Disrupting supplies is a key element in military conflicts. In general, supply convoys face an increased threat from IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices). Automated military convoys with passive navigation offer the possibility of transporting supplies undetected through dangerous areas while ensuring the protection of soldiers. In addition, small distributed warehouses offer better security of supply in war scenarios, but at the same time the logistics complexity increases, which can hardly be managed without automation. hardly manageable without automation. UMPAS is therefore aiming to research an autonomous truck that uses only passive sensors and can react to critical situations such as difficult terrain. This truck is to be tested on a laboratory scale in daylight and without precipitation on a trained moderate off-road route at a moderate speed (<= 20 km/h) with passive sensors and without infrastructure such as GNSS. To achieve this goal, an available drive-by-wire (DBW) capable RMMV HX2 logistics truck is to be converted into an automated test vehicle. For this purpose, the vehicle will be extended by a so-called A-Kit, which is being developed in the project. This is responsible for obstacle detection, localization, path planning and navigation and consists of cameras, IMU and control computer, and transmits vehicle type-independent driving commands to the vehicle. The algorithms of the A-Kit have already been researched in simulation as part of the preliminary Simpas project. In the project, the approaches are ported to real hardware. In the truck, the so-called B-Kit receives the driving commands and uses them to control the engine and steering angle. For the planned off-road scenarios, additional controllers based on vehicle measurement data (slip, acceleration, etc.) must be researched in the B-Kit in order to estimate the current coefficient of friction between the tires and the ground in order to keep the truck in the best possible safe condition. At the end of the project, a test setup of a military logistics truck will be available that can carry out automated supply runs under laboratory conditions based purely on passive sensor technology. An automated vehicle based purely on passive sensor technology is not yet known and therefore represents a major innovation.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Beginn: 31.12.2024
Ende: 30.12.2026
Hazardous substances pose a risk to the life and health of emergency personnel. Although various handheld measuring devices are available in fire departments to measure the concentration for risk assessment, from simple CO detectors to complex multi-sensor measuring devices, these require special training, and the measurement is carried out manually in the danger zone after donning protective suits. Mobile assistance robots represent a solution for reducing the risk to people and improving efficiency. This potential study aims to develop a sound basis for the widespread introduction of compact and easy-to-use reconnaissance robots in fire departments and to derive instructions for action. To this end, possible deployment scenarios and the necessary tactics for this new operational resource will be developed. Furthermore, a concept for the corresponding training and technical specifications for procurement and maintenance will be derived. Moreover, the developed operational tactics will be evaluated realistically as part of a KHD exercise. A compact and easy-to-use prototype of a detection robot based on an integration of commercially available components (mobile robot platform, sensor system, app for control) will be made available for practical testing. Finally, recommendations for a possible practical introduction to fire departments will be derived from the results of the concept development and the practical testing.
Konsortialführer/in bzw. Koordinator/in bei Kooperationen mit externen Organisationen
Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Beginn: 30.09.2024
Ende: 30.03.2026
Alpine meadows are an important natural resource for livestock farming, forestry, recreation, and tourism in alpine regions. However, these open landscape areas that characterize the alpine region are threatened by natural succession and the spreading of invasive species. In particular, bushes and young trees are slowly encroaching on the borders of forests consisting of mountain pines and green alders. This succession shifts the boundary between alpine meadow and forest and thus reduces the usable alpine pasture area. Due to topography, legal requirements, and ecological considerations, the monitoring and removal of bushes and young trees is very time-consuming. Mountain farmers, agricultural communities, and landowners are finding fewer and fewer staff for this arduous task or are unable to use heavy machinery. The RoboAlm project now combines expertise from the fields of earth observation, navigation, ecology, and robotics to develop a holistic workflow and the necessary methods to automatically detect and remove unwanted scrub encroachment. The workflow consists of three central modules. The first module uses several years of satellite-based earth observation data to automatically identify the succession areas between alpine meadows and forests that need to be treated. Another module provides satellite-based accessibility analyses and cost maps that can be used for safe and gentle navigation of a mobile robot in difficult terrain. Based on the identified succession areas and the satellite-based navigation maps, the module also generates an optimal, safe, and minimally invasive route for the removal of unwanted plants. The final module is an all-terrain robot that is equipped with the appropriate tools for removing the plants as well as the sensors and software required to automate the removal process. The RoboAlm project will expand the state of the art in several areas. In the area of satellite-based earth observation, methods are being developed that allow the change in succession areas to be identified over time using machine learning and satellite and LiDAR data. In the field of satellite-based off-road navigation, the automatic generation of cost maps is being refined so that changes in traversability can be predicted based on the season and weather conditions. New methods are also being developed that allow the necessary efficient coverage planning for ground robots in the alpine regions. In the field of robotics, automated navigation in difficult terrain is made possible regardless of the season and weather conditions, and localization in GNSS shadowing is improved by fusing it with SLAM. In addition, new real-time capable methods based on camera data for the recognition of plants and subsoils are being developed, which make it possible to locally supplement or refine the results of earth observation. The corresponding requirements and processes as well as evaluation criteria and test environments are identified in close cooperation with the application partners from the alpine pasture and forestry sector. Based on this information, the developed modules are then validated and the envisaged workflow is demonstrated as a proof-of-concept.
Konsortialführer/in bzw. Koordinator/in bei Kooperationen mit externen Organisationen
Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Beginn: 30.06.2024
Ende: 29.06.2026
The proposed research focuses on the development of a new generation of autonomous mobile robots that integrate seamlessly into existing production processes and cooperate intuitively with people. The goal is to break down barriers between humans and AMRs by identifying relevant factors on user acceptance and concerns for interaction. The research will use AI to gain semantic information about the environment to optimize AMR behavior, and big data analysis to derive global optimization strategies and enable predictive maintenance. The project's goal is to create the basis for developing a new generation of AMRs that can be integrated as easily as possible into existing production processes and intuitively work together with humans, respectively, putting them back into focus. To achieve this, AMRs will be equipped with additional sensor technology. The project objectives are: (1) enabling comprehensive environment perception for cooperative acting robots, (2) extension of the “fleet control system” with flexibility and efficiency enhancement features, and (3) assessment of the improved user acceptance.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Beginn: 31.01.2024
Ende: 30.07.2026
The central objective of the PATH project is to pave the way for highly automated UGVs to enter everyday military use in the medium term, focusing here on direct support of military units such as light infantry in difficult terrain and adverse environmental conditions. Support activities include logistics and reconnaissance. PATH primarily addresses capabilities in automated navigation (moving from A to B, navigating predetermined routes) and is fundamentally agnostic to the higher-level mission. For the military user, the focus is on the enhancement of military capabilities through modern technology in a dynamic environment, while for the business and scientific partners, the focus is clearly on the further development of technology in niche areas of vehicle automation in Austria. The PATH project is based on the following 4 pillars: (1) Use cases, integration and evaluation: A central objective of the participation of the customer BMLV is the development of additional use cases and possible uses of UGVs with highly automated capabilities as well as concepts for the integration of these systems into everyday military life. This results in requirements in the areas of UGV mobility, UGV navigation, environmental conditions and tactics. Test scenarios and corresponding objective evaluation criteria (KPI) and methods for determining them must be developed for a well-founded review of these concepts with regard to the available status of the platforms and their capabilities. The use cases, integration concepts and evaluation methods will be developed in workshops with military experts. For a few selected use cases (e.g. escort or logistics on mule trails in the mountains), dedicated field trials are then to be defined and practically conducted with troop units. (2) Extension mobility UGV: The aim in the project is to transmit a predictive view to the platform to enable timely adjustment of the steering, height compensation and driving profile. This is intended to increase speed, while energy optimization by minimizing unnecessary movements while reducing load peaks should also support sustainability in addition to increasing range and running time. Difficult terrain and tight driving situations will thus become surmountable in the first place. It is also to be investigated how a UGV can use sensors to protect itself against damage caused by suboptimal driving conditions. Last but not least, team cooperation should be supported in such a way that humans can understand and predict the movements of the UGV, which should be made possible by finely defined driving behavior and advance signaling.
Konsortialführer/in bzw. Koordinator/in bei Kooperationen mit externen Organisationen
Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Beginn: 31.12.2023
Ende: 30.12.2025
Invasive insect pests, such as the marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys, pose a major problem for Austrian agriculture due to their high damage potential and are increasingly responsible for massive crop losses in Slovenia, Italy and Austria. Currently, there is no approved pesticide against this pest and therefore alternative control methods are of great importance for the control of this pest in the future. In this project, innovative sensor networks for pest monitoring of invasive bugs are being developed so that a flying drone can carry out spatially limited control of invasive bugs in combination with a ground robot. This Asian bug species reflexively drops to the ground as soon as it is exposed to strong substrate vibrations: a behavior that is to be exploited for pest control in this innovative project. The targeted detection of this bug species can be carried out using a large number of IoT-enabled acceleration sensors, which recognize the species' own vibrations and report the bug infestation to a central instance. Repeated detection of species-specific bug signals triggers an autonomous robot deployment in which a ground robot brings a drone close to the activated sensor and the drone generates strong substrate vibrations on site. The ground robot then sucks up the bugs from the ground using a specially developed suction device. The technical developments of this project will make it possible to reduce the use of pesticides in the future or to dispense with them altogether. The results of this project therefore represent an important contribution to securing the long-term supply of agricultural goods in Austria.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Beginn: 30.11.2023
Ende: 29.11.2025
The forest industry is an important economic factor in Austria, but of course also in Europe and in other regions of the world. Due to the large ranges of forest harvesting, modern machines come to use for harvesting processes, wood selection and treatment as well as transportation. The boundary conditions are often very difficult, as the forests are situated in distanced mountain and valley areas. Today, the machines are driven by internal combustion engines with diesel as a fuel, and are manually operated. This has two weaknesses: On the one hand, the combustion of diesel fuel produces large amount of exhaust emissions, and the manual operation is risky for workers involved. Unfortunately, serious accidents happen frequently, especially during forestry work, which are largely due to human errors and misjudgments. In addition, diesel-powered trucks are used to transport the wood, which, at almost 36 million kilometers per year in Austria alone, results in CO2 emissions of ca. 30.000 tons per year. Based on the above-mentioned requirements, the consortium started the idea to investigate sustainable and automated forest harvesting and transportation processes. Project goals are divided into two main fields: (1) the reduction of CO2 emissions by electrification and the use of local electric energy sources and (2) autonomous forest transportation.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Friedrich Fraundorfer
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Alexander Kreis
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. BSc
Christian Landschützer
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Prof.h.c.
Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Beginn: 31.03.2023
Ende: 30.03.2026
The overall project goal is the availability of validated vehicle control algorithms for autonomous driving under military conditions. This is an essential contribution to the few researched solutions to the complex requirements of military automated driving. It is particularly important for nations the size of Austria to be involved in forward-looking high-tech military technology and to try to seize opportunities for niche products. In addition to the immediate technical solution, this should be particularly emphasized as a programmatic goal.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Beginn: 31.10.2022
Ende: 30.10.2024
The aim of KI-SecAssist is the development of autonomous assistance modules based on cooperative task management and various UAV and UGV systems with integrated multi-sensor Payload. The development of AI-based solution approaches enables cooperative multimodal interaction strategies between several UAVs ("Fixed Wing" and "Multi-Rotor" systems) and UGVs and thus an intelligent interaction of the individual systems into one Optimized assistance for emergency services geared towards special application scenarios. The UAV- / UGV- Systems have different performance parameters as well as one different sensors, geared to the requirements of the individual scenarios and enable near real-time on-board Situation analysis. A cooperative task management is administered Tasks and goals, prioritized and generated on the basis of situation Changes to new tasks and delegates the autonomous processing of tasks to the UAV / UGV systems. The result from KI-SecAssist is a modular proof-of-concept functional demonstrator, incl. Tests, exercises and evaluation related to the functional, Performance and practical suitability for an optimized assistance service for emergency services in crisis and disaster scenarios.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Teilnehmer*innen / Mitarbeiter*innen
Richard Halatschek
Beginn: 31.12.2021
Ende: 30.12.2023
In order to increase trust in robot systems and reduce cognitive load, the project aims to develop well-founded methods for measuring trust in assistance systems and the cognitive load caused by their use. Furthermore, options for intervention in (1) the design of the user interface for input and output, (2) the degree of autonomy and (3) the transparency of decisions by the robot that allow an improvement of these parameters are to be examined. The primary innovation of the project is that trust and the cognitive load as well as measures to improve them are thoroughly investigated in an interdisciplinary team (psychologists, visualization experts, robotics, emergency services). The planned direct coupling of the assessment of trust and cognitive load with possible changes in the interaction design and the behavior of the robot will provide new insights into the nature of trust in assistance robots and enable the development of improved assistance systems. The immediate practical benefit of this knowledge is evaluated in realistic field tests with emergency services.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Denis Kalkofen
Ass.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Beginn: 31.07.2021
Ende: 30.12.2023
