

Basic knowledge and advanced topics of control and automation engineering are taught in many interesting lectures as well as  in calculation and laboratory classes.



Academic and practical problems of control and automation engineering are studied wtihin the framework of several research projects and industrial cooperations.



Every two year the Styrian Workshop on Automatic Control takes place at Retzhof castle. Current topics of Control Engineering and Automation will be discussed with industry members and researchers.


Institute of Automation and Control

The Institute of Automation and Control is part of the Faculty of Electrical and Information Engineering at Graz University of Technology. Its teaching and research activities focus on the modeling of complex technical systems as well as the design and practical implementation of control algorithms for feedback control of relevant process parameters. The main research of the institute focuses among other areas on Sliding-Mode Control Concepts and Networked Control Systems.

Study Electrical Engineering in Graz

Studying Electrical Engineering at TU Graz is a great choice. Work on technologies like autonomous vehicles, electrical power grids, microelectronics and many more. Find out more!


Retzhof 2024

In September 2024, the 23rd Styrian Workshop on Automatic Control was held at Retzhof Castle. Industry professionals and academics presented on current topics in control engineering and automation. As part of the workshop, participants enjoyed a guided tour of the Botanical Garden in Graz as a social event.



Open Lab 2024

On April 17, 2024 was once again Open Lab day at the institute. Live demos of lab experiments, topics for bachelor and master theses, and current research projects were presented.


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Contact information

Institute of Automation and Control
Graz University of Technology
Inffeldgasse 21/B
8010 Graz

Tel.: +43 (0) 316 / 873 - 7021
Fax: +43 (0) 316 / 873 - 7028

Bachelor-/Masterprojects and theses

Find the perfect master’s thesis topic! Explore a diverse selection of exciting and innovative bachelor’s and master’s projects and theses here.


Award for excellent grades!

Excellent students will be honoured with a coffee cup with the institute's logo in the course of a special ceremony.

Review the requirements and sign up here.