Ledio Jahaj, Stalin Munoz Gutierrez, Thomas Walter Rosmarin, Franz Wotawa and Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner A Model-based diagnosis integrated architecture for dependable autonomous robots34th International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis (DX’23)
Jakob Oberpertinger, Matthias Josef Eder and Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner A Universal Person Follower Interface for Mobile Robot SystemsProceedings of the Austrian Robotics Workshop 2023
Raphael Hoheneder, Alexander Buchegger, Hamid Didari Khamseh Motlagh, Matthias Josef Eder, Konstantin Mautner-Lassnig, Clemens Mühlbacher and Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner An Event-Based Approach to Autonomous NavigationProceedings of the Austrian Robotics Workshop 2023
Matthias Josef Eder, Laurent Frering and Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner Gaining Insights into a Robot Localization Monitor Using Explainable Artificial IntelligenceAdvances in Service and Industrial Robotics - RAAD 2023170-177
Laurent Frering, Clemens Koenczoel, Jochen A. Mosbacher, Martina Kames, Matthias Josef Eder, Peter Mohr-Ziak, Sebastian Gabl, Denis Kalkofen, Dietrich Albert, Bettina Kubicek and Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner Impact of Robot Related User Pre-experience on Cognitive Load, Trust, Trustworthiness and Satisfaction with VR InterfacesAdvances in Service and Industrial Robotics. RAAD 2023123-131
Matthias Eder, Raphael Prinz, Florian Schöggl and Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner
Traversability analysis for off-road environments using locomotion experiments and earth observation data
Robotics and Autonomous Systems
Marco De Bortoli, Peter Kohout, Dominik Lampel, Leo Fürbaß, Anna Masiero, Stefan Moser, Martin Nagele, Tobias Frick, Lukas Knoflach and Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner
Approaching flexible production with planning methods
Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Matthias Josef Eder and Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner Predicting Energy Consumption and Traversal Time of Ground Robots for Outdoor Navigation on Multiple Types of Terrain2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
Hamid Didari Khamseh Motlagh and Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner LiDAR-Based Scene Understanding for Navigation in Unstructured EnvironmentsAdvances in Service and Industrial Robotics - RAAD 2023178-185
Matthias Josef Eder and Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner Optimierung des Energieverbrauchs und der Durchquerungszeit von Bodenrobotern für die Navigation im unwegsamen Gelände
Marco De Bortoli, Lukáš Chrpa, Martin Gebser and Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner Enhancing Temporal Planning by Sequential Macro-ActionsLogics in Artificial Intelligence - 18th European Conference, JELIA 2023, Proceedings595-604
Marco De Bortoli, Lukáš Chrpa, Martin Gebser and Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner Improving Applicability of Planning in the RoboCup Logistics League using Macro-actions RefinementRoboCup 2023: Robot World Cup XXVI
Martin Kandlhofer, Petra Francesca Weixelbraun, Manuel Menzinger, Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner and Ágoston Kemenesi Education and Awareness for Artificial IntelligenceInformatics in Schools
Christoph Pilz, Peter Sammer, Esa Piri, Udo Grossschedl, Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner, Lukas Kuschnig, Alina Steinberger and Markus Schratter
Collective Perception
IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems
Marco De Bortoli and Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner Evaluating Action-Based Temporal Planners Performance in the RoboCup Logistics LeagueRoboCup 202287-99
Thomas Eckstein, Marco De Bortoli and Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner Fixing PDDL Domains Using Delta Debugging34th International Workshop on Principle of Diagnosis
David Beikircher, Marco De Bortoli, Leo Fürbaß, Thomas Martin Kernbauer, Peter Kohout, Dominik Lampel, Anna Masiero, Stefan Moser, Martin Nagele and Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner Robust Integration of Planning, Execution, Recovery and Testing to Win the RoboCup Logistics LeagueRoboCup 2023: Robot World Cup XXVI
Laurent Frering, Armin Koefler, Michael Huber, Sandra Pfister, Richard Feischl, Alexander Almer and Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner Multi-Robot Support System for Fighting Wildfires in Challenging Environments: System Design and Field Test Report2023 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR)