloquium Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme
6 p.-
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Werner Lienhart and Friedrich Karl Brunner Integrated Analysis of Inhomogeneous Structural Monitoring Data of a Monolithic Bridge
3rd Int. Conf. Structural Health Monitoring of Ingelligent Infrastructure
9 p.-
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Friedrich Karl Brunner, Helmut Woschitz and Klaus Macheiner Monitoring of Deep-Seated Mass Movements
3rd Int. Conf. Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructure
10 p.-
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Friedrich Karl Brunner Gefahrenbewertung von tiefreichenden Massenbewegungen: Projektteil TUG - Monitoring der Verformungen (Endbericht 3. Jahr)
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Friedrich Karl Brunner Gefahrenbewertung von tiefreichenden Massenbewegungen: Projektteil TUG – Monitoring der Verformungen (Zwischenbericht 4. Jahr)
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Friedrich Karl Brunner and Andreas Wieser Ein Vorschlag zur simultanen Geometriebestimmung beim Düsenstrahlverfahren
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Steffen Schön and H. Kutterer Uncertainty in GPS networks due to remaining systematic errors: the interval approach
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Ewald Brückl, Friedrich Karl Brunner and Karl Kraus Kinematics of a deep-seated landslide derived from photogrammetrie, GPS and geophysical data
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Ingo Neumann, Hansjörg Kutterer and Steffen Schön Outlier Detection in Geodetic Applications with respect to Observation Imprecision
REC 2006 - The NSF Workshop on Reliable Engineering Computing
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Steffen Schön and Hansjörg Kutterer A comparative analysis of uncertainty modelling in GPS data analysis
In Rizos C. and Tregoning P. (Eds.) Dynamic Planet - Monitoring and Understanding a Dynamic Planet with Geodetic and Oceanographic Tools, IAG Symposia Vol. 130
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Andreas Wieser and Horst Hartinger High-sensitivity GPS: Technologie und Anwendungen
DVW Schriftenreihe 49
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Steffen Schön and Friedrich Karl Brunner Modelling physical correlation of GPS phase observations: first results
Proc. 3rd IAG Symp. Geodesy for Geotechnical and Structural Engineering / 12th FIG Symposium on Deformation Measurements
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Andreas Wieser High-sensitivity GNSS: The trade-off between availability and accuracy
Proc. 3rd IAG Symp. Geodesy for Geotechnical and Structural Engineering / 12th FIG Symposium on Deformation Measurements
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Steffen Schön and Hansjörg Kutterer GPS monitoring networks: interval-based description of measurement uncertainties due to remaining systematics
Proc. 3rd IAG Symp. Geodesy for Geotechnical and Structural Engineering / 12th FIG Symposium on Deformation Measurements
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Rainer Klostius, Andreas Wieser and Friedrich Karl Brunner Treatment of diffraction effects caused by mountain ridges
Proc. 3rd IAG Symp. Geodesy for Geotechnical and Structural Engineering / 12th FIG Symposium on Deformation Measurements
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Friedrich Karl Brunner Bridge Monitoring: external and internal sensing issues
2nd Conference on "Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructure"
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Steffen Schön Comparison of correction models for distance dependent systematic effects in GPS monitoring networks with large height differences
Proc. 3rd IAG Symp. Geodesy for Geotechnical and Structural Engineering / 12th FIG Symposium on Deformation Measurements
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Johannes Fleckl Präzisionsbestimmung des Prüffeldes "Dach, Steyrergasse 30" zur Überprüfung von geodätischen Instrumenten
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Steffen Schön and Friedrich Karl Brunner Beschreibung turbulenter atmosphärischer Fluktuationen in GPS Phasenbeobachtungen durch Strukturfunktionen
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Steffen Schön and Friedrich Karl Brunner Modelling physical correlations of GPS phase observations: First results
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Steffen Schön Comparison of correction models for distance dependent systematic effects in GPS monitoring networks with large height differences
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Andreas Wieser, Margit Gaggl and Horst Hartinger Improved positioning accuracy with high-sensitivity GNSS receivers and SNR aided integrity monitoring of pseudo-range observations