In this project, research will be carried out to document thermal engineering applications in which system improvements can be achieved through innovative control approaches. In doing so, not only methods known from control and system engineering will be considered, but also artificial intelligence (AI) methods in particular. To substantiate the potential for further research activities regarding AI in thermal engineering, a comparison between conventional control strategies and AI-based methods is aimed at.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Christoph Hochenauer
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Martin Horn
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
René Josef Prieler
Ass.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. BSc
Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
sonstige Funktion
René Rieberer
Ao.Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Beginn: 31.03.2021
Ende: 30.03.2022
Automated robot systems that are able to navigate in remote and challenging environments like alpine regions be a significant help end users mountain or constructors or of infrastructure (e.g paths or installation for protection). Such robots can perform automated transport of materials, tools, and persons as well as the automated execution of construction or maintenance actions (although the development of the actual manipulation actions is beyond the scope of this project). Endurance and payload issues renders the deployment of ground robots more realistically. Two main issues arise when deploying such robots in remote and difficult terrain. First in contrast to humans robots usually need a rather detailed maps of their environment to perform navigation; deriving and execution an efficient and safe path to a given goal. In engineered environments like urban areas or highways such detailed maps are available. In remote or unstructured areas these maps needed to be generated beforehand either by the robot itself or by other means like airborne systems. The fact that detailed maps for remote areas do not exist and the expensive pre-mapping step are obstacle for fast and efficient deployment. Second humans are capable to navigate in a challenging environment even with a less detailed map and a rough given route because of their superior perception and motion skills. Robots in contrat still need very detailed map and a high accuracy in their localization to perform challenging navigation task. In order to allow a ground robot to navigate efficiently and safely in remote areas to support end use activities RoboNav will aim at three main goals. First in close cooperation with the end users use cases will be defined that are relevant for the users but are also realistic and helpful for the participating users. The definition of promising use cases andrealistic requirements will maintain realistic expectations and acceptance by the users. The second goal of RoboNav is the development of a pipeline to convert earth observation data into routing data that can be used for the navigation. The important goal is here to avoid extensive preparation campaigns such as detailed mapping of the environment with the robot system itself or other systems like UAVs. Animportant innovation is here that the obtained routing data will be generated depending on the robot’s locomotion capabilities in order to allow broad and easy application of the approach. The third goal of RoboNav is to develop an integrated navigation concept that is suitable for automated navigation of a robot in the envisioned challenging environments. In order to achieve this goal the views and competences of two research disciplinesneed to be combined: geodesy and robotics. A suitable navigation concept including localization, routing and guidance will be replicated for the purpose of an automatically moving robot. The proposed navigation system will be implemented and integrated into a robot platform demonstrator. The integrated system will be evaluated in realistic field trials defined in cooperation with the end users. Deployments in the field but will also form a base for an economic exploitation by young participating companies from both disciplines.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Mathias Schardt
Univ.-Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Dipl.-Forstwirt
Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Teilnehmer*innen / Mitarbeiter*innen
Hamid Didari Khamseh Motlagh
Matthias Josef Eder
Dipl.-Ing. BSc
Beginn: 30.09.2020
Ende: 30.07.2023
The aim of ROBO-MOLE is to increase the safety for responder and civilians in tunnels or other sub-terrain buildings by the detection and identification of hazard materials, providing an actual situation map and to improve the efficiency of disaster response missions. For instance after a accident with a dangerous goods transporter in a tunnel responder are faced with severe and dangerous challenges due to heat, structural danger, smoke or exposure to hazard material. Thus, a semi-autonomous robot for supporting analyzing tasks will be developed, that is equipped with a broad range of sensors (position, imaging, hazard material). The information of these sensors will be fused to allow safe navigation and control of the robot under challenging conditions (smoke, heat, debris) and to detect and map hazards.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Manfred Wieser
Ao.Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Teilnehmer*innen / Mitarbeiter*innen
Hamid Didari Khamseh Motlagh
Matthias Josef Eder
Dipl.-Ing. BSc
Beginn: 30.09.2020
Ende: 29.11.2022
The increasing digitalization and automation through the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) of the working world (industry 4.0, Smart Logistics, Big Data, etc.) and our everyday life(assistance systems, smart devices, social media, etc.) posts great challenges for society and education. This ranges from building awareness, increasing acceptance and teaching thefoundations of the technology, to fostering a meaningful, creative usage as well as an assessment of threats, risks as well as opportunities and potentials. The program area ischaracterized by a few urban centers and a large number of rural regions. To prevent a brain drain from the program area as well as to ensure a sustainable and responsible usageof technology, young people with skills to understand and use these new technologies are required. AI applications in particular allow an added value away from urban centers orwithout access to natural resources. Stimulating enthusiasm as well as facilitating a basic understanding has to be done at an early age. This provides a sound basis for youngpeople’s decision to pursue a career (job, training, study) in an AI related sector. The project addresses these challenges at two levels: On the one hand, fostering young people’s(aged 10-14) interest in AI and facilitating a basic technical understanding at an early age. In this context, the integration of teachers and instructors, using a train-the-trainerapproach is the key and ensures a broad and sustainable dissemination. On the other hand, building awareness regarding social, economic and technical aspects and potentials of AIamong the general public (children, parents, apprentices, working persons, etc.) using open, low-threshold activities. Since the described challenges concern the entire program area,a cross-border project implementation is vital.
