is a type of mini-conference that aims to provide a forum for PhD students to present their research and/or research proposals, to receive feedback from colleagues and to expand their network of contacts with other PhD students, PostDocs and Professors active in our Doctoral School.
According to the "Curriculum for the Doctoral Programme in Technical or Natural Sciences" in the version of 2019 and in force since October 2020, all PhD students are required to publicly present their research proposal and work plan in the first year of their PhD studies. This public presentation will take place during DocDay VT.
It is strongly recommended that PhD students take part in this event and that their participation is active (i.e. submitting an abstract for oral or poster presentation). This will allow them to gain credits for their doctoral studies, as a presentation will count towards the completion of course 669.007 "DissertantInnenseminar / PhD student's seminar", which is a compulsory course in our doctoral programmes.