Proc. ION GNSS 2005 18th Int. Techn. Meeting of the Satellite Division
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Werner Lienhart Experimental Investigation of the Performance of the SOFO Measurement System
Proceedings 5th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring
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Steffen Schön, Andreas Wieser and Klaus Macheiner Accurate tropospheric correction for local GPS monitoring networks with large height differences
Proc. ION GNSS 2005 18th Int. Techn. Meeting of the Satellite Division
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Friedrich Karl Brunner Gefahrenbewertung von tiefreichenden Massenbewegungen: Projektteil TUG - Monitoring der Verformungen - Endbericht 1. Jahr
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Friedrich Karl Brunner Gefahrenbewertung von tiefreichenden Massenbewegungen: Projektteil TUG - Monitoring der Verformungen - Zwischenbericht 2. Jahr
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Rainer Klostius, Steffen Schön, Friedrich Zobl and Friedrich Karl Brunner Online monitoring of landslides using GPS
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Steffen Schön and Hansjörg Kutterer A comparative analysis of uncertainty modeling in GPS data analysis
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Steffen Schön and Friedrich Karl Brunner On atmospherically induced correlations between GPS phase observations - Part II: Experiments
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Friedrich Karl Brunner Düsenstrahlverfahren: In-situ Geometriebestimmung mittels Krümmungsmessungen
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Steffen Schön and Friedrich Karl Brunner On atmospherically induced correlations between GPS phase observations - Part I: Theory
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Werner Lienhart Experimental Investigation of the Performance of the SOFO Measurement System
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Andreas Wieser, M.G. Petovello and G. Lachapelle Failure Scenarios to be Considered with Kinematic High Precision Relative GNSS Positioning
ION GNSS 17th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division
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Sandra Meissl, Walter Kurz, Friedrich Zobl and Kurt Klima Fault-controlled deep-seated gravitational slope deformations in Alpine regions: examples from the Eastern Alps
Geophysical Research Abstracts
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Andreas Wieser and Friedrich Karl Brunner Formbestimmung einer Hohlraum-Lamelle mittels elastischem Fühler
Ingenieurvermessung 2004
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Werner Lienhart and Friedrich Karl Brunner Monitoring einer Brücke mit geodätischen Methoden und faseroptischen Sensoren
Ingenieurvermessung 2004
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Friedrich Karl Brunner and Andreas Wieser In-Situ Geometriebestimmung mittels Krümmungsmessungen beim DSV
"Messen in der Geotechnik 2004", Mitt. Inst. f. Grundbau u. Bodenmechanik, TU Braunschweig
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Andreas Wieser and Friedrich Karl Brunner Deformationsmessungen einer Schrägkabelbrücke
"Interdisziplinäre Messaufgaben im Bauwesen - Weimar 2004", DVW Schriftenreihe 46
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Friedrich Karl Brunner Gefahrenbewertung von tiefreichenden Massenbewegungen: Projektteil TUG - Monitoring der Verformungen
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Friedrich Karl Brunner Massenbewegungen im alpinen Raum: Kontinuierliches Monitoring von Hangbewegungen mit GPS
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Georg Gassner, Friedrich Zobl and Friedrich Karl Brunner GPS Monitoring der Hangrutschung Gradenbach
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Klaus Macheiner, Klaus Christian Legat and Bernhard Hofmann-Wellenhof Testing a pedestrian navigator
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Friedrich Karl Brunner and Andreas Wieser Düsenstrahlverfahren: In-situ Geometriebestimmung mittels Krümmungsmessungen
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Hansjörg Kutterer and Steffen Schön Alternativen bei der Modellierung der Unsicherheit beim Messen
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Helmut Woschitz and Friedrich Karl Brunner Optical measurements of rail motions
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Friedrich Zobl and Friedrich Karl Brunner GPS Monitoring of the Landslide Gradenbach
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Helmut Woschitz Systemkalibrierung von Digitalnivellieren mit dem TUG-GML Vertikalkomparator
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Ewald Brückl, Friedrich Karl Brunner and Karl Kraus The kinematics of a deep-seated mass movement derived from geophysical, GPS and photogrammetric data