Konsortialführer/in bzw. Koordinator/in bei Kooperationen mit externen Organisationen
Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Teilnehmer*innen / Mitarbeiter*innen
Manuel Menzinger
Petra Francesca Weixelbraun
Beginn: 30.09.2020
Ende: 30.12.2022
This project aims to investigate the possibilities for a passive infrastructure-less self-localization by vehicles for navigation purposes. Such localization is an essential precondition for the half-autonomous control of convoys, which was raised by the military user. Up to here autonomous car navigation in nearly all variants is supported by global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) and / or active sensors (radar, lidar). For reasons of defilade active means must be waived. Off-road driving conditions do not offer any infrastructure. And GNSS must be waived, too, since it aggressively may be jammed or spoofed. The remaining means are mainly camera based localization, inertial navigation and the evaluation of the vehicle’s sensor data. It is now necessary to investigate by which algorithms and methods a reliable localization is possible, based on only these reduced means. These are now the goals of the project, to reach an automated vehicle’s localization under the above mentioned conditions. Firstly it is necessary to obtain realistic data sets from cameras, inertial measurement unit (IMU) and from the vehicle’s sensors and to emulate autonomous driving conditions. For this purpose drive-by-wire capabilities of the test vehicles will be implemented, which up to here is prohibited in road traffic. Using drive-by-wire omits those characteristics of the vehicle’s control, which are generated by the driver’s subjective impressions. Especially in off- road conditions reflexive reactions by the driver may be significant. In a totally new approach the data from the cameras, from the IMU and from the vehicle’s sensors will be used to generate a map of the driven path and to estimate the vehicle’s location with respect to the map. Obstacles will be recognized and the vehicle will be stopped. Technology readiness level 1 (TRL 1), the proof of the basic principle, is already given and is the starting point of the project. With the successful experimental proof finally TRL 3 will be prepared and reached. According to the low TRL, some simplifying conditions will be established, like a speed limit of 30 kilometers per hour or constant vegetation conditions. Target goals and findings are the successful implementation of a demonstrator of principle. For validation purposes a reference trajectory with all available means (GNSS, etc.) will be acquired, too. The found trajectory in comparison with the reference trajectory finally shall reach an accuracy which is acceptable for the targeted application. Challenges in the methods shall be recognized and shall be accordingly be addressed. Visual localization, inertial navigation and also the evaluation of the vehicle’s sensor data are affected by systematic inaccuracies, which is to be eliminated by data fusion techniques as much as possible. The concrete project results are the algorithms for determining the trajectory, which are openly explained and documented in the project’s reports. Further the acquired data sets and their analyses are part of the project results and the documentation of the experimental setup.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Teilnehmer*innen / Mitarbeiter*innen
Dominik Lampel
Soumic Sarkar
M.Tech. B.Tech. Ph.D.
Beginn: 30.09.2019
Ende: 30.10.2021
The Project RoboCar aims at a new approach in the development of autonomous driving vehicles based on the integration of an existing highly flexible prototype research vehicle as well as object recognition and vehicle control algorithms from robotic science. The prototype vehicle is driven by four independent hub motors that provide manoeuvrability and driving function far beyond automotive standards. Enhanced Know-how from robotic disciplines comprises sensor technology, navigation algorithms and the autonomous vehicle control system. With the integrated research vehicle, several autonomous driving testing scenarios will be carried out at a university campus to enable comprehensive evaluation and potential assessment of the technology. In this way, the potentials of new technological approaches are assessed and analysed by support of objective and rational evaluation of strengths and weaknesses to facilitate decision-making processes for strategic technological determinations in view of future R&D projects.
Konsortialführer/in bzw. Koordinator/in von mehreren TU Graz Instituten
Mario Hirz
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Helmut Brunner
Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Teilnehmer*innen / Mitarbeiter*innen
Matthias Mietschnig
Beginn: 31.10.2017
Ende: 30.10.2018
The future development of the economy, prosperity and quality of life in Europe will strongly depend on the following factors. Modern processes and methods are crucial for competitive products on a global scale. Smart production as the interplay of robotics, computer science and artificial intelligence (AI) will become more and more important. Furthermore, novel and innovative products and services will be necessary to develop the economy sustainably. In order to enable such products young people with knowledge and skills in robotics and AI will be needed. An appropriate developed labour market will significantly contribute to the strategic goals (smart, sustainable, inclusive growth) given by the underlying cooperation programme. Novel ideas and improved human capital enable companies to generate qualitative jobs in the project region. All this will contribute to the strategic goals as well as the operative goal of strengthening the labour market. In order to achieve this we propose to establish a standardized training and certification system for young people in the areas of robotics and AI. The training will be on a high professional level allowing the young people to develop an exceptional and satisfying career. A professional certification system similar to the ECDL as well as the involvement of stakeholders (educational institutions, public institutions, companies, …) in the project development will foster a great acceptance of the provided training system and will also allow companies and educational institutions to recognize the obtained skills of young people. The "train the trainer" approach will allow to roll out the system in the entire project region. Because the above problems exist in all areas of the project region such a project needs to be developed in a cross-border fashion.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Teilnehmer*innen / Mitarbeiter*innen
Martin Kandlhofer
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Bakk.rer.soc.oec.
Julia Petra Laßnig
Mag.phil. Mag.rer.nat.
Manuel Menzinger
Beginn: 30.04.2017
Ende: 29.04.2020
TU Graz works togehter in Styria to evaluate the possibility of autonomous driving on streets in downtown Graz.
Konsortialführer/in bzw. Koordinator/in bei Kooperationen mit externen Organisationen
Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Helmut Brunner
Teilnehmer*innen / Mitarbeiter*innen
Konstantin Lassnig
Stefan Loigge
Dipl.-Ing. BSc
Clemens Mühlbacher
Dipl.-Ing. BSc
Beginn: 31.03.2017
Ende: 30.10.2017
It is predicted that over 50 billion intelligent objects - smart things - will communicate with each other in the Internet of Things by 2020, allowing for numerous everyday applications. For example, cars will be able to communicate with each other on the streets to prevent accidents, and tailor-made furniture will be able to tell industrial production machines what exactly needs to be done to them. One day, the Internet of Things will be as important as the power grid is today. There is, however, still much research to be done, especially regarding the reliability of the Internet of Things. In particular, critical applications in health, traffic and production need to function perfectly at all times. Lead project researchers in the Field of Expertise Information, Communication & Computing at TU Graz are working on fundamental aspects that will enable computers embedded into everyday objects to function reliably, even under the most difficult conditions.
Konsortialführer/in bzw. Koordinator/in von mehreren TU Graz Instituten
Roderick Bloem
Univ.-Prof. Ph.D.
Kay Uwe Römer
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Inform. Dr.sc.ETH
Bernhard Aichernig
Ao.Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Marcel Carsten Baunach
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Inf. Univ. Dr.rer.nat.
Carlo Alberto Boano
Ass.Prof. Dott. Dott. mag. Dr.techn. MSc
Wolfgang Bösch
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. MBA
Maria Eichlseder
Dipl.-Ing. BSc
Jasmin Grosinger
Ass.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. BSc.
Martin Horn
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Gernot Kubin
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Erik Leitinger
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. BSc
Stefan Mangard
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Franz Pernkopf
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont.
Olga Saukh
bak. Ass.Prof. Dr.rer.nat. MSc
Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Martin Steinberger
Ass.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Reinhard Teschl
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Klaus Witrisal
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.
Nora Zakany
Teilnehmer*innen / Mitarbeiter*innen
Ahmad Bader Alothman Alterkawi
Dott. mag. B.Eng.
Masoud Ebrahimi
Bernhard Großwindhager
Dipl.-Ing. BSc
Christian Knoll
Dipl.-Ing. BSc
Maja Malenko
Michael Rath
Dipl.-Ing. BSc
Martin Tappler
Dipl.-Ing. BSc
Markus Tranninger
Dipl.-Ing. BSc
Samuel Weiser
Dipl.-Ing. BSc
Beginn: 31.12.2015
Ende: 30.03.2022
Graz University of Technology has been successfully involved in the field of educational robotics (the use of robots as an educational tool for teaching maths, computer science, natural sciences and technology) since 2007. In addition to the successful organisation of international robotics tournaments (RoboCup World Championship 2009, RoboCupJunior Austrian Open 2013), Graz University of Technology offers a range of support measures for schools, teachers and pupils. The steadily growing number of schools integrating robotics into lessons, the positive feedback from pupils and teachers, the excellent cooperation with schools and other educational institutions in Styria, the success stories and careers of former participants in robotics competitions for young talents and the continuously growing number of participants in these annual competitions are proof of the success of the Educational Robotics Initiative, which is largely supported by TU Graz. The aim now is to continue on this successful path, to realise concrete plans for the coming years and to develop new concepts and ideas in the field of educational robotics.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Teilnehmer*innen / Mitarbeiter*innen
Martin Kandlhofer
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Bakk.rer.soc.oec.