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S Meissl, Walter Kurz, Friedrich Zobl and Kurt Klima Fault controlled deep seated gravitational slope deformations in alpine regions: examples from the Eastern Alps (Austria)
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Friedrich Karl Brunner and Andreas Wieser Düsenstrahlverfahren: In-situ Geometriebestimmung mittels Krümmungsmessungen
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Helmut Woschitz System Calibration of Digital Levels: Calibration Facility, Procedures and Results3-8322-2233-2
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Helmut Woschitz and Friedrich Karl Brunner Development of a Vertical Comparator for System Calibration of Digital Levels
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Andreas Wieser Fuzzy Logic and GPS Benefitting from Uncertainty
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Werner Lienhart, Andreas Wieser and Friedrich Karl Brunner Ausreißerdetektion bei der Positionsbestimmung in aktiven GPS Netzen
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Herbert Högler and Werner Lienhart Integrales Brückenbauwerk zur Straßenverbreiterung und erste Deformationsmessungen mit faseroptischen Sensoren
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Andreas Wieser, Werner Lienhart and Friedrich Karl Brunner Nachbarschaftstreue Transformation zur Berücksichtigung von Spannungen im amtlichen Festpunktfeld
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Friedrich Karl Brunner, Friedrich Zobl and Georg Gassner On the Capability of GPS for Landslide Monitoring
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Georg Gassner and Friedrich Karl Brunner Monitoring eines Rutschhanges mit GPS-Messungen
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Werner Lienhart and Friedrich Karl Brunner Monitoring of Bridge Deformations using Embedded Fiber Optical Sensors
Proc. 11th Int. Symp. on Deformation Measurements
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Friedrich Karl Brunner Massenbewegungen im alpinen Raum: Kontinuierliches Monitoring von Hangbewegungen mit GPS - Zwischenbericht 3. Jahr
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Friedrich Karl Brunner Massenbewegungen im alpinen Raum: Kontinuierliches Monitoring von Hangbewegungen mit GPS - Endbericht 2. Jahr
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Helmut Woschitz, Friedrich Karl Brunner and H. Heister Scale Determination of Digital Levelling Systems using a Vertical Comparator
FIG XXII Congress
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Friedrich Brunner, Werner Lienhart and A. Wieser Positioning by an Active GPS System: Experimental Investigation of the Attainable Accuracy
Proceedings of the XXII FIG International Congress
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Friedrich Zobl and Kurt Klima Blaubach Landslide: slope stability analysis based on field mapping and GIS - analysis
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Friedrich Karl Brunner and Ekkehart Grillmayer On the temperature dependence of gyroscopic measurements using the GYROMAT 2000
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Georg Gassner, Andreas Wieser and Friedrich Karl Brunner GPS Software Development for Monitoring of Landslides
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Kurt Klima, Scott Kieffer, Friedrich Zobl, Arnold Steidl and Wulf Schubert Case studies from the Austrian Alps
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Friedrich Karl Brunner and Helmut Woschitz Kalibrierung von Messsystemen: Grundlagen und Beispiele
"Qualitätsmanagement in der geodätischen Messtechnik", Wittwer Verlag, DVW Schriftenreihe 42
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Ekkehart Grillmayer, Andreas Wieser and Friedrich Karl Brunner Einrichtung der Stahlpylone der Donaubrücke bei Pöchlarn
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Friedrich Karl Brunner, Horst Hartinger and Andreas Wieser Zur kontinuierlichen Überwachung von Bauwerken mit GPS
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Friedrich Karl Brunner, Horst Hartinger and Bernhard Richter Continuous monitoring of landslide motions using GPS. Living with natural hazards
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Friedrich Karl Brunner, Gerhard Köhler, Ekkehart Grillmayer and Andreas Wieser Automatisiertes Messsystem für die Absteckung von Pilotpfählen
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Friedrich Karl Brunner, Horst Hartinger and Bernhard Richter Kontinuierliche GPS Überwachungsmessungen von Massenbewegungen
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Gerhard Brandstätter, Friedrich Brunner and Günther Schelling Beiträge zum XII. Internationalen Kurs für Ingenieurvermessung
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