Beginn: 31.08.2014
Ende: 30.08.2017
First Responder frequently face critical situations whose reconnaissance and handling is significantly afflicted with personal risks. Modern robot technology can help to reduce these risks. Because of different technical and economic reasons such technology is hardly used by first responder nowadays. The aim of this project is to develop a model that allows first responder to request robot technology and experts easily and quickly in a crisis situation. The advantage of this model is that first responder to not have to hold available such complex and expensive technology and that it remains with an external specialized organization for training, maintenance and operation. First Responder frequently face critical situations whose reconnaissance and handling is significantly afflicted with personal risks. Moreover, due to critical weather situations and increased use of technology in daily life there are situation in which even response experts do not have access anymore (mudslide, hazard materials). Modern robot technology can help to reduce these risks and restrictions. Because of different technical and economic reasons such technology is hardly used by first responder nowadays. The aim of this project is to develop a model that allows first responder to request robot technology and experts easily and quickly in a crisis situation. Similar models already exist to request experts in chemistry or geology. The advantage of this model is that first responder to not have to hold available such complex and expensive technology and that it remains with an external specialized organization like an university or a company for training, maintenance and operation. In order to establish such a model realistic use cases have to be identified in cooperation with first responder. Based on these use cases tactical, technical and juridical requirements have to be defined to allow for an effective and save integration of external robots and experts into daily routine. Moreover, regulations for the external technology partner in terms of maintenance, documentation, training and standby service have to be defined in order to guarantee continuous technical quality and fast response times. The declared aim of the project is to develop a workable and well-founded model for the provision of robot technology to first responder. Moreover, the model has to be mature in order to be deployed in real missions without further development.
Konsortialführer/in bzw. Koordinator/in bei Kooperationen mit externen Organisationen
Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Teilnehmer*innen / Mitarbeiter*innen
Gerald Christian Lichtenegger
Ass.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Johannes Maurer
Dipl.-Ing. BSc
Beginn: 31.08.2014
Ende: 30.08.2015
In this project we investigate how automated testing and diagnosis can be used to improve the dependability of service robots in industrial envinronments. In particular the project focuses on the reuse of models and the integration into the development process.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Teilnehmer*innen / Mitarbeiter*innen
Clemens Mühlbacher
Dipl.-Ing. BSc
Beginn: 31.03.2014
Ende: 30.03.2017
The project objectives are summarised as follows: to promote cooperation, training, research and visibility in the field of search and rescue robots at the level of pupils, students, researchers, emergency services, disaster control authorities and the general public.
Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Teilnehmer*innen / Mitarbeiter*innen
Martin Kandlhofer
Dipl.-Ing. Bakk.rer.soc.oec.
Johannes Maurer
Beginn: 31.08.2011
Ende: 29.08.2014
If an autonomous robot has to robustly act in a dynamic real world environment, it has to be able to autonomously cope with unexpected, unforeseen or ambiguous situations. A common reason for such situations is that the current state of the world is inconsistent with the internal belief or knowledge base of the robot. For instance the robot believes that it is in a different office as it is in reality. Usually this is caused by uncertainties in the robots acting and sensing or by exogenous events the robot is not able to perceive or to control. If a robot is not aware of such situations it is doomed to fail in fulfill its task because the decision making of the robot relies on a consistent belief. Due to its reasoning capabilities humans are very good in handling such phenomena. They use common sense reasoning to detect such inconsistencies. Moreover, they are able to perform actions in order to reduce inconsistencies. For instance if a person does not exactly know in which floor of a building it may go back to the elevator or stair case and look for the right floor. In the project we propose a reasoning approach which allows a robot to detect inconsistencies in its belief (abstract knowledge base) and to derive repair actions which remove or at least reduce inconsistencies in its belief. The approach uses a background model (common sense knowledge) about how the robot and its environment should work and methods of model-based diagnosis to detect inconsistencies in the belief and to locate the root cause for the inconsistency, e.g., facts which are wrong or uncertain. Furthermore, the approach automatically generates repair plans the robot is able to perform in order to reduce the inconsistency by confirming or deleting facts from the knowledge base.
Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Teilnehmer*innen / Mitarbeiter*innen
Stephan Gspandl
Clemens Mühlbacher
Dipl.-Ing. BSc
Siegfried Podesser
Michael Reip
Beginn: 30.06.2010
Ende: 30.12.2012
Diagnose von Förderanlagen
Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Franz Wotawa
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Teilnehmer*innen / Mitarbeiter*innen
Ingo Hans Pill
Beginn: 30.04.2007
Ende: 30.01.2009
The Model-based Runtime Diagnosis for Autonomous Mobile Systems (MoRDAMS) project focuses an the modeling of hardware and soflware of mobile robots to allow for autonomous diagnosis and reconfiguration without human interaction. Automated diagnosis and reconfiguration of mobile robots would ensure their potential of use in real-world environments over a longer period of time. Currently, mobile robots require a lot of maintenance work which has to be provided online and offline. By introducing a self-repair capability a mobile robot would less sensitive to errors and malfunctioning. In order to use the developed models directly for diagnosis and reconfiguration the MoRDAMS project uses model-based reasoning techniques which has been successfully applied to diagnosis and reconfiguration in different domains, including software debugging and the automotive industry. The models which will be developed during the project will also be evaluated with respect to real-world test-cases. The obtained data from the realworld test-cases will be published in order to provide test-cases to the community for further studies. Hence, MoRDAMS will have an impact to the model-based reasoning field not only in modeling but also in providing real-world data. In summary the MoRDAMS project investigates: (1) modeling for diagnosis and reconfiguration of systems comprising hardware and Software, (2) how to apply model-based diagnosis and reconfiguration at runtime within a given time and given computational resources, and (3) extracting observations for diagnosis and reconfiguration from raw Sensor data.
Franz Wotawa
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Teilnehmer*innen / Mitarbeiter*innen
Bernhard Josef Peischl
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Jörg Weber
Beginn: 31.05.2005
Ende: 29.11.2007
Erstellung von prototypischer Software, die für die Erfüllung der Machbarkeitsstudie notwendig ist. Durchführung praktischer Tests der Software basierend auf bereitgestellter Hardware. Spezifikation von Sensoren
Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Franz Wotawa
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Teilnehmer*innen / Mitarbeiter*innen
Martin Weiglhofer
Beginn: 31.01.2005
Ende: 29.07.2005
Erstellung von prototypischer Software, die für die Erfüllung der Machbarkeitsstudie notwendig ist. Durchführung praktischer Tests der Software basierend auf bereitgestellter Hardware. Spezifikation von Sensoren
Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Franz Wotawa
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Teilnehmer*innen / Mitarbeiter*innen
Beginn: 31.01.2005
Ende: 29.07.2005
The Robot Soccer World Cup (known as the RoboCup) Games and Conferences are a series of competitions and events designed to promote the full integration of AI and robotics research. Robotic soccer provides a good test-bed for evaluation of various research, e.g. artificial intelligence, robotics, image processing, system engineering and multi-agent systems. In the Middle Size League (MSL) teams of fully autonomous robots with a size of up to 50cm x 50cm x 80 cm play soccer against each other. The MSL provides a serious challenge for many research disciplines including multi-robot cooperative teams, autonomous navigation, sensor fusion, vision-based perception, automatic reasoning, and mechanical design, to name only a few. All these topics have to be tackled in order to solve the RoboCup challenge. Therefore, RoboCup needs truly interdisciplinary research. Furthermore, approaches developed in the MSL will find their way to applications in other domains like service robots. As mentioned above research in the field of autonomous mobile robots is a very interdisciplinary and wide area. Therefore, hardly any group is able to achieve high quality research in all topics. Our group concentrates its work on flexible, symbol-based and robust approaches for the control of autonomous mobile robots in a wide area of domains and for various tasks. We subsume this under the name "Robust Intelligent Control for Autonomous Systems". The main research topics of our group are: robust abstarct control for mobile robots, model-based diagnosis for autonomous systems and sensor-based navigation.
Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Teilnehmer*innen / Mitarbeiter*innen
Gordon Fraser
Stefan Galler
Stephan Gspandl
Michael Hofbaur
Ao.Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Martin Kandlhofer
Dipl.-Ing. Bakk.rer.soc.oec.
Johannes Maurer
Dipl.-Ing. BSc
David Monichi
Monika Schubert
Jörg Weber
Martin Weiglhofer
Franz Wotawa
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Beginn: 31.12.2001
Ende: 30.12.2024

Prof. Dr. Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner